This has been a rough week in DC, but maybe we need some #energytwitter nerd threads to distract us. Today: why economy-wide GHG pricing doesn't work for the transportation sector, absent complementary policies.
1/ First, stipulate that "economy wide GHG pricing" is a supply/demand-set price per ton (or any other mechanism that treats all tons of GHG pollution as economically equivalent.)
2/ Suppose you buy a reciprocating engine to generate electricity. You run it 5 days/week, all year long, or 5x24x52 = 6,240 hours per year. When you make that investment, you plan on keeping it for 15 years before you have to replace it.
3/ Now suppose you also buy a reciprocating engine that in the form of your commuter vehicle (e.g., an IC engine). You have a 45 minute (each way) commute. You keep it for 15 years. That engine runs 45 minutes x 5 x 52 x 15 = 5,850 hours over the course of it's entire life.
4/ In other words, the same technology, but in one case used for power generation and in the other for transportation. In one mode you operate 6000 hours/yr, and in the other you operate it 6000 hours over 15 years.
5/ Since your fuel use is a function of operating hours (e.g., you don't burn gasoline while your car is in the garage), that means that fuel cost is ~15x as important to the investment thesis in a power plant as it is in a vehicle, all else equal.
6/ To put this in more personal terms: in the example above, if you average 35 mpg on your commute and get 27 mpg, you're spending $155/month on $4/gallon gas.
7/ I'll bet that's less than your monthly car + insurance payment. And note that if the price of gasoline moves by $1 / gallon, your differential cost is just $40/month.
8/ Which, by the way, is the same impact as a 25% change in fuel economy. The obvious implication being that in the (passenger) transpo sector, the economics of vehicle ownership are dominate by vehicle cost. In the heat & power sectors, the economics are dominated by fuel cost.
9/ Now let's bring that back to GHG pricing. GHG pricing, by definition is applied to the thing that emits greenhouse gases when burned - the fuel.
10/ Any price that is set at a high enough level to change the economics of the heat & power sectors & decarbonize will be too low to decarbonize transpo. And any price high enough for transpo will be way too high for H&P.
11/ Or, in economics parlance, the GHG price set in a supply/demand balanced paradigm will never clear at a high enough price to affect transportation economics.
12/ To be clear, we should - nay, MUST - put a price on GHG emissions. The point is just that decarbonizing the transportation sector will also require complementary policies that affect the price of the vehicle. I'm a big fan of feebates, personally:…
13/ Another way to think of this for the financially inclined. How much more would you pay for a car that had zero fuel cost? e.g., in the example above, how much would you pay to save $150/month?
14/ If you are Homo Economicus rational and you are financing your car with a 7 year, 5% loan, you'd be willing to pay about $10,000 more for that car (since at anything above that level, your car payment increase > your fuel savings)
15/ Such a vehicle of course doesn't exist (Damn you thermodynamics!) but I think we can stipulate it would cost more than $10,000 more than Beck's current Hyundai.
16/ (Sorry for the obscure song reference - couldn't resist.) Point is, decarbonizing transportation requires policies to lower vehicle cost. Decarbonizing power and industrial sectors requires policies that price GHG emissions. /fin
Because there seems to be some confusion on this point. A $150/month car payment at 7 years would amortize a 5% loan. This is basic financial math, not a political statement on how much people should pay for fuel economy.
(Shorter version for those without any finance training: open Microsoft Excel on your computer. Click "help" and read up on the PMT function.)
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Some morning thoughts on where we are in this constitutional crisis and what we all have to do - and believe - to get out of this with our democracy intact:
1. First, the idea that you could have a democracy based on rule of law is a radical idea, no less so today than it was 250 years ago. Most of human history depended on might-makes-right, all powerful rulers.
2. Trump has no respect for that idea or our 250 year old experiment, but he understands that Mad Max philosophy that governed most of human history. And therefore understands how fragile any democracy is.
This is what you do if you are mathematically illiterate and don’t give a damn about deficits. It is as stupid as it is irresponsible. Don’t let the words confuse you - it’s just a way to give money to billionaires. Quick explainer:
1. The Trump tax cuts passed in his last term blew a $2T hole in the budget. (I’ll explain this slowly for my slower colleagues: if you cut revenue, you have less money.). That was a 10 year tax cut, soon to return to the pre-Trump levels.
2. When the CBO scores legislation, they score it over a 10 year window, on the assumption that all existing laws remain in place. Since this law is about to expire, any forward projection of the US fiscal position should assume that tax revenues will soon go up.
So House Republicans voted on a budget tonight that would cut ~$800B+ from Medicaid. Among other things, but it’s important to understand how much that will hurt every single one of us. (Spoiler: they know all of this - but they hate you.)
1. Medicaid is widely, but incompletely understood as health insurance for poor folks. It’s what you have if you aren’t old enough for Medicare, don’t have employer provided health insurance, aren’t rich enough to self-insure.
2. So let’s say you think Jesus got it totally wrong in the sermon on the mount. Screw the meek you say. You’re rich, so why help anyone else? Here’s why it hurts you too.
Because there seem to be some indignant folks suggesting that it is standard practice for a CEO to demand daily performance updates or else fire you, a few observations from a guy who spent 20 years in the private sector 16 as CEO and the last 6 in government…
1. First, if you think that government employees aren’t already setting goals, doing performance reviews and being held accountable.. they are. And if you’ve ever lamented that the gov’t has too much bureaucracy - HR is a part of that bureaucracy!
2. In my past job I sold stuff to the government and big corporates. They’re both a pain in the butt as customers. Interminable sign offs, reviews and checks to confirm the purchase tracks with larger goals. Bureaucratic decision making is innate to large organizations.
This story is heartbreaking but unsurprising. In the ~4 years we've been negotiating crypto regulation NO ONE from industry has pushed for rules that would enhance consumer protection, anti-money laundering or audit control. So people like this get hurt.…
I'm open to the possibility that there is some value in crypto. But when all the legislative proposals allow for the preservation of tools to hide identity, preserve conflicts of interest between issuers, brokers and exchanges and...
...provide no balance sheet transparency one must assume that the criminality is too big a revenue source for them to have an interest in shutting it down.
We cannot overstate the risk posed when the US says that maps are negotiable, with borders to be redrawn by whoever uses force to take land, rule of law be damned. This is music to the ears of Chinese eyeing Taiwan and Russians eyeing Eastern Europe.…
70 years of peace after WWII was sustained in no small part because the United States consistently - if imperfectly - reiterated the principle that might does not make right. Abandoning that principle opens the door to global chaos.
That was historically bipartisan, and - dare I say - Republican bedrock principle. HW Bush after all ensured that Iraq could not seize Kuwaiti oil and in so doing ensured that the Putins and Xis of the world satisfy themselves in current borders.