Here is the latest #NorthComplex#BearFire#NorthComplexWestZone data as of 9/14 PM. The Bear & Claremont Fires merged on 9/7 to form the North Complex. It’s managed by Plumas NF & CAL FIRE.
✅269,358 acres (increased)
✅39% contained
✅15 fatalities
#NorthComplex#BearFire#NorthComplexWestZone WEATHER
☁️Upper elevation inversion layer will lift late morning
☁️Lower elevation inversion layer will lift by 2 PM
☁️S and SW fire area may see the strongest winds
☁️Smoke will decrease after 11 AM, mostly sunny
#NorthComplex#BearFire#NorthComplexWestZone WEATHER
☁️Temps 83-87
☁️Relative humidity 20-28%
☁️2000 ft el- Light winds in AM, SW winds 4-7 MPH w/gusts to 10 MPH
☁️4000 ft el-SE winds 3-5 MPH in AM, SW winds 6-9 MPH w/gusts 14 MPH
🔥Last night slop over through Granite Basin on S side of Oro Quincy Hwy
🔥Last night no major movement from Willow Creek west to Big Bend
🔥Last night fire activity in Onion Valley and near Wilson-Gomez Mine
🔥Firing activity will take place east to Chimney Rock to part of LaPorte Rd
🔥Today mop up along Mooreville Ridge from Sly Creek Res to Little Grass Valley
🔥Lost Creek & Sly Creek Res could ignite fuels & produce ember cast
🔥High spotting potential from Sugar Pine Pt to Jackass Flat
🔥Forbestown & Ponderosa Res fuels could be active if spot or slops get established
🔥Could be runs in Forbestown Ridge
🔥Spotting potential @ Cherokee, Bloomer Hill, Stringtown, W Chino Ridge/Hungary Hunt Peak, Yankee Hill, Jarbo Gap & Bardees Bar
🔥Feather River drainage will see stronger winds
🔥China Gulch could harbor fire spread
>BUTTE< Residents may return to
📢Hwy 162 from Forbestown Rd north to Bidwell Bar Bridge
📢Stringtown Rd north of Mountain Oak Rd
📢Lumpkin Rd from Faye Mar Dr to Enterprise Bridge
☎️Questions? 530-538-7826
💒Butte County/Gridley Fairgrounds
💒Yuba ☎️ Red Cross @ 530-673-1460
💒Yuba Welfare Checks ☎️ 530-749-7777 ext 5
💒Plumas ☎️ Social Services @ 530-283-6350
🦄Butte ☎️ 530-895-0000
🦄Camelot Equestrian Park
🦄Small - Old County Hospital, 2279 Del Oro, Oroville (FULL)
🦄Small - 521 Cal Oak Rd, Oroville
Sometimes all this #NorthComplex#NorthComplexWestZone#BearFire stuff just pushes you to the edge. Sometimes just talking with a someone you don’t know, who is judgement free, helps:
☎️Suicide Prevention Hotline
English 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Español 1-888-628-9454
The #NorthComplex#NorthComplexWestZone#BearFire suck and recovery is hard. Sometimes you just need to rant or have a good cry. Want to talk to a counselor/therapist for free? ☎️11:30 am—9:30 pm 855-582-5554
My step-grandpa, Carl Richard Bischoff, died in Arizona yesterday after a five year fight with multiple myeloma. One of the most altruistic men I've ever known, he stepped in as a surrogate grandfather to me when my stepmom, BJ, became part of our family.
Almost 15 years ago we both under went surgeries- me dental surgery and Carl for colon cancer- like two freshman college roommates we were holed up together unexpectedly at BJ's house - eating soft foods, hopped up on pain killers and watching bad television for a week.
It was my first chance to get to know Carl, this man who was a new part of my family tree. He was born in 1933, the day after me, August 27, in Lancaster, PA. (We often celebrated our birthdays together!)
👏Forward progress stopped👏
This means the fire is no longer spreading, but it is not necessarily at 100% containment.
🔥1/4 acre
Crews will be on scene for 3 hours
I will update THIS THREAD for the time being with any new information. 👇
This is on the Napa-Sonoma border, honestly. Just east of Sugarloaf State Park.
#WallFire is located in the Nuns Fire scar. That's "my" fire. And don't get excited - 2017 fire scars are ready to burn again - if you live here, you know.