Part I begins here:
I left off showing how working to end voter suppression in California shrank the California Republicans down to about 30% of the electorate.…
It happens like this: As Democrats assume more power, they enact legislation that makes voter suppression harder, creating a cycle.
The South and West would then join the northeast corridor to create a formidable Democratic block.
Well, there are a few obstacles.
Problem #1: The white nationalists will not willingly give up their power.
California can still produce a Devin Nunes. They won't go away and they remain dangerous.
Do they get their own party?
First, some definitions. The Fox-Trump-GOP is not a ‘conservative’ party.
It is a reactionary (or regressive) party.…
They're willing to destroy to get there.
So what is conservatism?
That is the question.@stuartpstevens pointed out that nobody knows ⤵️

This takes time.
This meant no regulation.
The business centers of the US are in New York and California, and these are democratic strongholds.
Without regulation, industry destroys. Examples: The environment. The subprime mortgage debacle. When Andrew Jackson destroyed the central bank.
Which party do they join?
OK, time to talk about the 2-party system.
No,⤵️ and George Washington warned against them, but they're now deeply entrenched.
That’s because the framers avoided a parliamentary system.
A presidential system with multiple parties creates problems.
(Note that states are basically presidential systems with Constitutions modeled on the US Constitution.)
This brings us to another obstacle: Winning a majority in a two-party system means being in a big tent.
A big tent sounds good, but lots of people will hate it.
Big tents require compromise. It means getting along with people who hold views you hate and did things you despise.
Lots of parties means little tents.
If conservatives split from liberals and (wisely) refuse to join with the reactionaries, we have (at least) 3 parties, which means someone with 33% of the vote can become president, which increases the chances of another Trump.
Are we up to it?
It seems better for primaries, because parties can easily change the rules. Changing voting everywhere is a bit harder.
During those decades, there was a large moderate / conservative wing of the party.
The GOP in that era also produced Sen. McCarthy--but many were moderate.
Our first economic depression happened after Jackson dismantled the central bank, which essentially deregulated the financial and banking industries.
It was the deregulation that sent the economy into a spin. . .
🎶when will they ever learn?🎶
Actually. . .
They tend to land on their feet when the economy tanks.
Honest business people do not benefit from deregulation.
So "deregulation is pro-business" is not accurate.
In fact, deregulation is pro-cheater.