1. Make a stack of cookbooks next to your bed. Read each recipe in a different voice (in your head or aloud). Describe the images in as much detail as you can.
2. Sharpen your knives. Sharpen your scissors. Refresh your rotary cutter.
4. Water your plants. As you do, report to them on the weather outside and about any birds you heard/saw
6. Learn astrology. There's enough there to fill up your head so that you will not have energy for doomscrolling.
8. Get a worm bin for your kitchen. Feed the worms, talk to them. Late at night, when it is very quiet, hear them squirming. (Not for the queasy)
12. Make yourself log in and out of social media each time you want to look at it. Make your passwords long and hard to remember.
15. Take a nap. Seriously, just go to sleep.