59 in Florida
58 in Texas
34 in Ohio
30 in Pennsylvania
26 in Michigan
15 in North Carolina
12 in Virginia
12 in Wisconsin
11 in Georgia
He just said removed machines won’t be reinstalled. This is major crisis
DeJoy: “There’s no intention to do that. They’re not needed”
In 2018 USPS decommissioned 3 percent of Delivery Bar Code Sorters. In 2019 it was 5 percent. This year it's 13 percent
Trump said he won't fund USPS b/c he doesn't want mail voting to be expanded
DeJoy won't reverse decisions like removing 671 high speed mail sorting machines before Nov that will slow delivery & could lead to rejected ballots
The scrutiny needs to continue

-give $25 billion to USPS
-restore overtime to USPS workers
-prohibit removal of mail sorting machines & mailboxes
-require all election mail be treated as first class mail