This one is about pron. Serious, serious gaming pron.
Again, mute me if you don't want to see the splendor that arrived at my #MagicPorch.
Because GOOD LORD.
Okay, so, some of you may remember a couple weeks ago, I said VERY INNOCENTLY, "Huh, those Dicemaster games look cool, has anyone played them? Should I get one?"
For those unfamiliar, they look like they play a bit like MTG or Heroclix, but with dice.
That's it.
So, the lovely and wonderful @TheCraftingMuse from @wizkidsgames sends me a note, basically, hey, would you like us to send you a sample to try?
But first, quickly, why I love @wizkidgames, and Heroclix. I have told this before so this is abbreviated. But when my son was just a little guy, I think six or so, we bought him a Sheltie pup. Smart as hell, but barked a lot.
At the time, we were all collecting heroclix.
That dog, Static, was a big part of how I ended up in comics, but that's another story. He barked. If left outside, he bared the whole time. Great dog, but barked. And he was devoted to my son, they were inseparable.
One day he got left outside while we were away.
Long story short, someone poisoned him. It was very touch and go, the vet called us at 4:00 am to say he wasn't going to make it. But he did. He survived. That's sad, but he came out okay.
But my SON could not understand how ANYONE could do that.
I was upset, we were all upset. I told some comic friends, just venting. @MarkWaid, who had never even MET my son, got online, and found a collector who was selling his Heroclix collection...EVERY SINGLE DC HEROCLIX.
He bought it and sent it to my son. With a note.
The note said, "I just want you to know that not everyone out there is mean," and a lot of other encouraging things.
I mean, out of nowhere. It was incredible.
The dog survived and lived a very long life. And so, Heroclix, BIG deal to us.
So, I already love them, and in the past, they have been very kind to me, they sent some cool stuff when I tried YouTube (spoiler: I sucked at YouTube), and they just have been lovely all along and I am very fond of them.
She asked me to go to the website and tell me what looked interesting. I am bad at this because even if I just pick one tiny thing, it feels like I am overstepping and being greedy. So I told her the kind of stuff we like and asked her to choose what to send as a 'sample.'
She goes out and hand-picks stuff she thinks I would like.
For a 'sample.'
So a couple days later, this shows up on my #magicporch from @wizkidsgames. Four boxes so big I could barely fit them in the car.
So here we go...let's show some of this stuff!
Some games!
Tower of London looks so cool, too!
Oh, here are the open boxes.
There was a planet, but this guy ate it.
It goes on and on, all our favorite games; Pathfinder, Starfinder, D&D, Heroclix...
So when the ‘sample’ won’t all fit on your table...!
Seriously, as someone who has always loved games but used to be dirt poor, this was like the best Christmas ever. GLEEEEEE!
Check this video which sorta shows the amount of stuff!
And I was supposed to hold back on these but I just got the okay to show them...So they aren't in the photos.
Next tweet!
Wahooo! With Spider-Gwen! Yayyyy!
Okay, here's the thing. I'm not really a collector. When I bought comics even as a kid, I read them to tatters and put them in a stack. I don't collect things to have a 'complete' collection.
It's the same with game stuff.
When I get this stuff, I instead think about the fun I have had with friends and family and at cons, getting gaming gear and just playing, just enjoying how these games transport you.
You can BE that elf, that web-slinger, that monster-hunter, for a while.
And you get to bring the people you like or even love along with you, you're sharing it. So many hobbies are solitary 96% of the time.
I love that this kind of gaming is most fun shared.
Anyway, during quarantine, gaming has been a lifesaver. We may be stuck at home, but for a while, we're on the Nostromo, or at Arkham University, or Tatooine.
It's been a very lovely distraction where most useful.
There are tons of free resources out there, most of my hardcore friends are playing rpgs and other games online and MAN, it's come a LONG way. Playing D&D this week online with friends was a blast.
Just saying, it's a very lovely way to spend a few hours where when something is awful, you can hit it with a mace. :)
Hope everyone finds the time to have some fun and be social, especially now, as best we can.
I really, really want to thank @TheCraftingMuse and @wizkidsgames for the endless hours of good times we are going to have with all this tremendous stuff.
You are the best and I am VERY GRATEFUL.
From the heart, Heroclix is a blast. They've sold three quarters of a billion figures, I just learned. YIKES.
If you are interested, they have a TON of simple starter sets that come with rules, maps, figures and tokens for DC, Marvel, Star Trek and more.
Get a game, or get your old games out, try to put together a little game night, even with just two people, or online.
You'll be surprised how much you will look forward to it.
Anyway, THANK YOU and happy gaming, you nerds!
Aw, the lovely @TheCraftingMuse wrote and kindly asked me to remember to send people who are looking for their games to their friendly local game stores to support the network of stores out there.
Every year on his birthday (which is today), I write a little letter to @JoeQuesada, wishing him health and happiness for him and his family. We have not spoken in person in years.
In that note, every time, I thank him for asking me, out of nowhere, to pitch for Deadpool.
Because I had a comics comedy column on CBR and I made him laugh. He used to read the column on the phone to friends. Garth Ennis didn't have email, so he called him long distance to read one about Garth TO Garth.
Even when I made fun of JOE HIMSELF, he would laugh about it.
So every year, I say something to the effect of, "Thank you for taking a chance on me, and for opening the door that had made my life's dream come true over and over."
And he always says something humble and sweet, that I make it happen myself.
I have been thinking this forever but this morning it really hit me.
@stephenking is a badass.
Just a combustion engine. Love that guy.
There have been a dozen times where the thing getting me through a tough time was simply having a Stephen King novel or anthology or movie adaptation to enjoy.
When I was a kid, the very first novel I ever read (I was probably a little young for it) where the cast was all female and took all roles from villain to tragic hero and everywhere in-between was Carrie. To this DAY, I still haven't read many novels that can make that claim.
I hear all the time, and have thought it myself, why does the world fear and hate mutants, but love the scary-looking oddballs in, say, the Fantastic Four?
Here is a thought about that.
The Fantastic Four comes to save you.
You look out, and you see standing around you;
A woman who disappears
A man on fire
A rock-like golen creature
and the ultimate stretchy body horror.
You look out and see
A great-looking guy with sunglasses
A beautiful woman with a cool fire bird effect
A goddess controlling a storm
A slightly hairy Canadian.
Why are citizens afraid of THIS four, and not the others?
When I was in second grade, our teacher read us, over the course of several days, an adaptation of Cool Hand Luke.
None of us knew anything about prisons, Southern culture, road gangs, prisoner abuse, or crime in general, really. We were seven years old, and enthralled.
I remember, NO ONE missed school after the first day.
It starts with Luke, played by Paul Newman in the movie, getting drunk and busting up parking meters, for no good reason, so your introduction to him, in a child’s’ view, is bad, not revolutionary.
Spoilers, but Luke ends up paying a heavy price for simply not being able to go along with what he is told to do, the falsehoods he is told are true. It is inevitable, even as kids we knew there would be no happy ending.
And we know it was wrong, the escalation. As kids.