You will actually have an ear full. A national orientation will be ignited in the content of the bill to ease implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Congratulations to the people. #EndImpunity 🚔
The objective of the Bill is to provide for a more efficient and effective police SERVICE that is based on the principles of; Accountability and Transparency, Protection of Human Rights & Fundamental Freedoms, & Partnership with other security agencies. @ayemojubar please note.
Here are specific objectives of this Bill. Which simply means any police officer that violates the fundamental objective of the establishment law has broken the law of the land even while prosecuting an actual suspect. Suffice to say that the full implementation will help a lot.
Always remember that “Difficulties mastered are opportunities won” (Winston Churchill). There is a lot we can achieve as active citizens without resorting to conventional antics that no longer yield positive result in modern day. It is possible. #Collaborate#LiveSignificantly⛱
It is a shame how in the bid to incentivize bad behavior, we castigate the consequences of the condemnable actions of those shaming our nation, instead of addressing the real issue. How do we hope to control how others respond to the primitive actions of those we are shielding?🤔
The moment you begin to say “we are not all like that” there is a problem. Arresting a thief for stealing need no defense by those that share his religion or ethnicity. It is not a judgement on his race but his action and he must take responsibility for the consequences.
If not for hypocrisy, when we all condemned the Culture of Impunity within the police, no one would dare raise an objection on the defense that not all Police officers are guilty of impunity. We held everyone responsible as expected that they all must caution their colleagues.
There’re certain fundamentals that can’t be breached based on sentiments. Pilots must have uncorrected distance visual acuity no worse than 20/70 in each eye, & vision must be correctable to 20/20 or better in each eye. #GettingItRightNG🇳🇬
It doesn’t matter if your tribe/religion is not represented enough in the profession. Bend the rules and risk human lives in droves with certainty of the compromise & ruin of the mode of transportation.
Stampeding the blind to lead the blind is counterproductive. #Standards 🎙
Pilots must have uncorrected distance visual acuity no worse than 20/70 in each eye, and vision must be correctable to 20/20 or better in each eye. Enlistees' vision must be fully evaluated during a pre-entry qualification physical.
Yet, this fellow tweeted photos of @renoomokri’s one year old daughter and sicced his followers on her to the extent she got death threats. Who really should be banned?
Character assassination & serial criminal defamation is NOT investigative journalism. We know reputable journalists in our clime. They are not hands for hire by politicians to impugn the integrity of others. I was alarmed at the number of calls I received when I offered to help..
…you are a young man whose future is bright if only you get out of your own way. You are not a wanted man & being on self exile won’t grant you asylum in any sane country. This explains why you were declined by the UK, Belgium, US, Canada & Germany.
…attempt at foisting an ethnic power grab instead of regarding & understanding the physiology of democratic forces may be the undoing of this entire campaign.
“This Igbo ethnic albatross is in the view of most watchers of the times as ‘one big hurdle’ that HE Peter Obi and…
…his supporters must cross if he is to attract the necessary cross-national support without which it is impossible to win a presidential election in Nigeria.”
Peter Obi is not the problem. Most of the unhinged bigoted supporters are.
When clouded by anger in the collective we lash out to bottle the blame & focus on the problem rather than look inward. The obstacle is the path. You’re like the Joseph whose destiny is already ordained focusing on the evil acts of his brothers based on the envy of his dreams.
Oh, how can God say Joseph is a potential Minister in Egypt when he cannot even win his the affection of his brothers, who eventually sold him as a slave? Despite the illustrious dreams he was lied upon & sent to prison. Those he helped in prison forgot him there. It took years!
Slowly but surely, the gifts and discipline developed in obscurity spoke and never lied and he was remembered and God’s plan for him came to pass. The years of travails contributed to the perfection of his gifts & sharpened his horizon. God is not a man that He should lie.
The North enjoy their united front, while the South allow sentiments to divide them. The Igbos are not the enemy. Social injustice is. Igbo people have sacrificed too much to attain excellence & must never be sold as ethnic champions. This has been my take from day one. 🎙
We want a good system that works for all. Political history shows that the Igbos have supported anything based on merit and justice. They have voted against their interest so many times. They know a bad market from afar. Competence is better selling point not ethnicity.
The 2023 election is not about tribalism or religion. It should be based on competence and we must all speak with our votes. Whoever emerges will be our President not just for the people that campaigned or abused others in the process. Nation building should trump bigotry.