On 19 September 2020, a group of armed criminals shot dead Pastor Yeremia in Hitadipa Village, Intan Jaya, #WestPapua. Before investigations even began, people like @VeronicaKoman@febrofirdaus@BennyWenda began to spread false rumors. So what really happened?
A thread
After the shooting death of the priest, the armed group embarked on a social media campaign to put the blame on the police and the military.
Facts on the ground prove their claims as baseless.
Fact #1: the incident is still under investigation by authorities. Which means, not all the facts are known yet. What is known: armed assailants shot and killed Priest Yeremia on 19 Sep at a pigsty, 400 meters near a local army post. #WestPapua
Fact #2: the victim’s body was buried straight away. authorities were not allowed near nor conduct an autopsy, as is the practice for criminal investigation. #WestPapua
Armed groups at the command of Benny Wenda and Sebby Sambom have in the past killed #WestPapua
1. 13 Sep 2020: two Ojek (motorcycle drivers) shot and injured by the armed group in Timika.
2. 19 Sep 2020: First Pvt Dwi A. Utomo shot dead by armed group in Intan Jaya, Papua
3. 17 Sep 2020: Chief Sergeant Sahlan killed by the armed group in Intan Jaya, Papua; Badawi, an Ojek driver was brutally tortured and killed by the armed group in Papua; #WestPapua@BennyWenda@VeronicaKoman@RRegenvanu@SSambom responsible for murders of Papuans!
Fact #3: @SSambom stated in this video that his group will continue shooting and killing Papuans in planes or on the ground. Sick! #WestPapua
Tahukah kamu bahwa perayaan 1 Desember adalah ciptaan Belanda? Gubernur Jenderal Pieter Johannes Platteel berandil besar membuat bendera Bintang Kejora dan lagu Hai Tanahku Papua pada 1961. Kenapa Belanda lakukan itu & bendera ini tetap menjadi simbol? Simak thread ini #WestPapua
1. Paska Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia 1945 dan penyerahan kekuasaan Belanda kpd Indonesia 1949, Pem Belanda tidak kunjung serahkan Papua kembali ke Indonesia. Padahal scr hukum internasional, semua wilayah Hindia Belanda tmsk Papua adalah wilayah Indonesia. #WestPapua
2. Mayoritas publik Belanda ketika itu mendukung pengembalian Papua kepada Indonesia. Hanya saja Pemerintah dan Parlemen Belanda tidak ingin kehilangan koloninya tsb dan msh bermimpi utk tetap menjadi colonial master di Asia. Bagaimana cara Belanda utk muluskan akal bulus tsb?
PM Vanuatu Bob Loughman menyerang Indonesia di PBB atas dugaan pelanggaran HAM yg sebenarnya sdg ditangani Indonesia. Ini video balasan Indonesia. Tapi Tau ga? VANUATU SEMBUNYIKAN BANYAK DOSA PELANGGARAN HAM MEREKA. Apa itu? Berikut kompilasi Laporan HAM 2019 Deplu AS.
Laporan lengkapnya di tautan berikut. Tapi biar enak bacanya, berikut utas singkatnya. 1. Vanuatu spt boneka China yg telah berikan ratusan juta dollar AS. DAN..atas perintah China, pada 5 Juli 2019 Vanuatu deportasi 6 orang, 4 di antaranya WN Vanuatu. state.gov/reports/2019-c…
Keenam orang yg dideportasi tersebut tidak diberikan akses pengacara dan pengadilan tapi langsung di tendang ke China. scmp.com/week-asia/geop…
PM of Vanuatu Bob Loughman singled out Indonesia for its perceived human rights record. This is the video of Indonesia’s official reply. VANUATU IS HIDING MANY DARK SECRETS on its HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES. Here are a few compiled from the US DOS HR Report 2019.
1. Vanuatu is a vassal of China. China already gives hundreds of millions of US dollars to Vanuatu. On orders from its Chinese masters, on July 5 2019, Vanuatu deported six Chinese people (4 are Vanuatu citizens) state.gov/reports/2019-c…
2. PM Bob Loughman is involved in corruption: In 2017 the Office of the Ombudsman recommended that Deputy PM Bob Loughman be prosecuted for breaching the leadership code by... freedomhouse.org/country/vanuat…
Thank you PM Bob Loughman of #Vanuatu for speaking out at the UN today. You brought many important issues such as human rights conditions across the Pacific. We urge you to also look at the findings from the United States DOS Human Rights report 2019 on the condition in Vanuatu:
You can read the entire report here in the link below. But for convenience, here is the highlights: 1. Vanuatu is a vassal of China. China already gives hundreds of millions of US dollars to Vanuatu. state.gov/reports/2019-c…
On July 5 2019, Vanuatu authorities assisted Chinese police to deport six Chinese people (4 are Vanuatu citizens). After the Chinese Embassy provided warrants, Vanuatu arrested and deported them. They had no legal hearing before being deported. scmp.com/week-asia/geop…
Peristiwa pembunuhan Pastor Yeremia Zanambani (RIP) banyak dijadikan propaganda oleh @VeronicaKoman, @BennyWenda dan #freewestpapua#westpapua. Apa sih sesungguhnya yg terjadi? Simak thread #WestPapua ini yuk. Video rada grafis ya, ga kuat jgn tonton.
Fakta pertama: peristiwa tersebut sedang diinvestigasi oleh otoritas. Artinya, semua fakta belum terungkap. Yg sdh diketahui: pada 19 Sep korban ditembak di kandang Babi yg berjarak hanya 400 meter dari Koramil. Korban jg sangat akrab dgn komandan Koramil Hitadipa tsb. #WestPapua
Fakta kedua: jenazah langsung dimakamkan oleh orang yg mengaku warga dan otoritas Pemerintah tidak diberi ijin mendekat. Wajarnya bila ada pembunuhan, otopsi dilakukan oleh otoritas utk kumpulkan bukti2. #WestPapua
Sahabat #WestPapua, 15 Agustus itu HUT New York Agreement. Ada yg bilang ini perjanjian tidak sah. Dibilang dokumen ini menjanjikan self-determination bagi Papua. Apa benar? Yuk kita simak. Ini org2 yg bilang Perjanjian NY bodong: @VeronicaKoman, @BennyWenda, @vyeimo
FAKTA 1: Perjanjian New York 1962 adalah kesepakatan antara dua negara: Belanda dan Indonesia. Kemudian pada 1969 menghasilkan Act of Free Choice #Pepera. Ada hubungannya dgn Piagam PBB soal hak menentukan nasib sendiri? TIDAK! Bagaimana dgn metodenya? Demokratis kah? #WestPapua
FAKTA 2: Metode #Pepera sdh dikonsultasikan dgn masyarakat Papua ketika itu. Bahkan metode noken hingga sekarang masih dipakai lho! Demokratis kan. Kemudian hasilnya diterima ga oleh PBB @UN? IYA! Diterima dgn Resolusi 2504 (XXIV). #WestPapua