Trump said he intended to fire RRosenstein the next day, and THAT NIGHT, Sean Hannity, for the first and last time, ORDERED Trump: "DO NOT FIRE ROD ROSENSTEIN!".
That broke the whole formula of the show (limitless praise of Trump, the Infallible One.)
It's not easy to get fired from the KGB, but the quickest way to get fired is to force your boss to "burn" another of his assets to save a more important asset.
PUTIN burned Hannity to save ROSENSTEIN, both were PUTIN assets that he had plans for.
Afterwards, at the press brief
PUTIN tossed a soccer ball to Trump, who immediately tossed it to Melania, apparently expecting it to explode.
It was PUTIN's way of saying, "You think this is easy? Here, you run with it."
At the end of the presser, a reporter yelled out, "Is it true that you wanted Hillary to
Despite the fact that the press Q&A session was over, PUTIN volunteered to answer the question: "No. I supported Trump."
He directly contradicted Trump to his face.
Essentially calling Trump a liar.
Trump tried being president without PUTIN, and it was a total fiasco.
THAT was when Rand Paul hand-carried a letter from Trump (begging him to take him back).
Apparently, PUTIN accepted Trump back, but on a limited basis.
I'm pretty sure that PUTIN regretted it when this photo was taken.
There are times when I almost feel sorry for PUTIN. I can't imagine how hard it is to run a fool, even as a Useful Idiot.
You can (usually) spot the difference between an American Trumpanzee and a GRU-Troll with a simple test - The GRU relies on software to generate voice output for them to hear, and voice-to-text to generate their replies. They *can't* read English text from an image!
Conversational English is a mandatory course in their high schools.
GRU-Trolls aren't highly-trained spies, they're basically hired off the streets based on their spoken English skills. This is modeled on phone banks, like when you call Technical Support. They have a flipbook...
The software is adapted from an American product, so when they speak a word that has homonyms, it gives them the option of which *there/their/they're* to select.
But most of them can't read the options (written in English, not Cyrillic), so they just guess.
When you only have a few dozen atoms, they are fighting two different forces - One tries to make them into a crystal, the other tries to make them form a sphere (like a bubble).
Silver is esp hard to crystallize because of its dense nucleus.
The Moscow Hotel suite had more cameras than CNN, aimed at the bed.
Incest is too sensitive a topic for the MSM to mention, esp when it involves a "Billionaire" whose favorite Bible quote is "An eye for an eye", and is notoriously litigious, so the video was called "the P-tape".
THAT'S how you control an asset. Carrot and stick. He needs money, you give him money. You also give him a hot wife to keep him in line, so you don't have to threaten him with releasing the P-tape...
I used to design radars before I helped on Stealth, and the big heavy earth-penetrating radars you see on TV can see some 30' down. IEDs are usually buried a couple feet down, so a radar that could spot them shouldn't be anywhere near as big or heavy (think cigar box).
the buried IED while flying the path of the convoy, and drops a thermite grenade on it, then scans for the guys holding the switch, and takes them out with a small frag grenade.
The Boeing guy didn't seem impressed, saying that by the time we got it working, we'd be long gone.
Well, it's 2020 and we still have boots on the ground in the area, so I figure maybe I should pass the idea along to someone who could appreciate having fewer IED-related casualties.
It should be a "go-do" project, cheap add-ons to cheap drones. Raytheon could make them by 2021.