A short thread.
August 12, 2016: An unnamed rainstorm floods across 21 parishes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Loui…
Yet, there was near silence.

In both cases, it took days of pressure from locals on Twitter for some national outlets to cover the storms.
Mainly – it means more help.
Read more here: disaster-ology.com/home/2016/8/16…
More here:
More here: disaster-ology.com/home/2016/8/22…
Last I checked he had not gone (which is for the best for reasons I explain here: disaster-ology.com/home/2012/09/h…)
“The systems we have in place to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from these events do not have the ability to deal with so many disasters at once.”
Disasters are going to keep happening when there are other stories to cover.
We need you to do both.