#1 The NBS @nigerianstat publishes the Labour Force Statistics quarterly.
#2 The report was not published for 6 quarters, missing Q4 2018, all of 2019, and Q1 2020.

#3 The latest report is for Q2 2020 and was published Aug 14, 2020 having published the last Q3 2018.
#4 Nigeria's population is divided into 2;
1. Working Age population [15-64yrs]
2. Non-working Age population. [0-14 & 65yrs+]
#5 Working Age Population as at Q2 2020 is 116.9m
#6 For some within 15 & 64yrs age range that can't work like Students, Housewives, etc, we then have Labour Force Population
#7 Labour Force Population: People who are able & are willing to work. Now 80.3m
#8 This shows that there are some 36.6m Nigerians within 15-64yrs who are not able or/and willing to work.
#9 The Labour Force Population is further divided into 3 categories;
a. Fully Employed
b. Underemployed, and
c. Unemployed
#10 The Fully Employed are those that work 40hrs+ weekly. They are currently 35.6m.
#11 The Underemployed work between 20-39hrs weekly. They are 22.9m.
#12 The Unemployed are in 2 classes; Those who:
a. Work between 0-19hrs weekly
b. Did Nothing
#13 Total Unemployed is 21.8m subdivided into:
a. Work 0-19hrs weekly: 12.4m
b. Did Nothing: 9.4m
#14 This makes Nigeria's Unemployment rate stand at 27.1%.
#15 If Nigeria aligns with most countries who use 1hr of work weekly to judge employment status...
#16 ...Nigeria will have 9.4m as Unemployed & the Unemployment Rate [UR] will be 11.7% [i.e. 9.4/80.3].
Working Age: 116.9m
Labour Force: 80.3m
Fully employed: 35.6m
Underemployed: 22.9m
Unemployed: 21.8m [UR: 27.1%]
#18 The Labour Force Population is further categorized by Educational Qualification, Age Group, Geographical Settlement, & Gender.
#19 Labour Force analysis by Gender; Male: 41.7m & Female: 38.6m
#20 Of 41.7m Males that are able & willing to work;
Fully employed: 21.1m
Underemployed: 11m
Unemployed: 9.6m [UR: 22.9%]
#21 Of 38.6m Females that are able & willing to work;
Fully employed: 14.4m
Underemployed: 12m
Unemployed: 12.2m [UR: 31.6%]
#22 Labour Force by Geographical Settlement:
RURAL: 51.8m Labour Force
Fully employed: 20.9m
Underemployed: 16.3m
Unemployed: 14.5m [UR: 28.0%]
#23 URBAN: 28.5m Labour Force
Fully employed: 14.7m
Underemployed: 6.6m
Unemployed: 7.3m [UR: 25.4%]
#24 Labour Force by Age Group: 15-24yrs
Labour Force: 16.7m
Fully employed: 4.8m
Underemployed: 5.1m
Unemployed: 6.8m [UR: 40.8%]
#25 Age Group 25-34yr
Labour Force: 23.3m
Fully employed: 10m
Underemployed: 6.2m
Unemployed: 7.2m [UR: 30.7%]
#26 Age Group 35-44yr
Labour Force: 20.1m
Fully employed: 10.3m
Underemployed: 5.7m
Unemployed: 4.1m [UR: 20.4%]
#27 Age Group 45-54yr
Labour Force: 13.1m
Fully employed: 7.2m
Underemployed: 3.7m
Unemployed: 2.2m [UR: 17.1%]
#28 Age Group 55-64yr
Labour Force: 7.0m
Fully employed: 3.4m
Underemployed: 2.2m
Unemployed: 1.4m [UR: 20.4%]
#29 Analysis by Educational Qualification
Fully employed: 6.3m
Underemployed: 5.8m
Unemployed: 3.7m [UR: 23.6%]
Fully employed: 23,234
Underemployed: 22,841
Unemployed: 39,635 [UR: 46.2%]
PRY: 14.8m
Fully employed: 7.1m
Underemployed: 4.6m
Unemployed: 3.2m [UR: 21.4%]
JSS: 5m
Fully employed: 2.1m
Underemployed: 1.6m
Unemployed: 1.4m [UR: 27%]
Fully employed: 157K
Underemployed: 73.7K
Unemployed: 50.4K [UR: 17.9%]
SSS: 28.6m
Fully employed: 13.3m
Underemployed: 7.1m
Unemployed: 8.1m
UR: 28.5%
Fully employed: 2.9m
Underemployed: 1.6m
Unemployed: 2m
UR: 30.8%
Bachelor/HND: 7m
Fully employed: 2.8m
Underemployed: 1.4m
Unemployed: 2.8m
UR: 40.9%
Fully employed: 284K
Underemployed: 117K
Unemployed: 120K
UR: 22.9%
Fully employed: 39.3K
Unemployed: 17.8K
UR: 23.3%
OTHERS: 1.6m
Fully employed: 695,408
Underemployed: 632,005
Unemployed: 291,560
UR: 18.0%
#30 Comparing Nigeria with the other countries, with Unemployment Rate of 11.7, Nigeria is ranked 41st in the World and with a Misery Index of 39.66%.