14 years later, Cressida Dick and Scotland Yard remain silent.
I then gave notice of my intention to commence legal action against the Met Police and Richmond Council for the frame ups and falsification of paperwork.
I saw later that they have a form for Data Protection Act requests. The CPS were fobbing me off.

And if you care about the justice system, you will be horrified at the lengths Her Majesty's Court Service went to in this case.
The committal bundle is supposed to contain all the witness statements and evidence that the prosecution wish to rely on for the charge being tried at the Crown Court.
It instead comprised of paperwork relating to Copyright offences which were not trialable at the Crown Court.
You will not find the 1 Alicia Keys CD in there.

And furthermore, the CD in question does not even appear in the papers.
Usually when people are set up it is difficult to prove, but here it can be proved easily, just see the committal bundle.
And Russell Cooke Solicitors actions only got worse.
When that didn't work, they threatened me with legal action if I did not return it.
And with it being the original fax to 5 Paper Buildings, it is verification that they were the papers used at the time.
And being tried with no paperwork or evidence relating to the charge...
And being tried without your own witnesses...
But HM Court Service left nothing to chance, not even the jury!
When someone threatens legal action it usually means litigation. I had no idea that legal action meant that they would be sitting on my jury!
This was stated in my defence case statement and at trial.
No evidence, no case papers, no witnesses, no jurisdiction to even try the matter & even when the jury is compromised, HM Court Service proceeds with the trial.
And then a complete stranger came to my rescue to stop me from being imprisoned. A man named Solomon Green from the Richmond Upon Thames area heard about my case and was horrified.
He even appointed solicitors on my behalf.
And by the grace of God, I walked free.
This is what you call real charity. His name is Solomon Green. May the blessings of the LORD be upon him and his family.
My appeal lodged in 2008, yet to be heard. Stuck with null and void conviction on my name.
The Judges have even stated on court record "please stop...I do not want to hear the breaches."
As HM Court Service have remained silent, I have unwittingly owned their hashtag --> #HMCTS since 2015.

But the UK Authorities wouldn't allow us to move on. They have invested a lot time and resources into this.
And they continued to try to take away our liberty.
Another party then gets involved and the same pattern has continued throughout the entire targeted operation.
The good news is that it also went totally wrong for Richmond Council and they were forced to return thousands of pounds.
They have also never explained their actions.
Direct Line and the Financial Ombudsman have never explained their actions.
The monies Direct Line pocketed years earlier was unexpectedly returned to us through the grace of God.

Adecco silent whilst over 10,000 Adecco caught out & silent T-Shirt Competitions have since come and gone
A prime example is British Gas whom we never had a problem with for over 35 years until the UK Authorities started their operation.
They said it was their error (wrong account number on pre-printed giro slip) & they apologised.
So that should have been the end of the story.
It's because British Gas wanted to proceed with their unlawful enforcement
And as with every party involved, they were given a notice of publication for their right of reply & British Gas remained silent.

And the short answer is that because everything in this case went completely wrong for the UK Authorities, they have been abusing their powers to make it go away.
The harassment is done to antagonise the target with the intention that they retaliate.
Asda should not be playing with peoples lives.
Asda have since apologised.

The Body Shop have since apologised.
The Metropolitan Police spoke to my mum for over an hour without even taking her name.
This means worse than drunks, drug dealers, rapists, thugs etc.