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Aug 24, 2020 67 tweets 12 min read Read on X
At 10 am this morning, the House Oversight and Reform Committee will be questioning USPS Postmaster General DeJoy. You know what to look for today. Who is asking questions to get to the truth, who is working to undermine delivery of voting ballots telling us everything is ok?
Comer R-KY we begin with gaslighting. He says the republicans had no input to the bill passed to fund USPS, says it was passed without allowing it. Actually republicans had input, it was voted down. He says this is a conspiracy. Tries to tie it Obama-Biden administration.
Maloney D-NY last week DeJoy said he regretted a ‘dip’ in mail service. Maloney just entered a document into the record that shows DeJoy was briefed about the drop in mail service weeks ago. I wonder what other receipts will be brought today. 18usc 1001(2)? 👀🍿 #USPSHearing
Connolly D-VA makes the point the trump appointed board of governors asked for this money. That it was a Republican idea. So why are they distancing from it now? Because it continues the story and makes for good sound bites. 26 republicans voted yes to this.
Hice R-GA thinks this hearing is “disgusting.” Having a hearing after voting on the bill on Saturday to fund the USPS is disgusting to him. He says having ‘voter id’ is at stake if Democrats have their way.

‘Voter ID’ is a tactic used for voter suppression.
So far the republican speakers are calling the delays in mail service a conspiracy. If you didn’t receive your medication on time because your mail is delayed, you are in on a conspiracy with the Congress to gift $25b to USPS that they asked for.

Talk about conspiracy theories.
De Joy comes with an emphatic defense. Testifies he:
Did not direct removal of blue collection boxes.
Did not direct removal of mail processing equipment.
Did not direct a cutback on hours.
Did not direct elimination or cutback of any overtime.

We’ll see if hearing confirms.
He further says ontime departures are approaching 98% wasteful extra trips are down 70%

Wasteful? What if your meds were in that trip they didn’t take because it was deemed ‘wasteful’? And ontime departures?

Hey give me 5 minutes so I can these meds on your truck today. No.
Robert Duncan is also testifying, he is on the USPS board of governors that asked Congress for the $25b in funding. I look forward to the questions about that very fact being asked of him today.
Maloney D-NY has internal USPS document called Service Performance Measurement. Says it shows major degradations since DeJoy started. Says any CEO would be dismissed if this was their record. Why didn’t you show document to Senate?

DeJoy: I run trucks on time.

So far, and it’s early, DeJoy has a few problems he can’t seem to control. Joe Biden May be able to help him with one of them, one is his posture and one is that vein in his forehead. Like in last weeks Senate Hearing, his body is testifying.
Foxx R-NC Tells DeJoy she and her husband experienced very very inefficient service on the part of post office in recent weeks but says I don’t want to go into it.

Psst, that’s why you’re here today. Not to lay cover for DeJoy. For your constituents experiencing inefficiency!
Norton D-DC If coronavirus is causing significant issue of employee availability, why stop overtime?

DeJoy: Overtime isn’t down, that is disinformation.

Norton shows document saying “Overtime will be eliminated.”

Gosar R-AZ wants to clear up political information. Says USPS is not on brink of collapse as the left would have you believe correct?

DeJoy: we should be able to make it to mid 2021. We’ll get though the elections. We need a loan, we won’t be able to pay it back though.
People have to get this right. The feedback is torture. Be prepared, you know when you’re going to speak, get ready. Perform a test prior to the meeting. Technical difficulties are making Clay’s questions untenable.
Lynch D-MA my whole family worked for USPS. I’m also an iron workers president from Boston. I’m not about to play with you. Recalls Anthrax attacks through USPS that didn’t stop mail. So for 1st time in history you can’t deliver ballots on time, WTF?!!
Lynch asks: Will you put the machines back?

DeJoy: No.
Palmer R-AL says there is widespread voter fraud. Says more ballots sent out to counties than registered voters.

His real point is to clean voter roles. Blames Obama for not doing it. It’s a local issue, he knows this.
He blames additional tech difficulties on China hackers.
Palmer is a peach. Wants to ensure postal workers don’t deliver mail to places they know are empty. DeJoy correctly says all mail will be delivered to the address.
Cooper D-TN Brings into focus what it means to have trucks leaving on time. He is sending empty 53ft trucks hundreds of miles without mail in them. He reminds DeJoy delaying the mail is a crime. Asks if DeJoy is above the law?

DeJoy: aaah, there’s no IG investigation.
Another fiery moment, Cooper asks about illegal campaign contributions. DeJoy gets indignant.

Cooper asks about pardon for Roger Stone?
Steube R- FL He Brings up ‘Russia hoax’ in the #DeJoy hearing n USPS. As a sitting Congressman, he should really read volume 5 of the Senate Intel report.…
Clay D-MO before you implemented changes, did you conduct any analysis of impacts? Same questions as Senator Rosen on Friday. It’s a good one and they didn’t get an answer. DeJoy says he isn’t the COO, just CEO so 🤷🏼‍♂️

He still hasn’t answered the question.
Norman R-SC apologizes to DeJoy. He doesn’t want his feelings hurt. He gaslights the record by saying 67 members didn’t even bother to show up to vote for USPS bill (forgets the pandemic though). Gives him the poor good ‘ol boy network treatment. Systemic racism in action.
Connolly D-VA lets stipulate your motives were pure. Why not consider context of voting concerns? Why not identify unintended consequences then address them.

DeJoy: well it was summer and there was less volume (pandemic) and I run trucks on time.
Jordan R-OH was it the postal services fault I don’t know who won the democratic caucus in Iowa?
Why are the Democrats out to get you?

DeJoy: they have their legitimate concerns.

Jonesian own goal.
Jordan says Democrats want chaos and confusion. The projection. Blame others for that which you do.
Krishnamoorthi D-IL You were the finance chairman of the RNC before the Postmaster General, yes?
Mr. Duncan don’t think I forgot you. You are also huge super pac donor yes?
53 candidates identified for PMG and DeJoy was not in that group and was chosen for his connections, yes?
Roy R-TX Why do you think we’re having a hearing today?

DeJoy: I don’t know. You should focus on giving the USPS money.

Asks if congress did anything to address pandemic and funding for regular people this month. ‘This month’ is a safe qualifier. Bill was passed in May.
Raskin D-MD Rats feed on rotten meat in California’s mail facilities. Why celebrate empty vehicles going out on time?

DeJoy: Lots of reasons. I run trucks on time.

Raskin: Need a background check to get hired at USPS right? Where’s yours?

DeJoy I’m not giving you that.
Raskin asks if DeJoy has $30m invested in XPO logistics, a competitor to USPS. DeJoy says he has complied with ethics rules, there is an OIG investigation and we’ll see what happens.

70 days on the job, delivery service tanking, meds wasting, an OIG investigation. 70 days in.
Massie R-KY says postal services were outsourced ten years ago under Obama-Biden.

Has KY been having 10 years of delay? Can’t be because McConnell and Paul kept getting elected largely through mail-in ballots. Just like Massie did.
Massie says he wants to end on hypocrisy. Why not, he lead with it.

Says DemGov of KY closed polling stations. I looked it up. Based on coronavirus he made a deal with republicans to close them because more people were voting by mail.

He said he wanted to end with hypocrisy.
Rouda D-CA He’s frustrated with the ‘thick headed’ says both he and DeJoy are against funding mandate that calls for 75 years of funding upfront for retirees. A law enacted by Bush, a Republican. Corrective legislation on McConnell’s desk. Like everything else.
Hice R-GA Ironically, uses his time to complain about how other members of congress went over allotted time for questioning. Says USPS employee Union in violation of Hatch Act because they colluded with Hillary by delivering mail.

KAC selling Ivanka’s 👠 Hatch Act violation.
Khanna D-CA can you recite the USPS service creed?

DeJoy: No rain, rain, sleet, snow

Khanna: do you know when we said USPS should not be profitable?

DeJoy: the 70s?

Nope, 1840s
Khanna: what’s the harm in putting the machines back to restore faith in democracy.

DeJoy: get me the Billion, I’ll put the machines back.

You know, just a witness openly extorting a congressman under oath in an Oversight and Reform hearing.

Comer R-KY you don’t work for the president do you? You report to the Board right?
Who ordered the blue box removals?

DeJoy: I’d rather talk about the legislature we require.

Even though he told the Senate he didn’t need anything just last Friday.

Both can’t be true.
Comer R-KY is another man who scolds Chairwoman Maloney for allowing Democrats to go over their allotted time. With no sense of irony or shame, he goes over his allotted time.

Mfume D-MD let me assure you this is no hoax. My constituents are complaining to me. People need meds, they work hard. Small business people, people incurring late fees. Communities of color disproportionately damaged.
Can you send the density studies you did?

Grothman R-WI what increase do you anticipate in mail deliveries for voting.

DeJoy: 2%. Were not going to charge any increases.

Grothman, no that’s not the point. You should be getting more revenue what do you plan on doint with it?

DeJoy: there will be no extra revenue.
Republicans: the USPS is gonna be fine right? You have all the money you need or could ever want right?

DeJoy: We’re losing $8B a year and I have to find $12b in 6 months somewhere.

No thanks Titanic lifeboat, it’s a lovely evening, I think I’ll swim.
Wasserman Schultz D-FL You’re not being honest, you directed maintenance to not reinstall machines. Did plant mgr request reconnection of mail machines?

DeJoy: how would I know?

DWS: you’re in charge.
Higgins R-LA violent mobs are in our streets, there is a China Virus and Democrats are talking about a mailbox conspiracy.

Higgins says DeJoy is a better man than he. He’s probably right.

What did we learn through Higgins’ question time?

Today is Higgins birthday. 🎉
Sarbanes D-MD I don’t trust you. You said you would get the mail there on time. Says president wants to hobble USPS so votes aren’t delivered. Ballots will be given higher priority than 1st class mail.

Why are you telling election officials to use 1st class mail for ballots?

Gibbs R-OH begins by apologizing to DeJoy. Weird how many republicans feel compassion for the millionaire who by Gibbs’ own statements doesn’t need this job.

Imagine if they were apologetic to those who want a job but can’t get one or who lost one through covid.
Welch D-VT Nixon guaranteed removal of USPS from politics. Did you contribute like $3m to Republicans and another $1m to trumps re-election. trump says there will be huge fraud do you agree?

DeJoy: If there is fraud it’s our attempt to not have any fraud.

Read it again.
Keller R-PA Has the USPS sent out letters warning states in prior elections?

Listen for qualifiers in his question. Does the letter state you won’t deliver ballots ‘in November’?

If he delivers on Nov 1st and 2nd but not 3rd, he won’t have lied. PA law says ballots up to 8p
Speier D-CA Your wife was nominated to be Ambassador to Canada, right? (Damn)

DeJoy: yes.

Miller R-WV mentions ‘Russian hoax’. A sitting Congresswoman should really read volume 5 of the Senate Intelligence Committee and report back to the class.…
Kelly D-IL Says, “I’ve been on this committee 7 years and the hypocrisy of the Republicans is astounding to me.”

Will you commit to reversing practices that slow the mail?

DeJoy: we’re working to get standards back to the way they were before.

A concession there are delays.
Green R- TN Shouts conspiracy theory, Russia probe, collusion, impeachment sham, loans, tax returns says Democrats have nothing to offer American people.

Last night the GOP offered no platform for the upcoming election. Nothing. No platform means no plan.

He’s Gaslighting.
Lawrence D-MI You couldn’t be arsed to meet with me when I asked you to, but you learned how to mess the place up real quick. I worked every job in USPS. I know it’s called a collection box not a blue box.
Have you ever been a letter carrier?

Postmaster General DeJoy: no.
Plaskett D-VIrgin Islands you took credit for changes at USPS, right?
Do you agree there are delays?

DeJoy: Yes, yes.

This is what this has been about you guys. Making changes caused delays. So unmake the changes which is what the bill they passed on Saturday does.
Gomez D-CA Do you make the trucks run on time?

DeJoy: I run the trucks on time.

Gomez: Then what are the variety of reasons mail is delayed then?

DeJoy: looks at the Republican side for the Ranking Committee Member to stop the abuse.

Gomez: quit.
Ocasio-Cortez D-NY you merged your company with XPO. AOC brought a lot of papers. Do you keep a calendar? Have you deleted anything? Ethics office have access to that? Can I have that?

DeJoy: I ah, no, maybe.

AOC: Law says it’s a govt record soooo...yeah, I’m gonna need it.
Pressley D-MA I’m not having this gaslighting today republicans, I want the truth. USPS jobs made it possible for POC to buy first home.

Mr. Duncan were you aware DeJoy was anti union when you hired him? No.
Armstrong R-ND This is all political! Democrats are running ads to save the post office! How dare they! Why weren’t they doing running those ads in 2018?

Well Congressman, trump was not trying to sabotage the election during a pandemic back in 2018.
Tlaib D-MI to be clear on the law 18USC 1701 knowingly obstructing passage of mail is a crime. You should have your attorneys familiarize themselves with this law. You also seem to have a conflict of interest with Amazon stock. Will you commit to not do insider trading?
Tlaib refers to the impeached presidents indicted and convicted friends and tells DeJoy he is not in good company and should resign.

DeJoy looks like he is ready for this to be over. Katie Porter is up next so, it won’t get any easier for him.
Porter D-CA. How much does it costs to mail a post card?

DeJoy: 🤷🏼‍♂️
Porter continues:

Will you commit to reversing the changes you made? No.

Will you commit to resigning if IG finds wrong doing in your finances?

Can’t think of a reason why I would.

Porter: “uuggghh.”
Quigley D-IL are you certain they are not cutting back overtime?

DeJoy: No, I am not certain, that’s what I’m trying to get my hands around.
Adams D-NC We wait for some time for Adams who never comes. Technical difficulties. A smart ass from the republicans side of the room jokes to DeJoy he might want to hire the Democrats IT guy to deliver the mail.

Considering Adams didn’t connect, this may not have been a joke.
Maloney comes back with receipts of who else DeJoy May have had contact with from the White House. Like say WH chief of staff Mark Meadows for instance. Dang it, you know what, I may have spoken to him about slowing the mail now that you mention it. Here comes Alma!
Alma Adams D-NC technical difficulties corrected. Asks DeJoy if he is getting his mail on time.

He doesn’t know.

Why are my collection boxes covered by trash bags at my post office?
Why are sorting machines missing in my district?
You gonna put em back after all this?
Comer R-KY closes the hearing as it began with more gaslighting. The Democrats are spouting conspiracy theories! Russia hoax! China loves this!

Maloney gavels us out. Hearing is adjourned.

• • •

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Aug 25, 2024
We are in the Both Sides Era. For what seems the past decade, we have been subjected to both sides of the news, normalizing the weird, accepting the inappropriate, and moving on from the unforgivable.
Both sides are not the same.

A wee Sunday morning coffee🧵👇🏻
We have been so conditioned to Both Sides everything that we immediately fall into one side or the other. We are sorting ourselves based on memes and shallow thinking. Reporters complaining about hotel experiences due to the DNC running late, isn’t news. That’s a yelp review.
Have you noticed trump is on both sides of every issue? Probably not, because the “press hasn’t yet learned how to report on trump.” Why is covering trump any different from what they learned in journalism school?

Why not ask him about his incongruities? Or a follow up question?
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Jul 26, 2024
Did you ever hear the phrase: “they have so much money they don’t know what to do with it.”? Not a problem, I’ve ever run into myself, but Project 2025 is just that. Billionaires want to be bankers. They want to sell off our governmental oversight to private companies they own.
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Jul 15, 2024
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To deter from this, razor balls in the river.
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Jul 13, 2024
There’s been a lot said about Joe Biden since the debate. I, along with so many of you, watched it play out in real time as respected news transmitters read out ‘inside texts’ from knee jerk reactionaries.
After much thought, I won’t be voting for Joe Biden because he’s old.
I’ll be voting for Joe Biden because he’s team democracy. I’m voting for ideas he represents. I’m voting for the team of people he can put together. I’m voting for my own interests and for your ability to vote for your own interests. I didn’t vote for him last time either, btw.
In 2020, I voted for a November 5th, 2024 election. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were the only options on the ballot that allowed this. I colored in Joe and Kamala’s bubble to keep the lights on long enough for us to have this election. Like many of you, I voted team democracy.
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Jul 9, 2024
I am loathe to do predictions. However, there are some things you just can’t help but see coming. Project 2025 is a blinking red alarm and we all need to be aware of the stakes of this election. Please familiarize yourself with EO11246, be discriminating voters.

A wee thread🧵👇🏻
On September 24th, 1965 President Lyndon Johnson signed Executive Order 11246. EO11246 established Equal Opportunity Employment. It includes Non-Discrimination in Government. It includes Non-Discrimination Employment by Government Contractors and Subcontractors.
Focus on Non-Discrimination Employment by Government Contractors and Subcontractors. In Sub Part B under Contractor’s Agreements, contractors agree to not discriminate against employees based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
Read 19 tweets
Jul 4, 2024
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Trust me…
The above is the oath the President takes at 12 noon on January 20. Typically, it is administered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court but there is no law that makes that a requirement. You could have your gran do it. So why is it *usually* the Chief Justice?
For this thread let’s assume the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is there as a symbol of the law. Chief Justice Roberts in a way represents the Judicial Branch of our government on the day it grants power to the person who will symbolize the Executive Branch.
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