We came together for the purpose of learning, experimentation, fundraising for devs, and community.

Over the past few months, I have been exploring different multisig options, including @CasaHODL @unchainedcap @ElectrumWallet @LilyWallet
I found this to be so ridiculous, I originally posted it as a joke!
As far as I know, its the biggest multisig setup thats ever been done
We gathered the team
Meanwhile, it was discovered that some people generated their Zpubs outside of electrum.
This was a problem...
But this is not a standard. Some used electrum, others used a tool from @lopp github.com/jlopp/xpub-con…
It was several hours of confusion...
The day was officially saved!
We had decided to raise funds to donate to two devs who are working on multisig wallets.
We used the bitcoindevlist.com to look for good options for making the donations. @matt_odell @DennisReimann
The tx was mined in block 645927
We had done it. 15 random people, random bitcoiners, got together and did something completely ridiculous and reckless, just for the sake of it, and it worked!
We are still organizing to sign for that. Should be done later today
The Multi Sigz!
1. Multisig is great for security and its getting easier and easier for the average person to do. If you haven't yet, start experimenting with multisig.
2. Donating to bitcoin devs is cool.
3. Bitcoiners are the best!
15 keys
4 days
2 tx
2.8 M sats donated
Mission successfully completed.