We have the protocols. Now we know how there will very likely be an Emergency Use Approval (EUA) for a vaccine prior to November 3. The company and political motivations are fully aligned. 1. The criteria for an EUA is that it "may be effective" fda.gov/regulatory-inf…
2. Nearly every day we hear from @pfizer's CEO @AlbertBourla that they will know if their vaccine is working by the end of October.
Only the Data and Safety Monitoring Board is reviewing the data at specific intervals, the interim analyses
So how will they (Pfizer) know that?
3. The 1st interim analysis for that trial is at 32 events, infections, which can and likely will be mild. The stopping rules as reviewed by @biosbenk@EmoryRollins are "aggressive" and "unusual" for the number of interim analyses (4) and Bayesian approach github.com/benkeser/pfize…
4. As presented in a poll, ≥ 26 infections in the placebo group at the 1st interim of 32 events would fulfill the stopping rule and support a claim of efficacy.
But the EUA only requires *"May be effective"* so even <26 placebo events could qualify
5. The DSMB reports to the sponsor. The trial data should not be unblinded unless it has been stopped (for futility, safety, or efficacy stopping rule) or completed. But it is easy to discern which group (vaccine or placebo) by the early adverse effects without unblinding.
6. Note the similarity in some symptoms for #COVID19 (which are the endpoint) and the early adverse effects of the vaccine (dose of 100 ug was used in Phase 3) nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…
7. So with or without fulfilling pre-specified efficacy criteria at the 1st interim look, which will occur within weeks, Pfizer can apply for an EUA with the low threshold of "may be effective"
(If Pfizer hits the stopping rule and doesn't stop the trial, that's another story)
8. The EUA criteria are so minimal that even the Phase 1/2 serology data (NEJM paper above) could fulfill "may be effective" and that would equate to the Russian vaccine approval and roll out.
10. What if the FDA says NO, the data from 32 infections isn't enough? Clearly at that juncture there would be very limited data for the vaccine's safety.
The HHS can override that an issue the vaccine approval.
And we've already seen @HHSGov do that with FDA LDTs weeks ago.
11. The same issues apply for the @moderna_tx first interim analysis at 53 events, but a conventional O'Brien-Fleming stopping rule is being used and the 1° endpoint definition of infections is tighter
12. This is obviously a rush job—a race between companies with big political stakes. Once an EUA is issued for a vaccine, the whole landscape shifts. Safety issues could crop up later and engender mistrust. Ability to conduct placebo-controlled trials could be impaired.
13. These are the most important clinical trials of our lifetime. There's no need for this rush. We need to do them right; get the Phase 3 trials completed as planned at 150-160 events. That will only require waiting weeks, it'll give us more confidence about efficacy and safety
14. Just as pressure was applied to @pfizer@BioNTech_Group and @moderna_tx to release their protocols, we need to apply intense pressure to the companies, the FDA, and HHS to preempt any EUA until Phase 3 trials are *fully* completed.
15. Translation, TLDR:
We need a shot in the light, not in the dark.
A matter of weeks to nail the efficacy issue down is well worth the wait.
Zero tolerance for company or governmental shortcuts and related back door BS.
Of >105,000 participants with 30-year follow-up, only 9.3% achieved healthy aging (age 70, w/o any chronic diseases). Their diet was significantly associated with this outcome🧵 @NatureMedicine
These are the specific foods that were linked with healthy aging and other outcomes. Green-favorable; Red-unfavorable
Adherence to these diets (most to least in quintiles) linked to healthy aging
A paper on microplastics accumulating in the brain was just published @NatureMedicine, open-access
I review the background and major implications in a new Ground Truths edition (link in my profile)nature.com/articles/s4159…
The human brain:
—had 7-30 times more accumulation of microparticles (MPs) than the liver or kidney (organs with previously documented high propensity)
—from people with dementia had 5X accumulation of MPs compared with non-dementia
—there was a marked increase of accumulation over recent years
Three new @NEJM reports on #H5N1 today 1. An overview by @MichaelGIsonMD and @DrJeanneM
"urgent need for vigilant surveillance of emerging mutations and assessment of the threat of human-to-human transmission"
2. Report of the 13-year-old Canadian girl who developed acute respiratory failure. Sequence of her H5N1 revealed 3 mutations that may be linked to higher virulence and adaptation to human cell binding
3. Review of 46 cases of mild H5N1 illness by CDC in 2024
We're learning how to control the immune response, like a rheostat, even in the brain. Implications for understanding the basis and potential treatment of autoimmune conditions like multiple sclerosis, #LongCovid, #MECFS, and brain cancer.
A brief review of 6 recent, important reports
in the new Ground Truths, open-access
Such as Programming T cells with brain-specific proteins and payloads
@ScienceMagazine science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…
Or peptide fragments of myelin basic protein that suppress the immune response @Nature nature.com/articles/s4158…
A whopping (~90%) reduction of progression to Type 2 diabetes with tirzepatide (GLP-1 drug, dual receptor) vs placebo in a randomized trial of >2,500 participants with obesity, absolute reduction of 10/100 treated
In other GLP-1 new publications today
—Country-wide Sweden reduced hospitalizations for alcohol or substance abuse with these drugs jamanetwork.com/journals/jamap… @JAMAPsych
—Concerns about discontinuation jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/… @JAMA_current
Other new anti-obesity drugs in the pipeline, one that also increases energy expenditure
@NatureNV nature.com/articles/d4158…
A dedicated issue of @ScienceTM on #LongCovid
—Sex-specific differences, with perspective by @VirusesImmunity and @SilvaJ_C
—Insights for therapies @AndreaCoxMDPhD
—Deconvoluting "Osler's Web" @MichaelPelusoMD @DeeksSteven @DrMaureenHanson @SaydahSharon
—+RECOVER Trial, Lyme disease