1/15 Read a summary of the greatest tragedy and epic in the history of mankind
An epic event happened 13centuries ago that hundreds of millions of people cry remembering, but you are unaware of!
Who is Hussain,and where is the largest community in human history? #Arbaeen2020 👇
2/15 Hussain is the grandchild of Muhammad (the last Prophet of God) inviting the world to peace, justice and virtue. He said, "I never give up standing up against oppression".
He suffered and was martyred with his 72faithful companions with parched lips,
3/15 ,then they were beheaded and their bodies were crushed under horse hooves and their family,wife, and children were taken into captivity.
They didn't even spare his 6-month-old son (Aliasghar) and shot him in the throat.
His three-year-old daughter's hair turned white
4/15when she saw her father beheaded and the grief of losing her father killed her at the age of three!!
A war in which 30,000 people fought against only 72!
which part of this tragedy can I tell you about?
Shall I tell you about the cut hands of Abdullah(an 11-year-old)
5/15 who reached out in defense of his Imam.
Can I tell you about Hussain's older son (Aliakbar) who had his body dismembered and Hussain's brother (Abbas)that he went to fetch water for the children, but they cut off both hands and shot him in the eyes... #Arbaeen2020 next👇
6/15 And hundreds of other bitter events described in history books.
Shia Muslims(who believe on imam Hussain) named the day of Imam's Martyrdom "Ashura" and 40 days after that his wife and children were allowed to meet his sacred shrine is called "Arbaeen".
7/15 Every year millions of people either on foot or by car from distant and neighboring countries come to Karbala on Arbaeen.
Love for Hussain isn't limited to one religion or race.
Evan Christians and Jews of all races come to Karbala on Arbaeen.
8/15 Last year, in spite of threat of ISIS population of imam Hussain pilgrims reached to the 20millions !
this is the sum of the total population of Croatia+Norway+Ireland+Denmark.
You may not believe it, but you are Hussain's guest all the wey for a few days in Arbaeen
9/15 and everything is free.
Hussain lovers not only don't get money from you but also beg you to eat their free food.
they even invite you to sleep in their houses and wash your clothes !!
Hussain sacrificed everything he had for God #Arbaeen2020 next👇
10/15 and his lovers sacrifice everything they have for him and his pilgrims.
Some of this lovers work 11month to raise money and spend it on Hussain's pilgrims !
Yes, this is Hussain's love.
The west media don't report this wonderful event and a rally of more than 20million.
11/15 Or if they show it, they show it as an unimportant event.
perhaps they are afraid that the voice of Hussain's anti_oppression ideas will reach the ears of the people of the world.
The same voice reached Gandhi and led to india's independence
12/15 and liberation from British colonial rule.
Gandhi; "I have carefully read the life of imam Hussain, the great martyr of islam. If india wants a country to win, it must follow the example of imam Hussain."
13/15 Imam Hussain is the grandfather of Mahdi(the Son of Man in Bible), the sevior of the apocalypse.
Mahdi(the Son of Man in Bible) and Christ(the Son of God in Bible) will appear together.
I hope all of you were one of the imam Hussain pilgrims and mourners.
14/15 This year, in order to prevent Covid19 disease, Iraq refused to accep guests from other countries, but we hope the next year, with the elimination of this dissease, we will together in the Arbaeen million march and we will all work together to eliminate oppression
15/15 in the world.
We could avenge unfaimess and oppression through the help of the Messiah and Savior.
Researching Islam will change your life and your future!
دولت قراره ۵۰۰هزاربشکه نفت رو در تالار #بورس انرژی به به مردم بفروشه.
چندتا عدد و رقم ساده بهتون میگم تا به عمق فاجعه پی ببرید!! ادامه👇
۲/۶واعظی(مشاور روحانی) گفته؛ "خرید وفروشش براساس دلارنیمایی و قیمت روز نفت هست که الان نفت ۳۸ دلاره"
۳۸دلار رو در قیمت دلارنیمایی(۱۹تومن) ضرب کنیم میشه؛ ۷۲۲تومن.
درصورتیکه دولت میخواد هربشکه رو ۹۴۵تومن به مردم بفروشه!! (یعنی در "هر"بشکه ۲۲۳هزار تومن سر مردم کلاه میره!) ادامه👇
۳/۶تازه باتوجه به تحریم، نفت رو با قیمت هایی خیلی پائینتر از این هم میفروشیم!!
جالب اینجاست چون این اوراق ۲ساله و سررسیدش مرداد سال۱۴۰۱ هست، دولت الان پول رو میگیره و کسری بودجهش رو رفع میکنه و فروش(برگردوندن پول مردم با سودش) رو به گردن دولت بعدی میندازه :))))) ادامه👇
1/10 بابت صحبتهای حضرت آقا درباره #آملی_لاریجانی بنظرم باید واقعیاتی گفته بشه.
هرچند که بهم انگ عدم ولایتمداری بخوره یا از دایره انقلاب با احترام و لگد به بیرون هدایت بشم : )
2/10 بنظرمن ترسناکترین و غیرقابل اعتمادترین افراد اونایی هستن که مواضعشون بدون هیچ دلیل منطقی یدفه ۱۸۰درجه تغییر میکنه(اگه دوست باشن که دیگه خیلی ترسناکترن چون هر لحظه امکان دشمن شدنشون هست!)
افرادی که تادیروز #آملی رو جرثومه فساد میدونستن و امروز شبه معصوم !
3/10مابه اندازه کافی نخاله و اپوزیسیون داریم برای همین حضرت آقا همیشه وهمیشه سعی درحفظ نیروهای خودی تالحظه آخرداشتن وبرای همین بارها از افرادی تعریف وتمجید کردن که حتی برای بعضی شبهه ایجاد شده!
تعریفها ازخاتمی و احمدینژاد وهاشمی و لاریجانی و روحانی وظریف و...ازهمین جنسِ