It's important to understand new automation tech is exponentially more accessible than what we've seen to-date
It will define the 2020s not just for our profession, but for a new, web-enabled business environment
Nocode will define the 2020s in a more powerful way because it encompasses 👉all work👈
It will profoundly impact your clients, and once they discover it, they will be speaking a different business language to you. #taxtwitter
It wasn't until I replaced a lot of accountants that I accepted this was where we're headed 😟
👉This is not a rationale to disregard innovation👈
Automation is not binary, it's a spectrum. Virtually every aspect of what we do today can stand to be more automated than it currently is.
We don't live in a black & white world. If they can replace 10% of you, 1 out of 10 us will be replaced.
I don't spend 90% of my time building human relationships.
We are the last generation who will struggle through doing things in a manual way.
We've all thought, this junior associate will never do X, how will they understand Y?
So who better to build the future of accounting than you?
A future focused on people, not Work.
*To a degree* they're right, but they overlook the nuance in what we do.
That's what makes you 👉🤓👈 the hero in this story
Nocode tools unite the work we do regardless of where it happens
API connectors like @zapier connect web apps, scrapers pull data from legacy web tools, RPA manages tasks at the desktop-level.
These tools are now accessible to simpletons like you & I
1⃣ Personal productivity 📈
2⃣ Team productivity 📈📈📈
3⃣ Client productivity 📈x100
Start out with the goal to make yourself 2x more productive.
This is attainable within a reasonable amount of time (<2 years)
Once you've reached this threshold, your greatest gains will be had by pivoting your focus to your team & your clients
Instill what you've learned into your team. Build a team around you that leans into these tools.
The benefits will be exponential as those team members then instill this approach into future team members.
This is where the benefits are truly off the charts
If you're ahead of this movement, you can be the one to introduce it to your clients:
-Selling products
What started with your personal productivity can now be captured at scale.
I'm building a community of nocode accountants and I'd love for you to be part of it
This topic is important to me, and if you're still here then it must be important to you as well
We will solve for 1, 2 & 3 above, and it will be accessible for 👉all👈
Here's a janky cactus landing page. I look forward to collaborating:…