My Position is not Against The Mechanization of Agriculture in Nigeria. It is in Understanding what Must Be Done First in other for Sustainable Agriculture to Take Hold. Our Population
The Most Effective Ways to FastTrack Economic Development in Nigeria Today is Via Agriculture and The Foundation is Not in Mechanization but in 6
This is the Same Argument I Make With Cattle Herders in Nigeria. The Position Supporting Ranching as an Immediate Solution Almost Always Ignores The Cost Factor, The Relationship
If You Buy 1m Tractors Today, 1m Harvesters Today,
We Need Mechineries, But We Need Manpower Development and Upgrade More. 'Corgito Ergo Sum' I Think Therefore I am. Africa Must First Think of Solutions That are Premised on our Competitive Advantages. If Na Land We Get
The Only Thing Common in the All of the Above is that Development Must Be Localized to Be Sustainable.
We Were Once Told That Precision and Smart Bombs Will Make Wars Faster, Easier and Less People Will Die... History Has Proved That Wrong. The Same People Who Developed Their Nations
Too Many of our Elites have Been Educated in Subjective Neoliberal Dialectics With Weak Afro Centric Nationalism. We Must Change That and Look Inward.