“Secret Service agents expressed their anger and frustration to colleagues and friends Friday, saying that the president’s actions have repeatedly put them at risk. ‘He’s never cared about us,’ one agent told a confidant.”
2. “Former Secret Service agents said it was unheard of for agents to openly complain about their president but that some currently in the ranks had become convinced during the pandemic that Trump was willing to put his protectors in harm’s way.”
from same Washington Post report
“This administration doesn’t care about the Secret Service,” one current agent relayed in an internal discussion group. “It’s so obvious.”
The CDC "had a contact tracing team ready to go...but had NOT been asked to mobilize."
Dr Conley:
"The White House medical unit, in conjunction with the collaboration with CDC and local state health departments, are conducting all contact tracing per CDC guidelines."
2. WaPo also casts doubt on Dr. Conley's claim that the White House has engaged "local state health departments" in contact tracing.
WaPost: "Officials in Minnesota, Ohio and New Jersey, where Trump held events in recent days, said they haven’t heard from the White House."
2. On prospect of Trump's impending personal financial crash:
"A danger of simply running out of money soon if there is no turnaround...$421 million in personal liability debts...due soon add to the impression of an approaching risk of financial breakdown."
Important book by Mueller top prosecutor @AWeissmann_
“They were hamstrung by Mueller’s decision not to look into Trump’s financial dealings with Russia, which might have established a source of Russian leverage over Trump.”
Weissmann told his colleague. “When there is insufficient proof of a crime, in volume one, we say it. But when there is sufficient proof, with obstruction, we don’t say it. Who is going to be fooled by that? It’s so obvious.”
3. Note:
Those potential obstruction charges are still lying in wait.
When Trump leaves office, he loses immunity from criminal prosecution.
Looks like profound corruption in Barr-Durham probe—attempted October surprise.
Top Durham aide, Nora Dannehy resigns partly because “team is being pressed for political reasons to produce a report before its work is done”! courant.com/news/connectic…
2. @jgeltzer and I wrote this piece in anticipation.
How to prepare the public for Barr’s likely misuse of the #DurhamReport to affect the election.
Now note: the article has statements by former prosecutors who served in US Attorney’s Office for the District of Connecticut—the office from which Nora Dannehy just resigned—about adherence to the Rule.
Two episodes in 1992 presidential campaign show Bill Barr is flat wrong in saying how the “60-Day Rule” applies to Durham investigation and October surprises.
2. Barr recently said DOJ rule means deferring until after election only cases in which the candidate is a target, and that Biden is not a target of Durham probe.
But that's the diametric opposite of what Barr said in a deposition under oath in 1995 (Whitewater investigation).
3. In Oval Office meeting with President Bush, Nov. 4, 1992:
Barr stated without question that the independent counsel had just violated 60-Day Rule by issuing an indictment, in which Bush was merely referenced in the document in passing.