Representative Dana Rohrabacher fighting with the mujahideen in the 1980s and with Seddique Mateen, the Pulse Nightclub shooter's father, who had been an FBI informant and frequent visitor of Washington D.C., lobbying for interests related to Afghanistan.
Mr. Mateen with Rep. Ed Royce, Chairman of the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs from 2013 to 2019 and at the Capitol building
original footage from a 1920's weapons test, it was not believed at the time you could sink a battleship with aeroplanes, Brig. General Billy Mitchell insisted that it would be the future of war and so the military ordered tests with decommissioned and captured german ships
Just 40 years after these experiments missile and aeronautics technology had progressed to the point of the military blowing up space in high altitude nuclear tests (STARFISH PRIME) creating artificial belts of radiation around the earth with consequences still not fully realized
Remdesivir, hypothesized to be effective treatment of covid19 bc of its antiviral activity against SARS & MERS was developed in partnership with Gilead Sciences at the same UNC Chapel Hill Lab that created Chimera coronaviruses w/ SARS & MERS with the Wuhan Institute of Virology
program blowback invade reprogram repeat
program promote scare recruit repeat
can not stress how twisted this is, -this program was in full effect until the mid-2000s when USAID (which had distributed the jihadi literature to children) decided to pivot to "counseling" the child soldiers they had created under the guise of charity and protecting children.
cabals of old, wealthy families don’t secretly control the 🌎 toppling governments , controlling public opinion , and making oil and arms deals while funneling billions to their depraved sex cults
Me: oh yeah ? You are like a tiny baby ,, watch this 😎
taking a break from programming sex slaves to do a regime change and plunge another non-compliant country into 50 years of civil war 😎 just another day in the life of a rogue heiress, definitely not part of any sinister plot. Brunch with Bombardier™️ at 11 !
You have been lied to about every aspect of what occurred in Libya and Benghazi and the motivations behind NATO actions. Bronfman’s husband is tied to McCain, Kerry et al and they had a specific vision for Libya and what it could be used for. That is why you saw them out 🤝 🤝 🤝