These stats are from Pew (Screenshot #2)
In 2018, young people had the largest increase in voter turnout.
The GOP sees this and knows that its medium and long-term prospects are poor.

That’s why the GOP leadership loves Trump. Not because they're all blackmailed. It's because they want to be part of that oligarchy.
See: terikanefield-blog.com/no-the-entire-…
How long do you think America’s young people will tolerate an NRA-loving, climate-destroying, KKK-loving plutocracy?
Yale political scientist @Jacob_S_Hacker and Berkeley political scientist Paul Pierson say this:

Professors Ziblatt and Levitsky, in How Democracies Die, argue that America needs what we might call a traditional conservative party.

Other problems complicate our current political realignment.
This is getting long, so I’ll continue later with Part II.