Total deaths for Jamaica is now 15.
COVID-19 in the last 24 hours: 10 from the backlog samples and 88 from the new samples
The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Jamaica is now 1,290.
Total recoveries are now at 788 (61% recovery rate). 71 (5.5%) patients were repatriated to their countries of origin.
There are now 416 (32.2%) active cases currently under
There are EIGHT moderately ill patients.
There is ONE critically ill at this time.
- 429 imported cases;
- 404 cases that are contacts of confirmed cases;
- 104 local transmission cases not epidemiologically linked;
- 236 related to the workplace cluster in St. Catherine; and
- 117 are under investigation
The ages of all confirmed cases range from 2 months to 88 years.
So far, 50,683 samples have been tested with 49,279 negative; and 114 pending.
In the last 24 hours, 1,468 new samples were tested.
Currently there are two parishes with communities under quarantine: Clarendon and St. Thomas.
Sandy Bay in Clarendon & in St. Thomas, the quarantine areas are Lower Summit, Church Corner & Bamboo River.
The quarantine in these communities will end on September 2.
The quarantine period began at 5:00 am today (Thursday, August 20, 2020), will run for 14 days, ending September 2.
Many of the cases are symptomatic, which is a cause for concern and suggests that there may be ongoing transmission in the communities.
Shopping Days in these communities remain – Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

- Maintaining a physical distance of six feet from each other
- Wearing masks when physical distancing is not possible such as in crowded situations.
- Staying at home and avoiding crowds.
- Obeying quarantine and isolation orders as given by the public health authorities.
EVERYONE has a part to play so we can beat COVID-19.
The backlog only had 10 positives & 88 current.