In this fight, two were left bloodied after a head was smashed by baseball bat.
I'll be posting HD video as I go through it in this thread.
The presence of firearms in these fights raised the stakes, but no shots were fired.
Most of the right apparently met somewhere else, but a handful of III% and confederate people met right by the FLOWER Coalition's meetup spot. They were confronted and called "traitor."
Tensions began to rise as a bottle of urine was poured onto the Confederate people.
"Fuck your rag!" protesters said as they set it on fire.
Hill began keeping his hand on his holstered handgun. Ultimately, the anti-Confederate put his away.
A Coalition Of Armed Labor @ArmedLabor activist told him he'd have safe passage if he'd get in truck and leave.
The police seemed not to particularly care, but he saluted them and told him he's with them.
This was the first flag swipe/burn stunt I saw at that location.
The situation was escalating in tension but didn't turn into punches.
A couple right-wingers then maced the @flowerunited crowd.
It was startling (especially with so many guns around) and caused some coughing but - to be clear - it wasn't a chemical irritant like tear gas.
I tried to take a photo of his shirt, and he tried to grab my camera.
He then did the same to a female photog.
Later in my footage, you'll see how the police ended the event, but the short answer is: Police never stepped between two sides. No intervening in violence.
As it burned, a black-bloc clad activist with a shotgun said "Fuck that fucking flag and everything it stands for."
As one left, someone threw a water bottle at the car, and another kicked it, denting it.
An armed Confederate guy then claimed "You don't want peace, you want to die. That's assault on a home. That's death right there."
Police Chief Chancey H. Troutman of Stone Mountain PD led lines of riot cops to clear the streets by pushing both sides in one direction.
"What? What? Spay it motherfucker!"
The cop maced the crowd.
I wasn't directly hit or blinded but my skin burned until I showered at the hotel.
"Call the manager Karen," he said.
A cop invited him to take his gun safety class.

In a statement to CBS46, they boast "zero injury complaints, zero arrests, and no uses of force."…