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Jun 2nd 2023
Life is Fast!

We all feel like we never have enough time, so i bring you:

15 Mind-Blowing AI Tools to Revolutionize Your Life and Save You Time!

Let's get to it! 👇 15 Mind-Blowing AI Tools to...
1. Text Blaze

🔸 Revolutionizing Typing and Automation!
🔸 Say goodbye to repetitive typing and errors with Text Blaze!

#TextBlaze #AITool #Automation #Writing
2. Loopin

🔸 Enhancing Meetings with AI Assistance!
🔸Revolutionize your meetings with Loopin’s AI meeting assistant!

#Loopin #AITool #AIAssistant #AI
Read 20 tweets
May 30th 2023
Il est possible à présent de créer un site à l'aide d'une SEULE PHRASE !

Ce tool IA est juste révolutionnaire.

Déroule, car en plus c'est gratuit.

[THREAD] Image
Je me suis abstenu jusqu'à présent de dire que les Web Designers sont finis. Mais cet outil a changé la donne.

Fini le codage, avec cet outil tu peux créer ton site avec une simple description textuelle…
Cet outil c'est Dora AI

Pour l'instant la version Beta est gratuite.

Pour rejoindre la liste d'attente… Image
Read 5 tweets
May 24th 2023
#SalesGPT is the "context-aware" AI Sales Agent that can revolutionize the sales industry 👀

It can make personalized calls, handle objections, follow up persistently - leaving your sales team more time for strategic tasks 🧵👇

@finetuner_ai #nocode #buildinpublic @LangChainAI
Originally published by @FilipMichalsky , it leverages @LangChainAI and was inspired by #babyagi architecture. Image
What does "context-aware" mean? Well, SalesGPT understands the flow and stage of a sales conversation. Whether it's prospecting, nurturing, presenting, or closing - it knows where it is in the conversation and adapts accordingly.
Read 7 tweets
May 15th 2023
🧵🌡️🔥 Heat & Heat Safety Twitter Series! 🔥🌡️

As temperatures rise due to climate change, it's vital to understand the impact of heat and prioritize our safety. In this series, we'll explore various aspects of heat and practical tips for safety. Let's dive into 4 info sections:

Learn how heat and humidity work together, the complications of heat, humidity, and direct sunlight, the rise in temperatures caused by climate change, and the significance of wet bulb temperature.
Heat and humidity go hand in hand. Humidity makes it harder for our bodies to cool down through sweat evaporation, making us feel hotter and more uncomfortable. #HeatUnderstanding
Read 29 tweets
May 15th 2023
Drowning in newsletters?

Can't read them all, but want to stay up to date?

Use @OpenAI's ChatGPT and @zapier to automatically summarize them and build a rollup for you every day.

Here's how:
1. Trigger Zap upon receiving email

Select the “new email matching search” event.

Set up a search filter based on the addresses of all the newsletters you get. So it will look something like:

FROM: OR Image
2. Format date

Convert the complex date/time string from the email to something cleaner, like below. I strongly recommend converting to your own time zone to prevent confusion. Image
Read 17 tweets
May 14th 2023
🌟😲 Wow! Google Bard has an incredible new use case! It can now help you create plugins for ChatGPT using @LangChainAI without any coding 🚀🔌🤖 By crawling Github repos, it opens up endless possibilities!

Check it in action. 🎥👇
#GoogleBard #ChatGPT #NoCode… Image
🔐👨‍💻👩‍💻 If you wanna access code prompts on Bard,
1️⃣ Like ❤️
2️⃣ Retweet 🔁
3️⃣ Comment "Bard" 💬
and I'll send you a dm 📩
Check the video below to 📝 the response of Google Bard for a prompt to create a ChatGPT plugins using our GitHub library. 🎬👇

#GoogleBard #ChatGPT #plugins
Read 4 tweets
May 11th 2023
Welcome to #chatbotvoice2023 from Berlin.

I'm throwing up some tidbits around #conversationalai live from the 5th World Chatbots & Voice Summit from Berlin.
First up, Christoph from @GetCyara

We're talking testing and assuring quality in #conversationalai Image
Testing is an impossible manual task and it needs to be automated. Done wrong, it can cost heavily. So it is a huge, but important challenge. Image
Read 83 tweets
May 2nd 2023
Woah!! 🤯

I got it working!!! 😮

🎉 Build an AI shopping assistant for your online store with #nocode🚀

In this demo, I make an AI chatbot from a @Flipkart store spreadsheet export in seconds.

The future of ecommerce? 🛍️🛒

How it works 👀⬇️🧵
@Flipkart lets you make a custom AI chatbot for your website, but some users wanted this:

Upload CSV 👉 Get AI chatbot trained on your stores items!

We can do that! Now we need filters, but why add buttons when we have #LLM?

Chat UX > Traditional UI @dharmesh 😉
@Flipkart @dharmesh I used @LangChainAI retriever for Self Query, Basically, we chain LLMs together.

One is responsible for constructing filters to apply to the metadata (like cost) from the natural language query

"Get me🥻dress types under $400"

The filtered results are passed to your main LLM
Read 6 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
Levantar💰de un inversionista no es para todos

Los datos dicen que solo el 7% de los founders logra conseguir financiamiento 😪

Aquí tienes 9 pasos para empezar sin💰haciendo Bootstrapping y luego conseguir inversión 🎉

El 9 es clave!

Voy con hilo🧵
1/9 - Paciencia

Hacer bootstrapping requiere paciencia 🧘

Olvida la mentalidad de HUSTLER y ve paso a paso

Dedica los esfuerzos a crear tu MVP. Es el que te dará ingresos💰

Dato: Hazlo barato con #NoCode
2/9 - Equipo

🧑‍🤝‍🧑Los founders deben complementarse

✅El equipo ideal: Programador, Marketing & Hustler

🫂Olvídate de contratar en los inicios. Esto te ayudará a ahorrar dinero
Read 10 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
If you're not using no-code, you're missing out!

8 cutting-edge no-code/AI tools to help you 10x your business:

(Don't miss out): Image
1. Clipchamp

Why you want to use it :

*Video editor is easy to use 100% FREE.
→ Templates to be fast
→ Stock video and images
→ Perfect to promote your business
2.  Lemon Squeezy

Why you want to use it:

Start selling your digital products for FREE.

→ Create an account
→ Add your products in 3 clicks
→ Get paid on your bank or PayPal account
Read 11 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
These 5 websites are gonna change the world as we know it.

A Thread🧵
1. Ritesonic

The even better version of ChatGPT because it actually connects to the internet.

You can access information from 2021 and even create art all in the same tool.

Go to - Image
2. Runway

An AI video editor that lets you green screen, remove videos, remove items in videos and even motion tracking. This might put your video editor out of business.

Go to - Image
Read 8 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
5 Useful Websites I Wish I Knew Earlier:

A Thread🧵
1. Jotform

Has over 10,000 form templates that you can add on to your website so you can capture more leads.

Go to - Image
2. Opensource Alternative

Has free open source alternatives to some of the top products online.

Go to - Image
Read 8 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023
💪 Check out these top-notch #nocode tools that can help you automate, streamline, and optimize your workflow in no time! 🚀

A Thread🧵 Image
1/7. Need to automate repetitive tasks and workflows?

Check out @zapier, a powerful no-code automation tool that can help you streamline your business processes and save time.
2/7. Want to create step-by-step tutorials or product demos without any coding?

Try @Tango_HQ, a no-code walkthroughs platform that can help you create interactive and engaging tutorials in minutes.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 19th 2023
How are you so prepared for COVID?

I buried my lover in 1993 due to HIV AIDS after spending six years helping out with activism, drugs and policy.

So I knew to do a few things in January 2020 to now. 🧵1/6
1. Started wearing masks, because protection from infection is rule one.

2. Started stocking up on food, and medical supplies, because it wouldn't be there (and it wasn't during the early stages)

3. Started informing my friends and family to be safe. 2/6
4. Built a system to keep my neighborhood supported with volunteers, skills and supplies.

5. Started researching alternative meds, supplements.

6. Got vaccinated day 1 I was allowed. 3/6
Read 21 tweets
Apr 3rd 2023
13 insanely useful AI tools you’ll be kicking yourself you didn’t know (until now):
1. Wonderdynamics

It's like having a complete studio at your fingertips.

This tool animates, adds characters, lighting into a live scene.
2. Genmo

Create and edit videos or images from text using GPT-4.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
Friday with @framer. ✨ Recently I realized that I bookmarked dozens of inspiring Framer resources & tutorials. Let me share them with you folks in this MEGA thread! 🧵

#framer #nocode #uidesign
1. Shimmer effect
Jurre Houtkamp (@jurrehoutkamp) shared a guide on how to add an impressive looping shimmer effect to your framer elements:

2. Adding effects with code without coding knowledge

This is one of the most interesting tutorials I've noticed recently. You do not have to learn to program to override code in Framer. Simply guide chatGPT to help you. By Nabeel Jawahir (@itsnotnabeel)

Read 12 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
👱‍♀️Ella: estudió marketing

🧔🏻‍♂️ Él: estudió AD

Los dos trabajan en la misma empresa.

👱‍♀️en el equipo de marketing y 🧔🏻‍♂️ en el de ventas.

Los dos tienen el mismo problema, los dos sienten la misma frustración diaria.

Sigue 👇 que igual te sientes indentificad@
👱‍♀️ tiene miles de ideas para hacer crecer la empresa.

🧔🏻‍♂️ miles de ideas para vender más.

Pero ninguno de los dos sabe cómo hacerlo, cómo llevar sus ideas a la realidad digital…

Por eso tanto 👱‍♀️ como 🧔🏻‍♂️ siempre van a pedirlo a sus amigos developers y…
Aquí es donde se lía, donde aparece la frustración.

Los devs 👨‍💻 ponen sus ideas en prioridad BAJA, porque tienen miles de cosas antes.

¿Esto que significa? Que sus grandes ideas estarán listas en unos 2-3 meses…

bufff 🤦 espera 👇
Read 7 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
Templates are actually apps

There's a huge economy out there building templates for different apps: Notion, Excel, and now @tana_inc

I've always thought about these as "information products" – but I think I was wrong.
Earlier this week Tana launched a big new feature: templates.

Templates are an interesting feature, because they build a growth-loop that's otherwise hard to get:

they make using your app easier for beginners AND they incentivize others to build templates.
For Notion in particular there's a HUGE creator economy around building and selling templates. Look at @TomFrankly's business over the last year or so.

But the same goes for Excel and other apps. Hell, Jason Fried made his first money online selling FileMaker templates.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
AI is the future.

I created 200 AI startup business ideas to start right now and take advantage of the opportunity.

I'm giving the entire database away, FREE.

To get it:
Follow, Like, Retweet, Comment 'send'

& I'll DM it to you, for free.
Are you interested in automation, #nocode, sales, SaaS, and marketing? Join 8k others and register for our FREE newsletter!…

Thanks for the support!
Here you go 💝
Read 3 tweets
Feb 24th 2023
Some No-Code Tech Jobs Of 2023.

A thread 🧵
- Product Manager

They identify customer needs and oversees the development of a marketable product that satisfies those needs. Their primary role is to guide a cross-functional team of designers, developers, and marketers to build & launch a product…
- Content Strategist

A content strategist plans, manages, and executes a brand's content strategy. This role is ideal for creatives who enjoy strategic thinking and planning
Read 8 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
bookmark this 🧵:
5 of my favorite vids under 5 mins explaining AI/machine learning at a beginner level!

#1: What Is Artificial Intelligence?

#ai #tutorial #beginners #nocode #chatgpt
#2: DALL-E Explained by @openai

This video is under three minutes and is made by the developers of DALL-E! It explains how DALL-E was trained and how it works to create cool images.
#3: From Duke University, AI explained in under 2 minutes!

A little light on details but good if you're in a rush.

Read 7 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
Ya sabes que #Web3 es un ecosistema incipiente pero con gran futuro del #SectorIT. ¿Quieres aprender sobre el futuro de la #web con 4⃣ recursos 🔝🔝 GRATIS y 1⃣ de pago? En este HILO 🧵lo tienes TODO ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #blockchain #programacion #software #it
Como introducción, en sólo 2⃣h, @midudev con @gndx nos ofrecen esta tremenda introducción a #web3 con #javascript 💛 #programacion #blockchain #informatica #tecnologia
Si estás un poco perdido con el tema de #Web3, este vídeo de @CaveCoder es ORO puro. Un roadmap con todo lo que necesitas para adentrarte en este ecosistema. MUY 🔝🔝 #informatica #blockchain #bitcoin #programacion #tecnologia
Read 9 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
Convert your website into an app without any coding knowledge and investment in time or resources.

Yes, you heard that right 🤯

(A thread) 👇🧵 Image
Say goodbye to the conventional way of creating apps and all the troubles that come with app-building projects.

Twinr lets you build mobile applications with #nocode.
How can you do it?

It has a simple four-step process to convert any website into an app.

1. Enter Basic details
2. Customize via the UI
3. Preview
4. Publish and Deploy
Read 5 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
You're building your audience, but don't have time to say "hi!" to every single new follower.

Question is: How can you manage to automate this?

Follow this steps and you'll save few hours a week! #Nocode is needed! auto-DM exemple sent using NoCodeEasy workflow for the new DM on TwitterZapier workflow: using ChatGPT to add a personalized content
Here's how you can reach each of your new followers, using @zapier , @make_hq, @airtable , #ChatGPT (@OpenAI) and Twitter, without a single click, just by using the power of #nocode !
The logic is quite easy: you'll need a trigger and some actions...

STEP 1 : Trigger when you have a new follower (using @zapier, as Make doesn't have this trigger): get their name, description, and ID
Read 8 tweets

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