Day 100 of #PortlandProtests
30-40 Riot cops visible outside the Portland Police Union. Seems to be two non-portland police vehicles set up. I feel tonight's gonna be different. #GeorgeFloyd#BlackLivesMatter
March has almost reached the police union. Local residents were out eating #PortlandProtests
Protesters have arrived,bike cops drive through with sirens
Cops announcing to stay off street and private property, which includes 7/11 and heavenly donuts. Including media and legal observers. So only protest on sidewalk #PortlandProtests
Federally deputized state troopers on side of union building #fedsoutofportland
We don't even need cops for security, we have #jesus
Press member told me short cop took pic of me. I asked him, he ignored me until another cop asked me what I said
People taking moment of silence for #blacklives with fists up
Truck honks as crowd parts to let him through.
@mentions@MacSmiff reminding us that police wouldn't be out protecting their clubhouse if protesters were trying to defund schools or hospitals #PortlandProtests
Protesters have closed in on cops. Every cop is a state trooper , no PPB
Cops were telling protesters to back up, they didn't, so it was called unlawful assaembly.
Unlawful Assembly declared
Portland Police came from the east unnoticed, they rushed and arrested anyone they could grab. About a dozen arrests in first rush. Protesters tackled everywhere
Cops shoot smoke high in the air, its thrown back with paint also
You pop enough car tires and break enough windows of people doing nothing, this will be the response
Cops pushing again, but extra sloppy/disorganized. One car was following behind and another pulled in front of them blocking them, cop slams on window and they back out. Cop pushes media on the ground for being in street and says "get the fuck out of here"
Munitions thrown at group of press, then rubber bullets, more smoke and stand there and do nothing
Cops came out again, going after a specific person this time. This tactic shows that they can go after specific people rather than charging a crowd and indiscrimetly arresting people
Yaya tires popped and arrested. He supports the protests on many nights from his car.Not known to ever even agitate officers, many times holding a cross. Motorcycle cops are known to pull over protesters as they leave. This is a few blocks from protest. Word is he had warrent.
Portland Police in press release noted she was injured, while leaving out they injured her
Guy yelling and insulting protesters while in the middle of the street.The person below that stepped in the street and yelled back was arrested after he turned his back to the man and police.This is him a second time in the street after protester arrest
Echelon security is notorious for misconduct. Police & DA are aware, & the DA even sent a memo to staff about them. The city still works with them, as Echelon do things that are unconstitutional for cops. @VoteVasquez24 & @EliforPortland joined the Echelon podcast. THREAD 1/
Powerful attorney & apt owner, John DiLorenzo, hired Echelon to conduct surveillance on a camp near his building. He gave report to @SamAdamsPDX, who got police chief, Echelon & staffers in a room & suggested using it for political gain, including giving it to people4Portland
Sam Adams used this 40+pg Echelon report (that used white nationalist antifawatch as a source), while the DA is putting out a memo about Echelons lack of credibility. DiLorenzo who gave Adams the report, fought rent control & commonly defends developers 3/
Opening statements of Trial of Leftist journalist, Alissa Azar, started today. Trial is related to a Proud Boy protest, where she deployed mace toward PB's & a masked women who were stealing property of antifascists as they retreated from PB mob attack 1/
DA, Josh Cutino, had me excluded from court. He claims he might call me as a state witness. I obtained the first motion to dismiss for prosecutorial bias because no PBs were charged that day for crimes caught on video. Some videos were mine.
Garret Snipe, Tommy Campbell, Barry Johnson, Jonathon Donovan, Josh Dornon, Dick Clark and Aaron Hartley (there are more) were all captured on video being violent and received no charges.
@PDXreal1 blocked me after I posted damning court docs of Jeff's child porn charges & still they put out a statement full of lies, justifying his charges. He claims he was entrapped by feds, that he thought porn was a scam, bought them anyway & didn't actually watch them... 1/
First, he initiated the communication to buy. That is not entrapment. Second, 3 videos were clearly described graphically & he said he wanted to buy one of each. He then sent the money. Court docs showed what was siezed, including child porn. 2/
Church also claims that Feds didnt release all the messages. They legally are obligated to provide all the evidence they have against you. It's called discovery. And there is no message that would provide any context to the messages above. 3/
"Fix #measure110" coalition behind drug recriminalization is led & funded by the richest in #Portland & dark money group @People4Portland. Greg Goodman, a rich developer is in leadership.
All but a few thousand of the $750k raised came from #PDX developers & billionaires. 1/
13 contributions were over $1k. 4 were Goodman his development companies. Phil Knight donated 200k & Mary/Tim Boyle donated $300k. Both their companies (@Nike & @Columbia1938) lease space from Goodman. ~$1k of ~$750k came from donations less than $100. Mark Goodman is on PBA 2/
Dan Lavey of People for Portland & Gallatin, leads the coalition with Max Williams, the former head of corrections. The coalition also employs Greg Peden of Gallatin and Harrang Long, the legal team. They use Gallatin services. Leaders paying their own. 3/
Jeff Church of .@PDXReal1 was charged with "prostitution" in 2021. He plead down in 2022 with attendance of a sex buying accountability class. A local sex worker provided me court records. Unclear whether his partner Angela, was okay with this. 1/
Paying for sex isn't the issue here, it's PDX real's hypocrisy, when their whole grift surrounds the big boogie man, "crime". Jeff continually degrades and demonizes Sex workers. Notable that he went to Clackamas for sex and knows where all the sex workers are at. 2/
Lots of "criminals" surround them. Let's talk about a few...
Gabriel Johnson who cofounded .@save_pdx with Angela Todd, plead to a Theft 1 after stealing $16k 3/
Vancouver Proud Boy, Marc Bru, sentenced to 6yrs for his role in the #Jan6th riot. He talked in chats about overthrowing the Portland government. During sentencing for 7 charges he called the judge a "clown" and said he would do it all over again if he could.
Thread🧵 1/
Here is Marc Bru's initiation into the Columbia River Proud Boys. Notice the other proud boys in the video who are doing serious time. 2/
On twitter under his account @Bootlegger777, Marc spreads #Qanon conspiracies, including that Feds staged #Jan6, even though he was there. He also seems to think you can't be prosecuted without your consent (sovereign citizen stuff) 3/