The first debate between Dr Johnson and Dr Miller! Dr Johnson presents a case to begin the talk.
Here is the cath and the FFR!
SKepticism for PCI from both physicians and the guidelines committee.
He then goes into dissecting five different endpoints!
We look at 5 different trials that have tried to answer the question about these endpoints.
No benefit for CV death but consistent benefit for spontaneous MIs!!
Significant improvement in angina from PCI compared to medical treatment.
Rates of spontaneous MI have been more common compared to peri procedural MI.
Benefits are indeed in addition to medical treatments.
He debates that these results are not really summarized well and with nuance.
Suggestion that the confusion arises from use of composite endpoint and not dissecting it in detail!
PCI added to medical treatment has consistently benefited spont MIs.This has been now reflected in newer guidelines.
Old trials have suggested no benefit in symptoms over time as well. Same with ischemia showing no benefit in composite endpoint or in symptoms.
He questions a 2 point change in SAQ summary score seen in ISCHEMIA. What does it exactly mean in clinical world?
Now on is Dr. Eshtehardi @CoronaryDoc talking about "Going Live: Tweets, Tweetorials and Twitter Polls" Last talk in the session.
Great point: Structure of a simple tweet has many intricate parts! Text, hashtags, people tagged in the text AND photos, links and replies!
You can determine who can reply to the tweets.
Tweetorials are an important part of #MedTwitter#cardiotwitter education.
We also have a repository of up to 2000 tweetorials now!