Maxi Contieri Profile picture
🎓Learn something new every day.📆 💻CS software engineer / Book Author
Jun 3, 2021 13 tweets 2 min read
Code Smell 04 - String Abusers

Too many parsing, exploding, regex, strcomp, strpos and string manipulation functions. TL;DR: Use real abstractions and real objects instead of string accidental manipulation.
Dec 31, 2020 29 tweets 10 min read
My *personal* recommendations on who to follow on 2021!

A Thread 🧵 on great content and great people on Twitter.
Happy new year to all of you!

(A-Z) 1/Many @AlejandroPiad (Alejandro Piad Morffis)

Alejandro writes interesting content on software development and machine learning.
He teaches Computer Science and his content is great.
I love interacting with him.
Oct 4, 2020 11 tweets 8 min read
Another 🧵 on #productivitytip and #LifeHacks

As usual one each day.

Disclaimer: Opinions are my own. I don't have the truth revealed.

I learn a lot with your replies so please contribute and discuss ! #productivitytip 1: Remove notifications

1 - Check your phone after a couple of hours.
2 - Keep an eye on the app with the most notifications
3 - Block them
4 - Don't fear #FOMO. Deal with it
5 - Repeat once a day.

Watch #TheSocialDilemma
Sep 10, 2020 122 tweets 17 min read
Any problem in computer science can be solved with another level of indirection

-@drdavidawheeler You can mass-produce hardware; you cannot mass-produce software; you cannot mass-produce the human mind.

-Michio Kaku
Aug 29, 2020 186 tweets 25 min read
Sometimes an idea fits in 280 characters

a 🧵 on Great #SoftwareEngineering great #quotes

One each day. For each desired change, make the change easy (warning: this may be hard), then make the easy change

Aug 24, 2020 49 tweets 18 min read
Knowing the problems is the first step to solving them.

A thread on #CodeSmells 🧵⬇️📅 #CodeSmell 01: Your objects are a bunch of public attributes


1) Find Responsibilities.
2) Protect your attributes.
3) Hide implementations
4) Delegate
Aug 9, 2020 67 tweets 13 min read
I’m creating a thread on #softwaredesing. One tip per day.
Until no advices are left or I reach thread limit. Whatever happens in the first time. Tip 01: Do not subclassify concrete classes.