Apple (AAPL) is set to split its stock 4-for-1 and Tesla (TSLA) 5-for-1 today.

A stock split is an action taken by companies who have witnessed an increase in share price to levels that are either too high or are beyond the price levels of similar companies in their sector, to divide their existing shares into two or more shares.
The primary motive is to make the shares more affordable to small investors even though the underlying value of the company has not changed. Often companies make such moves because they would like their stock to be more accessible to a broader base of investors
• The number of shares of each client’s position will multiply by four (Apple), or by five (Tesla)
• Post-split, the open price of each position will be adjusted, which will be the original price divided by the new split number.
• All pending orders at the time of the split (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Stop, etc) will be cancelled while the splits are processing.