We’ll be covering our findings and policy recommendations on homelessness prevention, SF’s shelter system, substance use, mental health, and trans homelessness!
Olivia Glowacki, @theCoalitionSF Development Director, speaks on our approach led by people w/ lived experience w/ homelessness alongside academics from SFSU, UC Berkeley, UNC Chapel Hill, & others
#Stoptherevolvingdoor #homelessnessprevention
As we speak, @MattHaney, @D4GordonMar, and Aaron Peskin will be in a hearing about SF’s current supportive housing vacancies!!
Remember that due to COVID, many shelters closed and 75% of people who would stay in a shelter are now on the street!
#Stoptherevolvingdoor #SFshelters
During the pandemic, deaths from substance use have skyrocketed underlining the necessity of housing and support services!
#Stoptherevolvingdoor #substanceuse
#Stoptherevolvingdoor #substanceuse
#Stoptherevolvingdoor #MentalHealth
#Stoptherevolvingdoor #mentalhealth
#Stoptherevolvingdoor #transhomelessness
#RIPJazzieCollins bit.ly/SFChronJze
Report, slides, and recording will be made available shortly!