1. The emergence of the flyer announcing #KapilMishra's role on the panel that would launch the book on #DelhiRiots.
2. The relentless outrage on social media (expected).
3. The book launch cancelled just hours before the scheduled time.
Doesn't this seem a tad too scripted?
I'm finding it very hard to believe that #Bloomsbury hadn't done any due diligence thus far (like seriously?), & chose to renege today owing to a sudden moral awakening. The Right Wing knew this all along - they just wanted to use this as a bait to counter the Liberal Brigade
I can almost feel it - this is just the start of a conscious attempt to prove that, in some cases, liberals have v thin skins and anuses that get inflamed easily. Further, the proceedings will be mangled to engineer a rift among public intellectuals - signs visible already.
The right wing public intellectuals know that the footage they enjoy is more a function of state-backed coercion than organic patronage. They want this second bit too and this is a start. The liberal intelligentsia ought to tread very carefully!