it's little more than a prioritised list of opportunities as we see them in 2020.
it's not a roadmap. not a funding program. just an excuse to continue to proceed without a plan.
.@CroweDM is asking for the benchmark of success from spending the $18bn — good question — what's the target.
AT: "we're very clean with voters" claims that we'll meet and beat 2030 target, which is utter nonsense as i think you all know.
AT not committing to any targets. going all partisan. labor labor labor.
.@latingle noting that EU and other nations are providing strong signals to investors, how do we reassure investors without a target?
AT: we have a target that we'll meet and beat. 🤥
AT talking about the latrobe valley H₂ project. (few journalists know that it's a tiny trial project. just *3* tonnes of H₂ before it's dismantled.)
.@murpharoo we get no clarity on targets, what is definition on "clean", "green", "low emissions"? and how were priorities determined?
AT: techs that can "move the dial".
quick observations:
• nothing on value adding the battery supply chain
• nothing on mass electrification of transport
• no major focus on electrification of industry
• no focus on integration challenges of high renewables grid
missing the big opportunities.
[how is this guy still energy minister? he has no vision for energy in australia?]
.@PhillipCoorey asks about gov't picking winners, and how investment can have confidence given the lack of bipartisanship.
waffle waffle waffle labor labor labor
"we'd very much like labor to work with us to implement this agenda"
.@ScienceMediaGuy (?) asks about soil carbon — only tech in roadmap with tonnage target. 90mtCO₂ pa.
AT: great challenge is to measure at low cost.
(no argument there!)
.@tomwconnell tries to do some maths on the fly. 450t now less 250t here — does that mean 60% emissions reductions?
AT laughs, but won't be nailed down on numbers. waffle waffle waffle.
@gregbrown_TheOz is a brand new coal power station (collinsville) incompatible with australia's commitments on paris?
AT: "what matters is balance" collinsville is a feasibility study. "i'm not going to pre-empt those… waffles…"
.@michellegrattan asks about angus' [stupid, ridiculous, crazy] threat to build a gas power station in the hunter.
AT: we will fill whatever gaps… if they don't step up, we'll step in… partly about reliability but also about price. [makes BS comparison with hazelwood]
.@andrewprobyn how do you get green steel (for instance) off the ground without a carbon price or mandate?
AT: we want the cost to be the same. we're not going to mandate. unlike labor labor labor.
[no detail… fairytale stuff angus.]
.@_gredley can you reassure the public that nobody on the covid commission stands to personally gain from the plan?
AT: this is our plan. our decisions.
RG: but will they benefit?
AT: this is our plan. we take advice from business all the time. we make decisions.
• traditional nukes: cost high [correct]
• SMRs are hope of the sector [correct]
• early days [correct]
watch and see. not afraid of political fight.
current opinion: "nuclear not going to deliver outcomes we need."
[missed questioner] what happened to the NEG?
• we've achieved outcomes of the NEG [well that's 🐂💩]
• we're putting $18bn behind the roadmap [#factcheck needed!]
AT: we have unimaginably low gas prices now. gas is important for electricity [somewhat true] and electricity prices [currently very… needs to be fixed]. needed for fertiliser [can/should use green H₂!]
🚨 this week the coal industry launched a dirty campaign against the independents through an ‘astroturf’ group: ‘australians for progress’.
using classic negative ad styling — complete with misinformation — billboards went up in monique ryan’s & allegra spender’s electorates.
who is ‘australians for progress’?
the AFR called it a grassroots organisation…
but really it’s a coal industry funded LNP astroturf (fake grassroots) group started by failed liberal MP julian simmonds, the former member for ryan who lost his seat to the greens in may 2022.
A4P’s campaign manager was an advisor to failed liberal MP jason falinski, who lost his seat to community independent sophie scamps in may 2022.
…one of their board members is the national president of the young liberals:
hardly a week goes by without some 🪿telling me that "saudi arabia built a nuclear power station in just 8 years" or similar.
south korea built it for the UAE & it'll be 16+ years from formal announcement to project completion.
no, it was not on time & likely not on budget
any 🪿telling you nuclear can be built in australia in 2-3, 5, 10 or 15 years:
• ignores years of work required before construction starts
• doesn't understand IAEA's "construction" ignores _years_ of actual construction
• assumes an established regulator & warm supply chain.
☢️ with the #coalition expected to announce its #nuclear plan on wednesday, here are 18 questions every diligent journalist should be seeking answers to:
1. how will dutton remove the ban?
the coalition would require control of the senate to repeal the ban, which is embedded in two acts.
the coalition hasn’t controlled the senate since 2004-2007.
2. which state(s) would dutton build the reactors in?
only VIC, NSW and QLD grids are big enough to handle a large nuclear reactor.
WA, SA and TAS grids are too small to host a GW-scale reactor.