Essentially I suggested that he condemn the violence being propagated by the Leftist agenda, this may interest you @Riley__Welch when you vote.

Is this is who you want being the voice of the #BBN because it gets worse @UKCoachCalipari . I am sure this is educated voting opinion you referred to earlier.

Happens everday across America by your standards.. awesome.
Your word salad about per capita does not negate the fact that shootings have doubled in NYC this year over last year.

What about this:

Or worse..he does understand and just gives zero F’s so long as his woke world is all good.
Here is an example of what leftists create:

But ya know @KySportsRadio I don’t want to clog up your mentions with these harsh realities... Twitter bully😂

The “democrat” leftist agenda you are trying to push while appearing to condemn violence is well... a lie
This violence is 💯 political, that’s what becoming ungovernable means @DukeLaw graduate.

Many people subscribe to this ideology, I could care less, YOU use this ideology to belittle members of the #BBN , see the difference?

The #BBN deserves better and I have no doubt someone will give it to them.
@louisvillemayor ?
They put 60 AK-47 shells into his car, but muh...gun control🙄

I’m sure you will dedicate as much time on your glam show as you did for #GeorgeFloyd
His name was David Boggs.

How about this little girl and her 21 yr old dad that were killed by “random” gunfire in the west end of #Louisville. I’m sure he can pretzel bend in a way that insures THIS is because of racism.SMDH

I mean don’t we have running gun battles on the Watterson every day?
How do you even look yourself in the mirror after belittling #BBN members like @AaronVF88 and @Aaron_Fox84 for telling you the truth. I know how...insanity.

The good news, people like me will be waiting here to help you through it.
The bad news, some people won’t be so forgiving.
Americans, particularly Kentuckians, hate violence and hypocrisy @KySportsRadio regardless of what you say, your (lack of) actions say all that needs to be said.
You already know it.