Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report 1971: "After analysing the evidence brought before the Commission, we came to the conclusion that the process of moral degeneration among the senior ranks of the Armed Forces was set in motion by their involvement in Martial Law duties in 1958.."
"...that these tendencies reappeared and were, in fact, intensified when Martial Law was imposed in the country once again in March 1969 by General Yahya Khan, and that there was indeed substance in the allegations that a considerable number of senior Army Officers had not only"
"...indulged in large scale acquisition of lands and houses and other commercial activities, but had also adopted highly immoral and licentious ways of life which seriously affected their professional capabilities and their qualities of leadership."
"According to Rear Admiral M. Sharif (Witness No. 283) who was the Flag Officer Commanding the Pakistan Navy in East Pakistan, 'the foundation of this defeat was laid way back in 1958 when the Armed Forces took over the country...'"
"While learning the art of politics in this newly assigned role to themselves, they gradually abandoned their primary function of the art of soldiering, they also started amassing wealth and usurping status for themselves."
"The fresh evidence coming before the Commission has thus served only to reinforce the conclusions...that the involvement of the Pakistan Army in Martial Law duties and civil administration had a highly corrupting influence, seriously detracting from the professional duties..."
"...of the Army and affecting the quality of training which the
Officers could impart to their units and formations, for the obvious reason that they did not have enough time available for this purpose, and many of them also lost the inclination to do so." (pp. 11-14)
Taliban may be part of Afghan society but they wouldn't be nearly as powerful were it not for the safe havens, logistical, & military support provided by Pakistan's army. America should never have invaded Afghanistan in the first place nor should it have funded Afghan mujahideen.
The entire chain of events of the last 20 years - Islamist militancy, occupation of Muslim countries under guise of War on Terror, Islamophobia & discrimination against Muslims - was set in motion by America's Cold War strategy in Afghanistan & its alliance with Pakistan Army.
John F. Kennedy praises President Ayub Khan for being "a powerful force for freedom" in the region. Ayub was the first military despot to be propped up with foreign aid but not the last. #فوج_نہ_ہوتی_تو #PDM
There were many honest, well-meaning people in PTI. If #PDM invited PTI nazryati leaders to join, they could reveal inside story. Justice r Wajihuddin, Hamid Khan, Javed Hashmi, Tasneem Noorani, Fauzia Kasuri, Naz Baloch, & Firdaus Naqvi saw how PTI was hijacked by fauji proxies.
America's complete surrender just confirms that the Taliban's treatment of women was just a pretext to invade Afghanistan. US policymakers didn't care about Afghan & Pakistani lives then nor do they now. But local progressives know what Taliban Project means. Aurat March, 2020:
"He (Justice Seth) has written that we direct all law enforcement agencies to arrest Musharraf & punish him according to the law. He has further written that if he is found dead, his corpse be dragged to D-Chowk& hanged for 3 days" thenews.com.pk/latest/585731-…
They asked @ManzoorPashteen about which of PTM's demands had been fulfilled and which had not. After responding, he ended with the words: "It's not as if we are demanding roads or ration. Our demand is for life."