I made a mistake today. I watched the Aboriginal-themed documentary, "Utopia." While I understand that Australia has instituted a reconciliation action plan, I cannot visit that country. In 2012, things were 1000 times worse for those Black people than it was for us in...1/4
...the US. I have always believed that we cannot expect much progress in the #BlackLivesMatter movement unless we simultaneously address what is happening with our Indigenous people, both at home and abroad. The heinous crimes committed by white supremacists didn't begin...2/4
...with us, it began in 1492. White supremacists created and began perfecting their demonic tendencies of rape, murder, imprisonment, and genocide long before they kidnapped, subjugated, and enslaved our African ancestors. "Utopia" upset me so much, I was shaking with rage!! 3/4
I saw a terribly disturbing video on IG last night. A celebrity was trying to encourage people to get vaccinated, but he insulted those who thought they had legitimate reasons not to get it. Implying that they were stupid was inaappropriate. I've done this, too. 1/5
I know it was wrong because the people who challenged him were not ignorant. They simply didn't have a more complete picture where these vaccines are concerned. After witnessing his behavior, I started to think about my own and how I can modify it for the better. 2/5
I doubt there are many people alive today who have ever experienced a novel coronavirus. As such, there is so much we do not know about it. Until recently, we lay people knew even less about the mRNA vaccines. Research is in my blood and I have investigated these vaccines. 3/5