Seat belts are mandatory. Bike helmets are mandatory. Speed limits are mandatory. But taking a vaccine during the worst pandemic in a century should be optional? This is libertarian ideology run amok! The UCP is a public health threat!…
When someone’s “choice” has an impact on someone else’s life or health, it ceases to be a “choice” issue. FFS!
“During the H1N1 epidemic, Alberta only achieved a 40 per cent voluntary immunization rate. Jenne says that didn't hit the threshold for herd immunity. Mandatory vaccination was brought in for smallpox, which eventually led to its eradication in the 1970s.”
This is yet another example of the UCP playing politics with the pandemic. They’re trying to create an uproar over rights in order to distract from their dismal record on the economy and their awful (non)plan for school reopening. Shameful!
Goodbye Alberta Advantage! A report released today shows that average wages in Alberta fell behind Quebec in 2024 after falling behind BC in 2023. This represents a shocking decline in Alberta wages, which used to be 17% higher than the Canadian average. #abpoli #abecon #ableg
The report, prepared by economist @JimboStanford in cooperation with the @ABFedLabour, shows that Alberta has had the slowest wage growth in Canada since 2019.…
@JimboStanford @ABFedLabour “Once a promising place for workers to find jobs, earn decent wages, and support their families, Alberta has more recently demonstrated among the weakest labour markets in Canada,” reads the report.
This is complete BS, Don. Did you talk to a single labour relations expert before writing this column? You clearly want the government to order the mechanics back to work and won’t be satisfied with any other outcome.
The disruptions caused by this LEGAL strike are West Jet’s fault. When the mechanics rejected a tentative agreement recommended by their own union, West Jet should have RUSHED back to the bargaining table. Instead, they wasted time trying to convince the Minister to step in.
West Jet had DAYS to resolve this and avoid disruptions. Instead, they wasted those days playing politics. This is ALL on West Jet management. It’s the West Jet CEO who has shown his incompetence, not the federal labour minister.
The business community is starting to acknowledge that Covid is a BIG economic & workplace problem. Unfortunately, here in Alberta, Covid deniers are running the UCP and our government. Who do you believe: Harvard researchers or our Premier, #DenialSmith?…
Check out these stats! Harvard University economists estimated that long Covid costs the U.S. economy between $160 billion and $200 billion per year in lost wages and increased medical costs.
In May 2023 the Brookings Institution reported that 700,000 people were absent from the U.S. labor force due to the illness. Some of these people may be too sick to work, even with accommodations.
UCP policies are depressing both living standards and economic growth in Alberta. That’s the conclusion of a new report, entitled Alberta’s Disappearing Advantage. Check out these alarming charts! We need to fight to repair our living standards! #abpoli…
The report, authored by one of Canada’s most prominent progressive economists, @JimboStanford, shows that since the UCP took over, Alberta has had the slowest rate of wage growth among all Canadian provinces. We’re number one at suppressing wages!
@JimboStanford Once you adjust for inflation, the real value of wages in Alberta has shrunk 10 percent in the last decade and 5 percent in the past 5 years. Real, inflation-adjusted wages are even falling in the super-profitable oil & gas sector. This is NOT happening in other provinces.
I wrote this column back in September, but it’s more important than ever. Danielle Smith’s new anti-trans policy needs to be seen for what it is: part of a global “culture war” being waged by extremists against public services … and democracy itself.…
The activists behind these (policies) are part of a global network of right-wing extremists who have spent the past 10 or 15 years trying to foment rage and sow seeds of division — all in an effort to destabilize democracies around the world.
First, they targeted Muslims and migrants. Then they attempted to demonize civil rights campaigns, like the Black Lives Matter movement…
I just read the UCP’s cowardly pension workbook. I say “cowardly” because they’re offering this in place of the public town halls they initially promised. So, how bad is the government’s latest sales document dressed up as consultation? Let me count the ways. #AlbertaPensionScam
First, there’s still no clear question,
like: “Are you in favour or leaving CPP and creating a stand-alone Alberta plan?” Instead we get a loaded question: “If those issues and concerns were addressed to your satisfaction, would you be supportive of moving from CPP to an APP?”
The first clause in the question makes any data gathered through the answers to the question ambiguous. Which, of course, is exactly what the government wants. Once again, this is evidence that the government is bunch of cowards on this issue.