#ElectionInterference is one of the topics for #debates. Experts focus on leaks, hacks and bots as seen in 2016, but the main threat is overlooked. Russia doesn't just meddle into elections and referendum around the world,” wrote Putin’s aide Surkov. It meddles with their brains.
"Russia meddles with their brains, and they don’t know what to do with this altered state of mind.” The Kremlin is waging information warfare: corroding the idea of democracy and planting new pro-Kremlin thinking. The battlefield is the brain.
The goal is sowing discord and confusion in order to demoralize the West. Words are a military arsenal. Language is a weapon of mass destruction of ideas. This is the war of narratives. Trump's and Kremlin's narrative: Democracy is dead and elections are rigged.
We will not see open cyberattacks in 2020. The Kremlin learns from its mistakes. What we see now is infiltration, masquerading, inception and amplification: an army of accounts impersonating ordinary Americans; joining groups, injecting anonymous memes, slogans and ideas;
liking and cross-sharing these posts; amplifying them so they trend and flooding the information flow with their narratives. "A coalition of progressive groups — led by Accountable Tech — is sounding the alarm about the possibility that Trump’s disinformation ... amplified...
"a thousandfold by this Facebook group function, and is calling on the tech giant to turn it off “until the U.S. election results are certified.” The potential of these groups to spread “disinformation, suppress voters, organize intimidation efforts, or incite violence...
...will only grow,” says the coalition, which includes groups like Mozilla, Common Cause, NARAL Pro-Choice America and Let America Vote" write @ThePlumLineGS and Paul Waldman: washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/…
This interference is invisible. Whether the interference is quantifiable does not matter – it is the devastating quality of this new type of warfare that needs to be defined and brought to public attention. I wrote about it here: bylinetimes.com/2020/07/28/rus…
Do not let the conversation slide into who hacked whom and when: it is irrelevant. Stay with the main idea: Democracy is the way of the future society. Autocratic dictatorships cannot be justified. Constitutions cannot be altered. #Debates2020#debate#ElectionDisinformation
A good video created by @LuluLemew to illustrate this idea:
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🧵Kirill Dmitriev is a part of the Russian delegation in Riyadh. In 2017, Trump’s team rep spoke to Dmitriev, head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), in Davos - the first public contact between Trump administration and Kremlin-backed business.
On Jan 17, 2017, Scaramucci, aide to Trump, the only unofficial rep of Trump’s team at the forum in Davos discussed possible joint investments with Kirill Dmitriev, head of the RDIF, a $10bn state-run investment vehicle, sanctioned by the US in 2015.
The same day, Putin confirmed Dmitriev as general director of the managing company of the RDIF for another term of five years.
Speaking to Bloomberg TV, Scaramucci said he’s long known Dmitriev and worked with him to set up the business delegation as a private citizen.
2/ 🔴 Rotten Herring propaganda technique prompts a direct association between a person, group or institution and a scandalous accusation.
A false accusation is circulated on SM; bots/trolls push it; the media reports it as a story; it is echoed by many outlets.
3/ A public discussion ensues. After a certain number of repetitions, a negative emotional response is formed about the person, group or institution being falsely accused.
Even if the fake is debunked, the negative association remain, just like the smell of rotten herring.
First TV interview: On the Edge, @IttnerPhilip 's Show (US), with some video interviews and discussions, Aug 5 2024. At this point, most editors didn't believe it exists: thank you, Phil and Byline Times.
⚡Trump’s presidency might put at risk Ukraine’s sovereignty and encourage Russian aggression. His administration’s ties to the Kremlin, history of transactional diplomacy, promises of isolationism might devastate Ukraine and the global community.
🧵+ article for Fresno Alliance
Russian officials celebrated Trump’s victory.
⚫Medvedev tied it to Russia’s war goals
⚫Putin hinted at “dialogue” but referenced an assassination attempt
⚫Patrushev warned of “obligations” Trump must fulfill, ⚫Dugin claimed a “globalist defeat”