I talked to 3 lab directors, the FDA, 2 former FDA commish, 3 epis, 2 virologists & a senior White House scientist so I could give you a consensus on what we know. 1/
WHO is trickier (no WHO jokes, no Abbott & Costello jokes-- surprised at my discipline?). 4/
The view towards kids is we know they shed but have little idea why they don't shed to adults very often. 5/
We could of course be facing a virus that is much more devastating to kids than this is. We are all grateful & a few people worried that next virus we might not be so lucky.6
In fact, I heard "I don't know" a lot. 7/
So places & jobs stack the deck-- public housing, factories, farms...9/
Can people get re-infected after a period of months? We now know they can. How likely? How bad? We don't know. 13/
When does herd immunity slow down the virus? Is there a cross immunity benefit? Unknown, but consensus is likely small if at all. 14/
The next big innovations in testing? Saliva test prevalence is growing. And at home testing is a month or two away. 15/
Steroid treatment (Dexa) > Remdesivir
Cookies & milk > Hydroxy
More is known by looking at past viruses than this one. Research centers are getting set up. The physical and the mental health effects are quite real and you will hear. 17/
Just like with the bug, people in our country have a tough time believing things they can't see with their own eyes.
We may be the most literal people on the history of the planet. 19/
Everyone was disappointed in one way or another, some very disappointed. 20/
But all agreed: this isn't the killer bug, 21/
Even better... 23/
So all of this will come to you first-hand. 24/