1./ If the UK govt really has rejected Gender Self-ID it will be a historic defeat for the "gender identity" lobby. But how did such a strange idea as Self-ID ever gain so much political traction? It's a bizarre and troubling story. thetimes.co.uk/article/changi…
2./ It all starts in Edinburgh in 1974 when two guys bring together gay organisations from across Europe to form the International Gay Congress. One of them, Ian Dunn, is an unrepentant paedophile and founder member of PIE. Here's his obituary.👇independent.co.uk/news/obituarie…
3./ IGC would go on to become ILGA, the pre-eminent international gay rights organisation; despite its status as a UN NGO being interrupted in 1994 when its links to pro-paedophile organisations were revealed. Here's ILGA's own take on that debacle.👇 ilga.org/ilga-ecosoc-st…
4./ When ILGA finally managed to put that row behind it, in 2006, it returned to its efforts to argue the UN should embrace gay rights properly. It couldn't overcome the opposition of the likes of Zimbabwe and Saudi Arabia. So ILGA had a bright idea. Fancy a trip to Indonesia?
5./ In 2007 ILGA invited human rights lawyers on an expen$e$ paid trip to Yogyakarta in Indone$ia where they drew up a charter of human right$ they hoped would become the definitive statement on gay rights. Here'$ a guide to Yogyakarta. Look$ lovely👇
6. A fateful mistake was made tho. Late in the day trans activists like Stephen Whittle were invited who argued for the inclusion of "gender identity" with equal status as sexual orientation in the new "Yogyakarta Principles". They won.👇 yogyakartaprinciples.org/principle-3/
7. At the heart of the YP's gender identity clauses was the concept of Self-ID, taken from the fringes of trans activism, which said anyone should be able to be legally recognised as the sex they identified as, no questions asked. It was soon being promoted by activists worldwide
8./ The first to buy into the YP baloney was breathtakingly corrupt Argentina in 2012. Here's a thread that explores how the appalling Christina Kirchner used Self-ID to tran$wash her image as progre$$ive. Her net worth is an e$timated $115M. #justsaying👇
9./ When deeply corrupt Malta joined the EU its govt was desperate to appear progressive and so passed Self-ID. A critic of this policy, as well as rampant corruption, was Daphne Galizia. Leading members of that same govt are now implicated in her death.👇theguardian.com/membership/202…
10./ Just six months before her murder in a car bomb, Pink News bemoaned the fact Malta had overtaken Scotland's top place in ILGA's ranking on LGBT rights. There was no mention of the fact Malta's weapons grade corruption disqualified it as a model of anything but lawlessness👇
11./ We're told now that Self-ID is "international best practise". It's not. In Ireland, Denmark and Norway Self-ID was smuggled in during campaigns for marriage equality. This was a deliberate tactic as this extract from legal advice to trans lobby groups acknowledges. 👇
12./ This was part of an extraordinary article by @jameskirkup that exposed the deceptive tactics of a lobby that dared not debate Self-ID because they knew the public would never buy it. They decided to exploit gay rights as a Trojan horse instead.👇spectator.co.uk/article/the-do…
13./ In the UK this tactic was exemplified by @stonewalluk who in 2015 adopted trans rights as a number one priority. This was the recommendation of a Trans Advisory Panel they set up that included everyone's favourite trans activist, the bearded "lesbian", Alex Drummond.👇
14./ On the same panel was Aimee Challoner, champion of Self-ID who failed to tell the Greens her dad, an important "trans ally" whom she lived with, was up for child rape charges for which he was eventually jailed. She's the one with glasses, standing to the left of @ruth_hunt.
15./ Ruth herself, now a Baroness, as Stonewall CEO embraced the notion of Self-ID around the same time something else spooky happened to her. In her book Queer Prophets she describes how Jesus appeared to her in a nightclub and spoke to her. She wept. Queer right enough.
16./ No one in @ALLIANCELGB has seen Jesus but our founding last year was a minor miracle that nailed the myth that rejection of Self-ID is homophobic. Instead it dissolves protections for gays in the law. It's also misused by homophobic parents.👇
17./ Above all the landscape changed with the defence of @MForstater by @jk_rowling who publicly supported the rights of trans people to live their lives as they wanted. The public were baffled by attacks like this that claimed she was somehow hateful👇vox.com/culture/2019/1…
18./ I don't know if last week's disgusting hashtag RIP JK was the straw that broke the camel's back but it surely must have crystallised for @trussliz the lack of boundaries and sheer viciousness of the Self-ID lobby that likes to dress itself up in the language of "kindness".
19./ The rejection of G R Reform will now be a political football. Tories will be denounced as reactionary when women and gays (and worried parents of all sorts) are flocking to their defence, often reluctantly, because @trussliz had the courage to do the right thing.
20./ It's worth remembering tho just how close we came to disaster. When in December 2016 the Tories led the first debate on Transgender Equality they competed for brownie points with the other parties. Here's that woke-fest in all its pitiable glory. 👇theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=20…
21./ Theresa May was PM and had bought into Self-ID. So had all the other parties. Here's the SNP's usually super-smart @joannaccherry selling the nonsense of the YP and boasting of the SNP's adoption of "gender identity". Like Joanna we're thankfully all wiser now.👇
22./ Or are we? Bad ideas with momentum like Self-ID can take on a life of their own. Here's @JournoStephen dissecting the Lib Dems' interpretation of Self-ID that claims referring to male bodied people (who say they are female) as male is transphobic. 👇spectator.co.uk/article/the-li…
23./ This despite the fact that Stephen Whittle himself (that author of the YP & leading transman) ridiculed the idea biological sex was the same as 'gender identity'. The Lib Dems can't even make their wokeness coherent. 👇
24./ If we're lucky this week's reversal of the march of Self-ID will be pivotal. Women's right to define themselves will be accorded the importance it deserves. Kids can be protected, gays allowed to defend our rights in law. But the story of Self-ID should be a cautionary tale.
How could an idea so fundamentally irrational and with such dodgy roots in notions inimical to kids have wriggled its way into the minds of so many legislators? Perhaps if we can learn from this farce we can defend ourselves from the next incursion of the delusional.
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1./ Culture War?
🧵The Left claims it's the Right who drives the Culture War. Proof that this is untrue is Scotland's new list of texts for English exams in schools. An incredible 26% of the works are by LGBTQ+ authors. Click on the link at the end of this 🧵to read more. 👇
2./ The rot set in 10 years ago when the SNP decided only questions about Scottish authors would be asked in exams. So no Shakespeare, Jane Austen or Toni Morrison. Instead second-rate Scottish authors take their place. Extra points if your "queer". Or agender like Ely Percy. 👀
3./ Or Kirsty Logan the idiot novelist who was at the front of a baying pack that tried to silence @msjlindsay and accused the Scottish Poetry Library of transphobia merely for defending free speech. Her argument against single sex spaces was a classic of the genre. #bonkers
1./ SNP Cancels Scottish Culture
A brilliant letter in @heraldscotland from my old English teacher, the poet John Hodgart. The skewing of the curriculum in the name of woke "diversity" is a fraud. It is now less diverse. Take the cancellation of Burns. heraldscotland.com/opinion/249377…
2./ Only 2 of Burns's songs are offered in schools now. And only as choices. Of the 6 poets actually taught none write in Scots; the language Burns turned into a global champion....of diversity. One that Abraham Lincoln, Bob Dylan and Maya Angelou admired. whitehousehistory.org/the-white-hous…
3./ I met Angelou once and when she heard I was from Scotland all she wanted to talk about was Robert Burns. She famously said that, "he was the first white man I read who seemed to understand ... we are more alike than unalike". Who takes Burns's place? bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episod…
1./ Sarah McBride: America's Bathroom Bully.
The new trans identified Congressman claims it's Republicans like @NancyMace who are "obsessed with bathrooms" but in my latest article I trace McBride's long track record of invading women's spaces. And attacking free speech.
2./ In 2016 McBride revealed his obsession with women's bathrooms by photographing himself in one. As Press Secretary of the corrupt, ex-gay group @HRC he argued the struggle over bathrooms had been a feature of every civil rights struggle (uhh?) and was "a political priority".
3./ So obsessed with bathrooms was McBride that after HRC failed to stop a 'Bathroom Bill' in North Carolina protecting women's spaces, @HRC mounted a revenge campaign to ensure its Governor was not re-elected. "If you come for us we're going to come for you", warned McBride.
1./ Pride Shock Update!
In TOTALLY unexpected news a Pride group founder has been accused of plotting to kidnap and rape children from schools and swimming pool changing rooms. Despite the fact he provided DEI advice to dozens of firms. And @SurreyPolice. telegraph.co.uk/news/2025/02/1…
2./ Indeed only 6 months before he was arrested Ireland short-listed @SurreyPolice for his Surrey Pride award as 'Progressive Business of the Year'. The relationship between Ireland and his local police was quite the close one. You could even say it was...diverse and inclusive.
3./ Stephen Ireland must be considered innocent unless he is found guilty. And so here is an image of him looking very innocent during a photo shoot with @SurreyPolice and their new rainbow coloured Pride car. Ireland is the one at the back who is innocently not in uniform.
1./ Abuse Shock.
One of the leading lights in the LGBTQ+ lobby is in court on Monday. Stephen Ireland faces charges of child abuse, conspiring to abduct a child and rape of a child under 13. No doubt everyone is as bewildered by this TOTALLY unpredictable turn of events as I am.
2./ The founder of Surrey Pride must be presumed innocent and we should say nothing that risks contempt of court. So let us instead celebrate his long record of respecting moral values. Such as discussing how 4 year olds "get sex" with Jordan Gray (who flashed his dick on TV).
3./ Only a paragon of virtue would be on the Board of 'Educate and Celebrate', as Ireland was. The charity was dedicated to "queering the classroom" which sounds entirely wholesome and not creepy at all. I wrote about its mysterious demise last year. 👇 spiked-online.com/2024/02/23/ano…
1./ Look at the State of Sarah McBride.
If you want to know why the Left embraced trans ideology study the dodgy little state that the first trans person elected to Congress represents. Corruption experts consider Delaware a rogue state.
Click on the link in my bio to read more.
2./ The 'Delaware Way' culture which drives this money-machine was perfected by Joe Biden, the state’s long-term Senator. His 'man of the people' shtick helped distract attention from corruption. Will Sarah McBride - a long term Biden friend- now do the same for the Democrats?
3./ My article explores the web of financial links between the Bidens, the McBride family, and the giant law firms that dominate Delaware and ensure it remains the tax avoidance capital of America. Democrats' hypocrisy about a state they've controlled for 40 years is astonishing.