DAY 6 #Assange extradition hearing starting soon. We'll be live-tweeting on this thread.
Tune in to #CNLive at 5pm BST for Joe Lauria @unjoe's daily round-up.
We have a view of the court room but they haven't connected the audio yet. Eric Lewis has taken his place.
"All stand".
Baraitser announces audio problems fixed. Eric Lewis apologises for interruption yesterday. He had an open tab where a video started playing.
James Lewis (prosecutor) addresses Eric Lewis (witness).
James Lewis refers the witness to the findings in the case of Ahmad v UK in relation to solitary confinement.
Regarding the relationship between solitary & physical illness, JL points out conditions are better. Why he asks, did Eric Lewis not mention changes.
#Assange expert witness Eric Lewis is still unintelligible much of the time due to audio problems.
James Lewis is referring the witness to a document written by Assistant US Attorney Gordon Kromberg.
Eric Lewis doesn't have the document.
JL On June 15 2015 complaints about ill-treatment of inmates w/ mental health issues in Florence ADX. There are pages of recommendations...
JL Going back to Gordon Kromberg, do you agree that the Cunningham litigation made things better.
EL In some ways they are better; in some ways worse.
JL refers EL to Kromberg on protection of inmates from #Covid
Have you visited ADX since the pandemic
No, we aren't allowed
JL reads EL a list of measures in place at Alexandria Detention Centre to prevent the spread of #Covid.
JL Only one prisoner has Covid at ADC, so all those stats you cite from other prisons are irrelevant. Right.
EL There's a chance JA would be sent elsewhere than ADC.
JL points out errors in EL's calculations. The 175 years is simply a sound-byte, right? Do you honestly think he will be sentenced for that long?
Doesn't give EL time to respond. Edward Fitzgerald objects.
Baraitser says witness should be able to explain why it would be 175.
EL The US is say this is the biggest espionage case in history. Mike Pompeo has called @Wikileaks a non-state hostile intelligence service. @xychelsea's max sentence was 60 years. #Assange's max IS 175 years.
JL completely garbled while saying this. Lucky we know the story...
JL (reads) EL claims #Assange will spend rest of his life in prison. EL relies on statutory max.
Asks witness if he accepts few receive the max. EL agrees. Reads more sentencing guidelines. Mentions how it panned out for Jeffrey Sterling. His max was 130 years. Sentenced 42 mths
EL Jeffrey Sterling was given a sentence way below guidelines...
JL cuts him off
Fitzgerald objects but they move on to another case: USA v Terry J. Albury charged w/ espionage.
Judge says punishment does not relate to volume of discloses, but classification level
JL Did @Wikileaks release anything classified Top Secret?
EL I believe not
JL Judge found it proportional to sentence Albury to 49 months
JL What is longest sentence ever imposed for disclosure to media?
JL 63 months
EL Re 793 (Espionage) there's never been such a case
JL A district judge has life tenure in the US, right?
EL There have been up to 12 impeachments.
JL Do you know Judge Claude M. Hilton (assigned to #Assange case)? He's been on the bench for 35 years.
Do you think he would deliver a fair sentence?
EL He's fair.
JL You say #Assange's base line is 97-121 months?
EL Yes
Court takes short break
JL You said the case of Mr Assange is unprecedented.
EL YES, there has been no successful prosecution of a journalist.
JL Turning to Rosen, your comments are full of errors.
EL The Espionage Act has been modified on a number of occasions. Apologies for my errors.
JL [Reads} This about a prosecution under 793 (g), for which Mr #Assange is also charged. The arguments were 1/ constitutionally vague; and 2/ Breached 1A
Judge responds: While Supreme Court has never tried a 793 (c) (d) (e) & (e) case, it has rejected accusations of vagueness.
JL Judge Ellis says a constitutionally vague statute can stand if the intent is specific.
JL Re 1A challenges SC said Espionage Act does not breach 1A when it comes to harm to the nation [Schenck v US]
JL The Pentagon Papers is NYT v US, right? That was about prior restraint
JL reads more from Schenck. Basically saying national security trumps 1A
EL Lists conditions of prosecution & says that's why a publisher never prosecuted
Eric Lewis is undecipherable
JL Do you agree abt class #Assange falls into? Not a gov employee, not authorised to access?
We can't report what witness Eric Lewis is saying. Something about balance between the Espionage Act and First Amendment.
JL challenges EL to cite one single precedent that says publishers can't be prosecuted.
EL cites a long (mostly indecipherable) list.
JL reads the US has never held that 3rd parties, including journalists, can not be prosecuted.
EL Such as a case has never been tried. Mr Assange has 1A rights but Mr Kromberg says he doesn't
JL Insiders can be prosecuted?
EL Yes
JL 3rd parties can be for helping leakers?
JL Should someone be prosecuted for gaining unauthorised access to the Whitehouse?
EL Yes, but journalists should not be prosecuted for publishing NatSec information.
JL Moving on to the political aspect of this case.
Eric Lewis's response is #undecipherable
JL Your evidence re a politically motivated case has been rejected by the Hight Court?
JL I gave the evidence to the District Court [USA v Dempsy]... That was their view
JL Prof Feldstein - on the possibility of prosecution of #Assange - said: "It certainly remained open". Says Feldstein retreated from "President Obama decided not to prosecute" to "there was no decision to prosecute". Do you agree?
EL No!
JL: Feldstein conceded Obama decided not to prosecute "at this stage".
EL: Knowing how DoJ operates, I can not agree with Mr Feldstein
JL: Have you any direct knowledge of deliberations of Obama or Trump admins abt prosecuting #Assange?
EL: No
Jl Do yr opinions come fm media?
EL Eric Holder made the final call.
JL Have you served in DoJ?
EL: Not in executive brach
JL: Aren't prosecutors supposed to ignore political opinions of defendants.
El: That's what is written down but it is not being followed (acc to what 1200 prosecutors have written).
JL Your 3rd statement refers to political motivation. Can you help us understand this?
JL [reads]: @Wikileaks poses a threat to the legitimacy of Mr Trump's campaign. Do you mean the election campaign?
EL: Yes, the 2016 election campaign
JL: Trump praised @Wikileaks...
JL (continues reading EL's statement) Trump's prosecution of #Assange seeks to hide the fact that he was helped by @Wikileaks
JL If Mr Trump wants to silence Mr Assange, surely a public trial is the worst way to do it?
JL Your opinions of why #Assange is being prosecuted is pure conjecture.
EL #undecipherable ... based on my experience... that is your view.
JL Isn't the CPIA a procedural statute?
EL Yes
JL With respect to discovery, do you agree that the gov may only withhold classified material if a judge deems it is not relevant or helpful to the defence?
EL Gov can withhold under certain circumstances.
JL Do attorneys get a security clearance?
EL Not always
JL Is the role of the CPIA to protect sensitive information?
EL The defendant doesn't get access to all information, which can affect fairness.
JL No more questions
Re-exam by E. Fitzgerald
Re Obama not deciding to prosecute #Assange you refer to numerous sources. The Eric Holder ITV revealed that the admin would not prosecute those who were not being directed by a foreign power?
EL Yes
EF You also cite Matthew Miller & NYT problem?
EL Yes
EL None of the sources I referred to denied what they said later.
EF Refers to Alan Goldman of @nytimes. There was pressure put on EDVA to bring charges?
EL Yes... #indecipherable
EF JL has suggested DoJ is free of political influence
EL Trump said he can do what he wants w/ DOJ
EL DoJ is operated from the top down. The president's discretion is absolute. Without questioning anyone's integrity, we can say things have changed & decisions can come from political actors.
EF You said Mr Burnham(?) was made to step down. Roger Stone was let off?
EL Yes
EL Nothing changed in terms of factual evidence since 2010-2011. 1A hasn't changed. There has only been change in admin & arrival of Mr Barr. #Assange highly political case was exhumed by Trump admin. Cites many examples of decisions not to prosecute publishers.
EF Mr Kromberg has expressed many views, about prisons, SAMS etc. Is he more qualified than you to talk about prison conditions?
EL I'd be surprised if he'd spent as much time as me in prisons. I spent weeks in Guantanamo. GL's mentioned reforms may look good on paper, but...
EF It was put to you there was no solitary confinement But there is the equivalent with SAMS?
EL Yes
EF The Mandela rule is that isolation would be 22 hrs/day. Would 3Assange be thus held?
EL Yes
EL The AG orders SAMS. It's possible to challenge
EF The Ahmad case relates to 2008?
EL 2007.
EF The decision in Ahmad might be decided differently today. What materials would be relevant?
EL Much research into the effects of solitary on health.
Mental health is a particular concern. Alarming statistics. Since Cunningham litigation - 2/3 of suicide & self harm
You referred Maureen Baird, a warden. JL said there was treatment in prisons for people w/ Aspergers syndrome. Warden Baird said such treatment was not available for inmates on SAMS.
JL Agrees
Break for lunch
All rise. Court in session.
Edward Fitzgerald will re-examine witness Eric Lewis on his statement regarding the risk of #Covid in US prisons & particularly for Mr #Assange.
We have been disconnected from the court. Trying to get back in, we're told "Error connecting..."
Back in court. Eric Lewis talking abt 2nd superseding indictment. Many other players introduced. Adjustments re sentencing are likely, esp re 'Teenager' because of his age. Also re defendant having "special skills". Also re helping @xychelsea could be seen as obstruction.
EL If the court accepted score of 43 that would mean a life sentence, reduced to 175 years
EF Can you exceed the guidelines for sentencing?
EL Yes
EF You said @xychelsea got 35 years?
JL Yes, but the gov wanted 60 years & was trying her on a charge that could incur life, or death
JL The Fourth Circuit has never prosecuted a publisher for exposing NatSec information. They didn't go ahead with the Rosen case.
Next witness is Thomas Durkin
Defence asks for 10 mins
Witness Thomas Anthony Durkin is a criminal defence attorney in Chicago. He specialises in civil rights and domestic terrorism cases, and in defending complex federal criminal matters.
Tom Durkin being sworn in.
EF You prepared 2 statements in2019 & 2020?
TD Correct
EF Do you stand by them?
TD Yes
EF You are licensed to practice law & have done so for many years?
TD 47 years
EF You also teach law in Chicago? Received awards for defending Guantanamo detainees?
TD Yes
EF You deal a lot w/ people charged w/ classified material? What are the problems.
TD Classified info can only be reviewed in a SKIF, only discussed w/ a peer - not at all w/ defendant.
EF You say Mr @Assange will not be allowed to know what his lawyers have learned.
TD Correct. It's a terribly difficult impediment.
EF Re the sentence Mr Assange might ice, is there a risk he will be sentenced to life.
TD I think that's highly likely, looking at the guidelines.
TD The guidelines are not mandatory. One can't determine what the sentence will be. My estimation is that he could fall within [a score of ] 38, 40 or 43, which is equivalent to the rest of his life - or 30-40 years.
EF Can conduct Mr Assange is not convicted of be taken into account in determine his sentence?
TD That's correct. Other conduct he could even have been acquitted on, could be use in an aggravated sense. Someone who pleas guilty gets 3 points taken off their sentencing range.
TD There is a strong incentive to plead guilty. You get punished for going to court. Most clients if you explain the consequences & accept a plea because they can't run the risk of going to trial. Defendants are coerced into admitting guilt.
We have lost the witness. Court breaks while technicians try to reconnect him.
Tom Durkin is back.
EF If a defendant agrees to accept a plea, does that entail full co-operation w/ authorities.
TD Usually.
EF Could that include in this case, revealing sources for @Wikileaks?
TD Yes
In yr 2nd Affidavit your deal w/ the handling of this case by 2 successive governments. Are there political considerations?
TD Yes, by the Trump administration.
EF Mr Kromberg says there is GJ protection against an over-zealous or politically motivated prosecution.
TD Not true
Tom Durkin's image has frozen again. Another 5 mins break
Tom Durkin back online. Baraitser said the problem has been at his end. He has switched to a different computer.
EF [repeats question] Does the Grand Jury protect against a politically motivated prosecution.
Ef And the defence have no right to appeal before GJ?
TD Correct
James Lewis X-examines
JL Your 1st statement related to fail trial in the US?
TD Yes
JL Are you saying #Assange will not get a fair trial in the US, or will it just be difficult?
TD In my opinion, he will not.
JL So you're saying it's a problem of NatSec info
TD We can't discuss
JL [reads] Guidelines say Mr Assange may be able to view some evidence.
TD He would not be able to go into the SKIF, or get a security clearance to view classified info.
There's a difference between classified & discovery material.
JL Are you aware of the Assange defence?
TD You have to discuss discovery w/ the client & that becomes difficult when the client is detained pre-trial.
JL Would #Assange really need discovery? Surely it's all abt the classified docs @wikileaks put online?
TD I wouldn't make that assumption
JL Re "plea tax". That's simply a discount for a guilty plea?
TD Yes
JL You get 3 levels off if you plead guilty. Are you saying there's any thing wrong in that?
TD It's draconian and difficult [too risky] to go to trial
JL The judge decides on the enhancements
TD Not really. He can't ignore enhancements.
JL Re sentencing for "other conduct" and Rule of Specialty. Do you know the UK case of Welsh?
JL It talks about other conduct as an aggravation. Is that the same in US
TD Yes
James Lewis pulls Feldstein's testimony out again, re claim Obama admin decided not to prosecute #Assange. His contention is that it was just a long investigation that spanned both administration.
JL You got yr impressions from news reports?
TD Of course! (x3)
Re-exam from Edward Fitzgerald.
EF Have you seen the report JL referred to from the @washingtonpost, where Matthew Miller, a former DoJ spokesman, said there was no way to prosecute #Assange?
TD Yes
EF Would you consider MM a reliable source & others you mention?
TD Yes
EF You are aware of the dissent of prosecutors James Trump et al against prosecuting #Assange?
TD Yes
EF You spoke of prosecutorial discretion.
TD There have to be reasons for enhancements or aggravations, but a client's future is ultimately in the hand of the prosecutor.
Tim Durkin testimony has ended. Tomorrow we'll hear from John Goetz in the morning and @DanielEllsberg in the late afternoon.
• • •
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We are in the Supreme Court in Canberra, Australia, waiting for David McBride @MurdochCadell's appeal to begin. Our live updates will be on this thread.
McBride's appeal will be in front of a full bench of three female judges: Justice Baker, Justice Taylor and Justice Abraham. Senior counsel for McBride is Bill Neild. Junior counsel Kieran Ginges. His solicitor is Edwina Lloyd @worldzonfire.
@worldzonfire We have been informed that proceedings will be late in starting because @MurdochCadell was still at the prison. No reason was given why he was not already in court.
Day Two of the closing arguments for Antoinette Lattouf v. Australian Broadcasting Corporation will begin at 9.45am AEDT / 5.45pm EST today. We will be providing live updates on this thread.
Proceedings may be viewed on this link for the duration of today's session.
We heard from Lattouf's lawyers yesterday. Today will be the closing arguments for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Justice Darryl Rangiah presides, and Ian Neil SC (IN) will speak for the ABC.
Court in session. Lattouf lawyer Oshie Fagir (OF) tenders 3 documents. Number one is a medical opinion concerning the definition of disability, saying there is no difference between the underlying condition and its manifestation. Other documents concern the testimony of the decision-makers and their reasons for the actions they took.
Day One of the closing arguments for Antoinette Lattouf v. Australian Broadcasting Corporation will begin at 10.15am AEDT / 6.15pm EST today. We will be providing live updates on this thread.
Proceedings may be viewed on this link for the duration of today's session.
Our reporting on days one to seven of witness testimonies of Lattouf v. ABC are on these threads.
Last day of witness testimony for Lattouf v. ABC will begin in about 30 minutes. Live updates will be on this thread and the proceedings will be live-streamed from the Federal Court of Australia on this link:
Yesterday ended with the former ABC Chair Ita Buttrose claiming she had nothing to do with @antoinette_news' sacking, despite evidence of a number of emails she sent to subordinates that appeared to apply pressure for this outcome.
She stated in court: "I'm not happy and I wasn't happy. I didn't wish her to be removed. I didn't put pressure on anybody. It's a fantasy of your own imagination. I have nothing to do with her dismissal".
Court in session.
Judge: A media organisation has published information that was subject to a suppression order. I ask that this organisation consider their position & avoid further action.
Announcement of document that has arrived.
Next witness with be Elizabeth Green (direct manager of Lattouf). There is an objection to a part of her affidavit, starting with "this is because...". Judge reads & Lattouf lawyer objects on relevance. What is revenant is what she said or intended to say in a meeting.
Judge: Isn't that favourable for you
LL: Potentially but what is relevant is what preceded her characterisation of what she said.
Judge: I will provisionally let that evidence be led & we can deal with the matter in closing submissions.
Green takes the stand. Confirms her name & position as producer of Sydney 'Drive' show.
LL refers Green to her affidavit.
EG: It's details of a Teams meeting + screenshot I took.
Barrister Philip Boncardo for Lattouf: Did you see complaints about AL?
EG: Yes
PB: Were you told they were from lobby groups?
EG: No, not that I recall.
PB: Re conversations with Ahern. he asked you to look at AL's post. Did you know they about Israel-Palestine?
EG: Yes
PB asks about specifics of what EG said to Lattouf about social media posting & about communication to Ms McBean, legal council.
EG: I said she should be mindful, avoid posting anything about Israel-Palestine.
PB: AL had asked if she had done anything wrong
EG: I told her she was doing a good job, but keep a low profile on social media.
PB: Did you tell Lattouf she should not post anything that might appear unbalanced or not impartial.
EG: Yes
PB: Nothing about Israel-Palestine?
EG: yes I believe so
PB: You said it was OK to post anything factual and from a verified organisation?
EG: Yes
PB: Nothing controversial?
EG: Yes
PB: You got an email from AL outlining what was OK to post & you forwarded this to Ahern. And you both OKd this?
EG: Yes
PB: You gave Lattouf good feedback on her show?
EG: Yes
PB: You were copied in on an email sent by Ahern detailing why AL was on the show.
EG: Yes
PB: When you learned of an intention to dismiss AL you raised an objection that there was nothing wrong with her post?
EG: yes
PB: You were at the dismissal meeting with Ahern & Lattouf where it was explained she had breached the social media policy. Did AL say she had discussed what was OK with you?
EG: Yes
PB: Al was crying & you spent time with here. You said you were sorry & had tried to stop this, but it was coming from higher up?
EG: yes
PB: AL asked if it was about the @hrw post & you said it was about it not being balanced.
EG: Yes
PB: And she said: "How can you balance starvation (as a 'weapon of war')?
EG: I don't recall that.
PB: You said you would love AL to work at the ABC again.
EG: Yes
PB: You made notes, saying you had heard the decision came from Mr Anderson. Heard from whom?
Lattouf v. ABC will resume in the Federal Court of Australia in about 20 minutes time & we'll hear from five witnesses over the two days. Updates are on this thread & the proceedings can be viewed on this link.
@antoinette_news Day Six of Lattouf v. ABC in session. Judge makes announcement about violations of the confidentiality of complainants' names & addresses - and the uploading of unredacted material to the publicly available online files. ABC lawyer apologises for the human error.
@antoinette_news Today we will hear from Ahern, Buttrose & Green. Statement from ABC: does not deny the existence of the Lebanese race or ethnic extraction & that Ms Lattouf is Lebanese. Does deny this has anything to do with her dismissal.
Our DAY FIVE reporting on the Lattouf v. ABC case will be on this thread and starting at 9.30am AEDT, the proceedings can be viewed via this link ⬇️
We arrived at a point yesterday where David Anderson, the Managing Director of the ABC (Australia's national broadcaster) testified that @antoinette_news' mention of "Illegally occupied territories" of #Gaza could be interpreted as anti-semitic hate speech.
The Australian journalists' union @withMEAA has since issued a statement about outside interference that may have influenced such views within the ABC.
Court in session. Calling Christopher Nicolas Oliver-Taylor (O-T), Chief Content Officer (COT) for ABC.
Changes since affidavit - resigned from ABC.
Screenshot shown from Teams meeting
Oshie Fagir: You took a religious oath
O-T: Yes, I'm Catholic
OF: Do you know what a managed exit is?
O-T: No
OF: Do you use Signal & did you communicate about Ms Lattouf over Signal
O-T: Yes & yes, with Mr Latimer
OF reads O-T's job description - ensures compliance for editorial policies (EdPols) - - formerly over 1K people
OF - Do you understand EdPols govern on air content, and then there are Guidelines for personal use of social media & ABC distinguishes the two?
O-T Yes, but it depends on the circumstances?
OF- So personal social media activity is not ABC content & not subject to EdPols. Agree?
O-T Yes, but impartiality can come into play
OF: You were also bound by EdPols?
O-T: Yes
OF draws O-T's attention to the subject of misconduct = where employee disobeys a reasonable and lawful direction.
OF You understand the difference between direction, request and suggestion?
O-T: Yes
OF: The way Ms Lattouf (AL) was dealt with was highly abnormal. Agree?
O-T: No
OF: Ms Green was AL's line manager. Wasn't it unusual for you & ABC's MD to be involved in scrutinising the conduct of a 5-day casual employee? You disagreed.
O-T: Nods
OF: Social media misconduct should have nothing to do with EdPols or the COT, but be managed by line manager.
O-T: Not unless the MD refers it to COT. It was managed by line manager but others involved to.
OF: When did you consult with people in Culture?
O-T: I did not
OF: You understood that Lattouf was not a high profile personality?
O-T: Yes
OF: You were aware of her race & national extraction?
O-T: No
OF: You see this email you wrote, where you say she is a Lebanese Christian?
O-T: I copy/pasted this content from Mr Ahern...
OF: Of course you knew. Were you confused by this? You understand that there is a race called Lebanese Christian?
ABC lawyer: Objection
Judge asks O-T to leave the room
OF reminds judge that Fair Work Act permits use of race as a national or ethnic category
OF to O-T: You understand Lattouf was Lebanese?
O-T: I wasn't really aware of all the content of my email send to MD Anderson.
OF: You just copy/paste content to email and send?
O-T: In some cases. The criteria. for Lattouf's selection were put together by someone else.
OF: You understood Lattouf's position on the Israel-Gaza war before she was hired?
O-T: More as the week continued. I don't know if I understood her position but I knew there were published comments relating to question of partiality as a host of a live radio show.
OF: You understood when you caused her to be removed from the air that Lattouf held a view that media orgs should report ethically on Israel-Palestine?
O-T: I didn't know she held that view
OF refers to O-T sent to Ahern & Latimer, questioning her suitability for the job because of her position on Israel-Palestine & because she signed a petition.
OF: You knew her political stance when you fired her, that she was critical of the State of Israel?
O-T: No
OF: You knew she had signed a petition calling for ethical reporting on the war?
O-T: It wasn't about that, She wasn't supposed to post anything during her period of employment
OF: He dismissal was precipitated by a social media post? When did you become aware of that?
O-T: Yes. during a Teams meeting,. It was a slide shared by Mr Latimer
OF: You gave evidence at the Fair Work Commission that you had never seen that post. O-T says his memory is not clear.
OF moves on to the week of Lattouf's dismissal. O-T says he was looking at ways she could be kept on air.
OF refers to correspondence about Lattouf. There is no indication here that you saw her posts relating to diversity of voices and Israel's use of starvation as a weapon of war. Correct?
O-T: I can't recall. I believe I was told by Mr Latimer
OF reads from O-T affidavit, questions the use of language defining partiality. Asks if those are lawyer's words or his.
O-T: I don't know how to answer that
OF : You understand there is an obligation for ABC employees to be impartial. On what issues?
O-T: That's a broad question but if you're a live radio host you should be impartial, there are some topics where it becomes difficult to hold personal view.
OF: The obligation applies at all times or only at work
O-T: It depends on the circumstances
OF: And if you are radio host, it applies to all subject matter? Did you understand that when Lattouf was employed by ABC she should be impartial on all subject matter at all times?
O-T: No? (O-T speaking very quietly)
OF: Lattouf was hosting the 'Mornings' show and it was a (politically) light show. That her work was not related to the Israel-Gaza war?
O-T: Yes, but there were news breaks & that was the hottest news story at the time.
OF: You wrote "her work is not related to the Israel-Gaza war. You knew the content of 'Mornings' was significantly watered down coming up to Christmas.
OF: You knew Lattouf did not present the news. That was a completely different person & different department. Correct?
O-T: Yes
OF: Was Lattouf sacked for breaching a direction?
O-T: Yes, and was not impartial - and this could have affected perception of her impartiality on air.
OF: Who gave the direction not to pst on social media
O-T: I believe it was Mr Ahern
OF: Because she was known to have certain opinions about the Israel-Gaza War?
O-T: I was told that
OF: What was her view?
O-T: I'm not sure
OF: You took a decision without knowing anything about her views?
O-T: I'm not an expert on the issues. I was told there was a problem related to impartiality.
OF: You knew complaints were made by a pro-Israel lobby?
O-T: I knew there had been a number of complaints. I don't believe I knew it was a lobby. It was by people who held a different view to Ms Lattouf. That was clear.
OF: You understood that the complaints were about her position on the Israel-Gaza war.
O-T: Yes
OF: You have been instructed not to acknowledge Ms Lattouf's position & just use the catch-phrase "impartiality", right?
O-T: I don't agree with that statement.
OF On Dec 18, did you know who Lattouf was?
O-T: I don't think so
OF: Did Anderson know her?
O-T: I don't know sir
OF: You knew complaints were about her position on the war?
O-T: Yes, Mr Anderson told me
OF: And you told Mr Ahern to seek advice Latimer & Saska?
O-T: Yes they were the experts on subject matter
OF: On what basis has the ABC authority to forbid Lattouf from expressing her views?
O-T: Our concern about impartiality
OF You note Latimer's advice that the ABC could not expect a casual presenter's view to be consistent with ABC policy at all times? You agree with that?
O-T: Yes
OF: And you note Melkman's comments about her Crikey article, that it was clearly journalistic work?
OF: Yes
O-T: You agreed with Melkman's view (as acting editorial director)?
O-T: Yes
OF You then get an email from Ahern & see mention of Lattouf's views on the Israel-Gaza war. Did you read it?
O-T: Briefly
OF: You had a lot of emails about this. Was it a priority issue?
O-T: Yes but it wasn't about something I knew much about.
OF: Your affidavit speaks of what was in your mind the week of the dismissal.
O-T: There were lots of things going on. I was running 9 radio stations & 4 RV channels
OF: But there's a lot about this matter in you affidavit.
O-T: I remember different things at different times.
OF: You have no reason to doubt what was in Ahern's email? Your view when you wrote to the MD was that Lattouf had expressed views that would be problematic?
O-T: During her period of employment
OF You understood there would be no coverage of Israel-Gaza that week?
O-T: Yes
OF: Did you think AL's signing a petition was relevant?
O-T: No but others were concerned
OF: You recall a series of texts the MD sent you that evening of Dec 18?
O-T: Yes
OF, referring to the one saying MD thought "we have an Antoinette problem. Her socials are full of anti-semitic hatred" and doubting ABC could have someone like that on air. Did you think he was right?
O-T: I did know much about the issue. I was concerned that she was on live radio.
OF: You had no idea what she was posting?
O-T: I agreed with Anderson that we had a problem because she was live.
OF: You were sent a screenshot about Crikey reporting by Lattouf & Cameron Wilson. What's problematic about her contributing to a Crikey article?
O-T: My concern was that she was live.
OF: ABC journalists publish articles every day where they express their opinions. Should this disqualify them from working at the ABC.
O-T: I'm not a journalist. When an MD uses words like "ant-semitic hatred" I become concerned.
OF: Didn't you say you didn't know anything about Lattouf's views, but were aware on the evening of Dec 18 that she was critical of the State of Israel?
O-T: MD told me that and supplied a screenshot.
Judge asks O-T to leave court. Discussion about line of questioning. OF says O-T was a decision-maker. The allegation was that Lattouf was sacked because of her political views. He wants to educe evidence that O-T was ate of those views. Judge suggests he take question in two steps. O-T returns.