NEJM: "China, faced with the first outbreak, chose strict quarantine and isolation after an initial delay. These measures were severe but effective"
Morano Response: Locking people in their homes in dramatic fashion while being filmed for drama is not "effective."
Morano: It is awesome that the U.S. did not have China's "Strict quarantine and isolation" It's amazing you ignore Sweden's rational & scientific approach of avoiding lockdowns!
NEJM: "New Zealand has used these same come close to eliminating the disease"
Response: Tring to zero out cases using fascist govt tactics of quarantining healthy people & isolation & mandatory testing is not something worthy of praise. N. Zealand is wacko.
NEJM: "The U.S. instituted quarantine & isolation measures late & inconsistently, often without any effort to enforce them..."
Response: Yes! That is the beauty of USA! We don't like locking our people down & using police as viral fascist enforcers of mask mandates & lockdowns.
NEJM: "Our rules on social distancing have in many places been lackadaisical at best..."
Response: Great! There should never have been any such "rules" mandated by govt. End all mandates for lockdowns, social distancing & masks.
NEJM: "Our leaders have stated outright that masks are political tools rather than effective infection control measures."
Response: They are "political tools" & they are NOT "effective" against viruses when the general public wears them. Science says so!
NEJM: "Yet our leaders have largely chosen to ignore and even denigrate experts."
Response: "Experts" like Fauci, Redfield & surgeon gen Adams should be IGNORED & DENIGRATED! They are contradicting themselves & manipulating science to support policies they have already made.
NEJM: "Much of that national expertise resides in government institutions."
Response: No! I have corrected your statement: "Much of the national unelected politicized safety dictators reside in government institutions who no one ever voted for.
Unelected public health bureaucrats should not be ruling our lives. Don't blame Americans, they did not vote for Fauci!
NEJM: "U.S. still suffers from disease rates that have prevented many businesses from reopening,"
Response: Stop it! The U.S. is "suffering" from a technocracy coup led by the very "experts" you seem to love.
The only thing "preventing" businesses from opening is out of control governors, mayors and officials who are acting like dictators.
NEJM: COVID is "the largest public health crisis of our time"
Response: The biggest "crisis" the USA faces is NOT COVID! It is a medical dictatorship of unelected "experts" ruling every aspect of our lives from backyard BBQs to church to restaurants to funerals to weddings, etc.
Enough already! We need to STOP public health "experts & governors who declare a public health "emergency" and then become dictators.
Background reading to counter NEJM:
Former UK Supreme Court Judge Sumption opposes lockdowns: ‘Do we really want to be the kind of society where basic freedoms are conditional on the decisions of politicians in thrall to scientists and statisticians?’…
Shock research shows masks ineffective during surgeries: ‘A lack of substantial evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination’…
Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski slams COVID lockdowns, social distancing, dismisses 2nd wave fears – Rips ‘science’ funded to support government policy…
‘A flu d’état?’ – ‘Will the Covid-19 PsyOp succeed?’ – ‘A takeover of our supposedly democratic political process by unelected & unaccountable administrative state medical bureaucrats’…
Shock research shows masks ineffective during surgeries: ‘A lack of substantial evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination’…
Morano: The greatest threat we face is the government and media counter-reaction to this virus. Government health "experts" are just drooling at the prospect of this government expansion of their importance and power.
The new Lockdown & 'phased reopening' world in which we live is part of getting the public used to the travel restrictions, used to quarantines. They want people to get used to living a life only when it's government approved and okayed by health 'experts'.
They are getting richer during an economic collapse they helped create with insane COVID lockdowns. 'Disaster Capitalism'
Flashback June 2020: World Economic Forum Chairman Schwab: ‘We need a Great Reset of capitalism’ due to COVID – Virus has given ‘opportunity’ for ‘equality & sustainability’ & fighting climate…
It’s OVER, Yet The Coronadoom Corpse Walks On: Coronavirus Update XXXIV – William M. Briggs -
Statistician Dr. Matt Briggs: "Testing is already at stupid levels, but it is scheduled to increase. This can make a dead epidemic seem still alive. Testing will make coronadoom zombies."
Briggs: "Florida released their fear and the Michigan Supreme Court quashed Governor Whitmer’s forever-extended State of Emergency. There hasn’t been anything even resembling an emergency for months."
Medical Residents To Receive Education On Negative Health Effects Of ‘Climate Change’ – But Reality Rejects This Latest Nonsense…
Climate Depot Reality Check: Recent scientific research has countered the claims of a health threat from climate change.
Morano: The climate activists have seen how emotional and effective death tolls can be to get the public to accept more government control and as a result, they are now pushing adding climate change as a cause of death on death certificates.
Told you so! Progressives Planning ‘Climate lockdown’ – ‘The world may need to resort to lockdowns again – this time to tackle a climate emergency…
Flashback April 2020: ‘Fantastic’ for the climate: Activists See Coronavirus Lockdowns As Dress Rehearsal for ‘Climate Emergency’ – Special Report…
Mark Steyn: Tune into Climate Hustle 2 to see ‘the new world the global warm-mongers are planning for us’ – Steyn featured in film – Watch Tonight Sept. 24 – At 8pm (in every time zone)…
Sampling of Mark Steyn, author of "A Disgrace to the Profession", comments featured in Climate Hustle 2:
Steyn on the religion of "global warming": "It’s a faith that is characteristic of the modern age -- in which we feel good about feeling bad."
Steyn: "Gore & Kerry & Prince of Wales they want to return us to an Age of Kings in which they fly around from one climate conference to another..."
Smart meters could SWITCH OFF your central heating without warning: UK Govt mulls emergency measures to let networks cope with demand surges…
Flashback 2011: ‘Era of Constant Electricity at Home is Ending, says UK power chief’ — ‘Families would have to get used to only using power when it was available’…
"This would dramatically alter the role of smart meters, which are currently capable only of sending data on energy use to energy networks...