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Historical case studies show us how #HumanRights have been too often conditional on a "standard of civilization." Some examples...

1. @daviderodogno1 shows this for the 19th C interventions in the Ottoman Empire (Against Massacre, 2012) ImageImage
2. Danilyn Rutherford explores how images of #WestPapua and its people as a remnant of the “Stone Age” enabled the denial of Papuan human rights in the 1960s and since.

Meanwhile, West Papuans have asserted their own equal humanity in such campaigns as “we are not monkeys.” ImageImage
3. Colonial powers deny rights by denying that the colonized are sufficiently “advanced” - sufficiently human - to deserve equal human rights.

Yet the colonized fight back by insisting on rights. Rick Monture’s We Share Our Matters tells stories of Six Nations resistance. Image
Read 9 tweets
Block B WABU is a new mining site in Intan Jaya, but notorious war zone that typify the Indonesia-led war.

The prolonged conflict in central h'lands is clearly a structured state process to safeguard foreign investors interest, thru Luhut Panjaitan and elites (Thread)
In 2004 Luhut Panjaitan started his business under the name PT. Toba Sejahtera, engaged in mining, oil, plantations and electricity, maybe this is the factor that has boosted Luhut's financial coffers, which recorded LHKPN per 2015 that his wealth is around 660 billion rupiah.
Luhut Panjaitan is the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment for the next five years, 2019-2024. He is tasked to take care of foreign investment, from Chinese investments to Muhamamd Bin Salman from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Japan, South Korea and Singapore.
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Tahukah kamu bahwa perayaan 1 Desember adalah ciptaan Belanda? Gubernur Jenderal Pieter Johannes Platteel berandil besar membuat bendera Bintang Kejora dan lagu Hai Tanahku Papua pada 1961. Kenapa Belanda lakukan itu & bendera ini tetap menjadi simbol? Simak thread ini #WestPapua
1. Paska Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia 1945 dan penyerahan kekuasaan Belanda kpd Indonesia 1949, Pem Belanda tidak kunjung serahkan Papua kembali ke Indonesia. Padahal scr hukum internasional, semua wilayah Hindia Belanda tmsk Papua adalah wilayah Indonesia. #WestPapua
2. Mayoritas publik Belanda ketika itu mendukung pengembalian Papua kepada Indonesia. Hanya saja Pemerintah dan Parlemen Belanda tidak ingin kehilangan koloninya tsb dan msh bermimpi utk tetap menjadi colonial master di Asia. Bagaimana cara Belanda utk muluskan akal bulus tsb?
Read 8 tweets
For the past month I have been watching the tags #WestPapua & #PapuanLivesMatter.

What I found was a network of Dutch, German & English accounts with fake pics attempting to distort the narrative of independence.

Here's some of the findings in a 🧵👇…
First, the most interesting trend of HOW.

Many of the accounts across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram used artificially-generated profile pictures (GAN) to disguise themselves. Here's an example from the accounts on Twitter - the detail is in the eyes 👀
Of course, if you're an influence researcher (or a news fanatic) this isn't the first time you would have seen fake accounts utilising GAN images. You might have seen examples from @elisethoma5 & @benimmo on them.
Here: and here:
Read 17 tweets
@prezentedeZeus @BillyMambrasar @JamesAliM10 @HKupia @ProfYLH @jokowi @VeronicaKoman @BennyWenda Diduga Kebe-Rp-ihakan ,
✓KTP Sorong rapid test
✓KTP Non Sorong swab test
Aturan dari @KemenkesRI
Atau dari @PBIDI kah ?
Virus bisa membeda bedakan ,Biaya swab test kota Sorong adalah 1,6juta kak @BillyMambrasar serta sangat mempersulit sekali penumpang kapal @kemendagri
@prezentedeZeus @BillyMambrasar @JamesAliM10 @HKupia @ProfYLH @jokowi @VeronicaKoman @BennyWenda @KemenkesRI @PBIDI @kemendagri @LaporKemendagri @KemendagriTASS @HumasKemendagri @sikerja ✓Virus sudah masuk didalam kota Sorong
✓Bikin Surat izin Masuk+ swab diduga biaya 2jt cc @KPK_RI @KejaksaanRI
✓Tidak ada pengawasan Surat keputusan serta Evaluasi
✓Tidak ada rapid test /Swab Test massal Gratis ke Masyarakat CC @jokowi
✓Keberpihakan ke penumpang pesawat
Read 3 tweets
On 19 September 2020, a group of armed criminals shot dead Pastor Yeremia in Hitadipa Village, Intan Jaya, #WestPapua. Before investigations even began, people like @VeronicaKoman @febrofirdaus @BennyWenda began to spread false rumors. So what really happened?

A thread
After the shooting death of the priest, the armed group embarked on a social media campaign to put the blame on the police and the military.

Facts on the ground prove their claims as baseless.…
Fact #1: the incident is still under investigation by authorities. Which means, not all the facts are known yet. What is known: armed assailants shot and killed Priest Yeremia on 19 Sep at a pigsty, 400 meters near a local army post. #WestPapua
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Peristiwa pembunuhan Pastor Yeremia Zanambani (RIP) banyak dijadikan propaganda oleh @VeronicaKoman, @BennyWenda dan #freewestpapua #westpapua. Apa sih sesungguhnya yg terjadi? Simak thread #WestPapua ini yuk. Video rada grafis ya, ga kuat jgn tonton.…
Fakta pertama: peristiwa tersebut sedang diinvestigasi oleh otoritas. Artinya, semua fakta belum terungkap. Yg sdh diketahui: pada 19 Sep korban ditembak di kandang Babi yg berjarak hanya 400 meter dari Koramil. Korban jg sangat akrab dgn komandan Koramil Hitadipa tsb. #WestPapua Image
Fakta kedua: jenazah langsung dimakamkan oleh orang yg mengaku warga dan otoritas Pemerintah tidak diberi ijin mendekat. Wajarnya bila ada pembunuhan, otopsi dilakukan oleh otoritas utk kumpulkan bukti2. #WestPapua Image
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A Thread about #WestPapua current issue

"Penggiringan Opini atas Kasus Tertembaknya Pdt. Yeremias Zanambani"


Mari kita bedah adanya penggiringan opini yg dilakukan sekelompok jurnalis terhadap insiden tertembaknya Pdt Yeremias Zanambani di Ko Hitadipa, Intan Jaya.
Tertembaknya Pdt Yeremias Zanambani awalnya diberitakan oleh dan

Kedua media tsb selama ini dikenal sbg media corong gerakan Papua Merdeka (Free West Papua).

Pemred jubi adl @VictorMambor
Pemred suarapapu adl @ArnoldBelau
O..iya...mrk adalah sumber info utama @VeronicaKoman, @febrofirdaus, @Dhandy_Laksono dlm pemberitaan Papua. Kedudukan @VictorMambor sbg jurnalis AJI, juga memudahkan ybs menyebarkan berita kpd jurnalis AJI lainnya yg bekerja di @TirtoID , @jakpost @tempodotco
Read 23 tweets
Sahabat #WestPapua, 15 Agustus itu HUT New York Agreement. Ada yg bilang ini perjanjian tidak sah. Dibilang dokumen ini menjanjikan self-determination bagi Papua. Apa benar? Yuk kita simak. Ini org2 yg bilang Perjanjian NY bodong: @VeronicaKoman, @BennyWenda, @vyeimo
FAKTA 1: Perjanjian New York 1962 adalah kesepakatan antara dua negara: Belanda dan Indonesia. Kemudian pada 1969 menghasilkan Act of Free Choice #Pepera. Ada hubungannya dgn Piagam PBB soal hak menentukan nasib sendiri? TIDAK! Bagaimana dgn metodenya? Demokratis kah? #WestPapua Image
FAKTA 2: Metode #Pepera sdh dikonsultasikan dgn masyarakat Papua ketika itu. Bahkan metode noken hingga sekarang masih dipakai lho! Demokratis kan. Kemudian hasilnya diterima ga oleh PBB @UN? IYA! Diterima dgn Resolusi 2504 (XXIV). #WestPapua
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Fakta kenapa @veronicakoman harus kembalikan uang @LPDP. Hanya karena tidak kembali ke tanah air? Bukan! Dia melakukan pelanggaran lain yg jauh lebih berat! Apa itu? A Thread.…
Fakta 1: Melanggar kontrak @LPDP_RI Pasal 4 (4l): Menjaga Nama Baik Bangsa Indonesia dan Pasal 11 (9): Mengikuti kegiatan/organisasi. Buktinya apa? Advokasi aktif kepada kelompok separatis Papua di luar negeri spt @ULMWP & dalam negeri. Ini ybs bersama Jacob Rumbiak jubir ULMWP.
Dukungan sangat aktif dari @veronicakoman kpd pengurus @ULMWP Jacob Rumbiak jelas rugikan kepentingan Indonesia. Atas perintah Ketua ULMWP @BennyWenda dgn advis dari Rumbiak, kelompok separatis bersenjata membunuh 19 pegawai Istaka Karya pada Desember 2018. #WestPapua #LovePapua
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Yesterday morning (21/05/20), 3 civilians was shot by TPNPB OPM terrorist-separatist group at Mile 62 Tembagapura, Mimika Regency.
One get seriously injured due to gunshot in his neck and stomach. Named Sakir Sinen, from Ternate, Maluku.
One of victim witnessed that he saw 3 West Papuans shot them from the road side in about 70 meters distance. All of them brought guns.


Ok. It is confirmed. The TPNPB OPM terrorist-separatist group has claimed that they shot the men.

But as usual...they rejected the fact that the victim is civilians.
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Villagers in #WestPapua's Tembagapura area (mainly Banti Village) sought refuge last night in Tembagapura Police Station (Polsek Tembagapura) located here:… after clashes between West Papuan seperatists & Indonesian security forces
Footage of the firefight from earlier in the week uploaded by @WellipPrai was filmed from this exact location:… inside the Polsek Tembagapura compound.
Alternative angle, filmed closer to the barrier wall in the Polsek Tembagapura compound, here:…
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Starting UN noon briefing at 12:18, @UN_Spokesperson @StephDujarric says he has "a lot of words for you" - but no answer to banned Inner City Press' written Qs on Cameroon, @AntonioGuterres corruption & censorship for "Democracy Day" event - thread
@UN_Spokesperson @StephDujarric @antonioguterres @FUNCA_info @silas_atefor @AmparasKing @SaturdayOmueti @MAZIOBIBOND1 @SamMariwa @AdamShawNY @SaraCarterDC @simonateba @allimadi Banned Inner City Press asked what is the SG's comment and action if any on that #Zimbabwe doctors have staged a walkout in protest at the alleged abduction over the weekend of Magombeyi, head of the doctor's union who has led strikes over poor pay & conditions
@UN_Spokesperson @StephDujarric @antonioguterres @FUNCA_info @silas_atefor @AmparasKing @SaturdayOmueti @MAZIOBIBOND1 @SamMariwa @AdamShawNY @SaraCarterDC @simonateba @allimadi @shadow_zw @freemanchari @Machemedze5 @MatthewLeeICP Banned Inner City Press asked what is the SG's comment and action if any on that an #Indonesia lawyer Veronica Koman, in hiding in Australia amid allegations of provoking civil unrest in #WestPapua, has accused authorities of “intimidation”, and fabricating a case
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At UN, "noon" briefing will be at 12:20 pm. Banned Inner City Press submitted 17 Qs 3 hours ago to @UN_Spokesperson @StephDujarric, @AntonioGuterres & @MelissaFleming, on #Cameroon #DRC #France #Tunisia, etc - so far, not a single answer. thread to start 12:20 pm
@UN_Spokesperson @StephDujarric @antonioguterres @MelissaFleming @UN_Spokesperson @StephDujarric starts at 12:23 pm after joking with his AlJazeera partner in censorship in the front row, then speaking in Portugal. Dujarric has refused to answer Qs not only on #Cameroon & #Gulbenkian, but also UN rapes. #SGasNewEpstein
@UN_Spokesperson @StephDujarric @antonioguterres @MelissaFleming @MatthewLeeICP @FUNCA_info @silas_atefor @MwangP01 Banned Inner City Press asked 3+ hours ago, no answer from @AntonioGuterres @UN_Spokesperson @StephDujarric or @MelissaFleming: On #WestPapua, what's SG's belated action if any on Indonesia claiming human rights lawyer spread info on Twitter that incited protests
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I captured five days of tweets using #WestPapua & #FreeWestPapua tags after a crackdown by Indonesian forces against Papuans in Aug. What I found was a bot network spreading pro-govt propaganda.

Follow this thread for an #OSINT journey with a @Twitter network analysis
This is a representation of all of the twitter activity I captured. The dots are the nodes which are accounts. The lines between them are retweets, mentions or likes. I have used the open source visualiser @Gephi to illustrate this network & to conduct 'bot-spotting' 🤖
How does this help? With this visualisation we can spot irregularities. Just like a moth in a web, we notice this far-removed cluster of accounts over to the left, with a very unnatural network pattern. This thread will look at WHO they are, WHAT they do, and HOW they run.
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Current #WestPapua protests are fueled by Indonesian racism against Papuans.… That #racism has a history, and it's one reason world powers agreed to hand West Papua to Indonesia in the first place back in the 1960s. Thread.
1960s: one Indonesian writer wanted to “free” Papuans from “stone age civilization” but noted their skills in music & sports; foreign minister wanted Papuans “down out of the trees even if we have to pull them down”; Indonesian president's audience wore blackface at a rally.
A briefing from US president John F Kennedy's national security staff dismissed Papuans as a "stone age" people
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UN noon briefing starts with Dujarric commenting on the foot pad he added to podium where, he says, he stands 15 minutes a day. Banned Inner City Press this morning submitted Qs on #Somalia, HK, #Cameroon, DRC, application to cover UNGA week, etc - thread
@MatthewLeeICP @FUNCA_info @AdamShawNY @silas_atefor Dujarric makes "personnel announcement" about UN Pension Fund. Banned Inner City Press is one of very few media that has covered the scandals there, for example:…
@MatthewLeeICP @FUNCA_info @AdamShawNY @silas_atefor This morning banned Inner City Press asked @UN_Spokesperson @StephDujarric, still without answer: what is the SG's comment and action if any on that the #Somalia govt has accused the #Kenya military of destroying mobile phone masts in the south of the country?
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If Indonesia has not been using chemical weapons in #WestPapua, what the hell are these?
All recovered at Nduga, in the West Papuan highlands
There are also some horrific photos of burns consistent with a white phosphorus attack, but I won't show them here.
The West Papuans, under illegal occupation by Indonesia, are utterly defenceless. So why these attacks? Because they own resources Jakarta wants.
They have been bombed, strafed, thrown out of helicopters, killed with bayonets and knives, and now attacked with white phosphorus, that is banned for offensive use - as a chemical weapon - under international law. Yet our governments remain silent.
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