Solutions: 1) Refactor methods 2) Rename methods to more declarative unes 3) break methods 4) If a comment describe what a method does. Just name the method with this description
Solutions 1) Find methods related to attributes 2) Cluster this methods 3) Break the object related to those clusters 4) Find real objects related to this new objects and replace existing references
Solutions 1) Replace constants with parameters so you can mock them 2) The constant definition is often a different object than the constar (ab)user 3) Group the cohesive parameters
Accidental Coupling
Bad Models
Premature Optimization
1 Do not Mix Ids with objects.
2 Ids are only necessary when giving reference to an external system.
3 Objects know objects by references. not by Ids
#codesmell 14: model objects persisting/retrieving
Premature optimization
No testability
Break up functions into smaller functions
Create private functions
Create a Method Object
#Codesmell 16: Overriding concrete implementation
Subclass deciding NOT to do what is declared by super
Bad Cohesion
Subclassing for code reuse
Break inheritance
Move default implementation down
Favor Composition
#CodeSmell 17: Naming a variable is a Bad Naming smell
Names too abstract referring to metamodel like:
Are code smells.
Find which real world roles are misrepresented on your code
#CodeSmell 18: avoid too abstract names.
Implementative Naming is a code smell.
Repository is an awful name.
Think about real world names like:
CodeSmell #19: Coupling to other objects implementation
When an object is coupled to implementation and not to protocol any change will cause ripple effect.
Nulls are an anti pattern
You can use nulls on databases because null don't execute, but interpreting this nulls is impossible since it might represent different meanings.
Remember Null's autor regret and have mercy on him
-Avoid General Purpose Cach
-Find Bottlenecks
-Create functional contexts and proxies (object in the middle)
-Ask Knuth
#CodeSmell: 23 Missed Preconditions
-Not fail fast
-Contract breaking
-Hard to debug
-Bad cohesion
-Create strong preconditions
-Raise exceptions
-Fail Fast
-Defensive Programming
#CodeSmell 24: Magic Numbers
-Fear to change
-Create constants with long, intention revealing values
-Do not add those constants as static class constants, this will prevent from testing
--Test must be in full control to "play" w/t constants
#codesmell 25:
Trying to build complex solutions for a simple functional problem
with excellent models there's a mapping between code and functional complexity
A simple problem in real world should be fixed simple
-Coupling to globals (classes)
-Not Mockable
-Violation on Solid's SOR (class sole responsibility is to create instances)
-Lack of Maintainability
-Move the method to instance in a smaller class
-Dependency injection
Alejandro writes interesting content on software development and machine learning.
He teaches Computer Science and his content is great.
I love interacting with him.
Allen is a DDD passionate. His opinions are very strong and accurate.
I enjoy his development tips AND management and agile humor a lot.
I liked very much his courses on LinkedIn.
1 - Check your phone after a couple of hours.
2 - Keep an eye on the app with the most notifications
3 - Block them
4 - Don't fear #FOMO. Deal with it
5 - Repeat once a day.
1 - Use blocks of time without interruptions (timeboxing).
2 - My favorite is @PomodoroTech.
3 - if you come across new tasks just write them down.
4 - Don't multitask.
5 - You cannot switch until time is up.
6 - 25 minutes it's a good slice.