I just think #RheaChakraborthy should stand in front of all the media houses and answer them to every question with issues that Media should be covering rather than her, 1/n
Rhea: it is in the same place where our #GDPData , currently at -.23.9% down, is going. Please cover this point also. #Nextquestion 3/n
Media: Is your brother drug addict?
Rhea: I think drug addicts are those people who watches @republic , and My brother is #PUBG addict. #Nextquestion 4/n
Media: Will he be tested for Drugs ?
Rhea: No and neither should children be forced to give #JEE_NEET. But surely I'll get tested for #Corona Please cover this point also. #Nextquestion 5/n
Rhea: No, I'm part of a country which has rate of 90,000 #COVIDー19 cases per day. and no #Hospitals . And @kafeelkhan111 are send to jail for providing the Oxygen to children. #Nextquestion 6/n