To those unfamiliar with fakery used on NBC (exploding gas-tanks, helicopter gunfire; ABC's Hillary's dodging Bosnian snipers, Like your doctor/keep your doctor (ALL) etc), this can appear like MAGIK.
@mentions@JodiL792 Doesn't this remind you of what the Clowns did back at Oklahoma City?
I wonder what Cody would say - now that we have tracked down this False Flag (in the making)?
It's almost like our media, law enforcement, justice system, banking, tech tyrants - and secret agents were all working to present only:
close to NYT's slug-line. Or, perhaps, the accurate slug?
Last Night - I needed to keep researching. The evidence is now overwhelming:
The Democrat Party is framing POTUS and the MAGA movement AGAIN!
AND - they're using the FBI to do it AGAIN
AND - they're using their Blackshirt Army to do the dirty work
AND - the MSM is complicit.
CASERTA is a resident of MICHIGAN (Democrat Governor)
CROFT is a resident of DELAWARE (Democrat Presidential Candidate)
CASERTA is a member of ANTIFA & proudly proclaims his ANARCHIST affiliation in his video. Hardly a MAGA hat-wearing patriot.
TYPE IN ANTIFA in your browser!
#237 // FLY TEAM
What happens when the Law, Justice, Medicine, Tech, Government, Constabulary & Press conspire with a [F]oreign enemy to overthrow the country?
And their comms network becomes compromised just as they launch their Neo-Reichstag?
Know what's great libraries?
George can't delete all the books on the shelf with the click of his mouse.
Where have we seen these three RED-BARS before?
Nice fist!
They say they're against the NAZI's - but, in the end we find out they ARE THE NAZI's?
Antifaschistische Aktion
There's that darned fist again?
Ever seen a MAGA throwing his fist in the air in RAGE?
Yet, ANTIFA does this every day of the week - in every burned out cinder-city?
Those black masks & black hoods these fellers wear - walking in BROAD DAYLIGHT?
Like the Klan in reverse?
Tonight, we revisit another sucker who's FF (accused of Arson, where he did not commit it) launched more than a decade of murder, rape & arson - by a bloodthirsty nationalistic movement.
They've grown up. Now, they're GLOBAL.
Expect a bigger fire.
2 YEARS AGO - Leading up to 2018 Election - we did a deep dive on a "WHITE SUPRAMACIST" (really, a radical luciferian leftist) named: "CEASAR SAYOC".
His name, anagram for "A ACCESSORY"
For 2 months, our Show Descriptions have warned about this Anarchist FF.
A reference to the new FALSE FLAG that will falsely point to Trump Supporters - just like CESAR.
Cesar Sayoc - who went to Kinkos & printed one giant sticker for each window of his creepy-van - not individual stickers - and just in time to get busted.
Wouldn't you know it ~ this feller had such lovely stickers printed in Florida - under HOT FLORIDA SUNSHINE - with NO FADING (printed just 2 days before his arrest).
One GIANT STICKER for each window - not individual stickers. Notice the reticle on Michael Moore!
AFTER FOUR YEARS of framing POTUS & everyone who ever knew him - the MAINSTREAM MEDIA were given a special thrill!
The "FBI" covered Cesar's secret show-van & drove it with a blue dress that didn't cover so well - conveniently through rush hour traffic for nightly news segments.
"Most Trusted Names In News" rechristened this photogenic terrorist - THE MAGA BOMBER (for mailing non-functional bombs to Democrats - including all those involved in disappearance of evidence, servers, spies and traitors).
All their crimes disappeared.
What a convenient sucker
Investigation reveals he lived in Hillary's Chappaqua & was a registered Dem for all but a year before his crime.
Then, he became a Republican & started elbowing his way to the front of crowds, wearing MAGA gear & waving to cameras.
Unsurprisingly, Will Sommer - a noted MAGA-Hating leftist & POTUS-Tar-Baby-framer - the same who led the MSM charge to highlight Cesar's new-found MAGA credentials - actually FOLLOWED CESAR before his Unibomber-esque notoriety.
It's like they were Farm Pals.
And wouldn't ya know it ... Will Sommer's Daily Beast - then laid the blame for this clown-show, former male-stripper - at POTUS' feet.
Guy lives in Chappaqua for YEARS
Same town as HRC.
Despite all her local bad-press, never a PEEP?
Then, suddenly
becomes Republican
makes sure everyone knows it
moves to Florida as a male-stripper
connects to high-profile MSM posters
assumes ANTI-Leftist stance
then mails BOMBS?
Clearly, a fly in the ointment, here.
Speaking of mathematically improbable:
What likelihood the VERY SAME Michigan Militia Movement (Michigan Wolverines) that birthed McVeigh - notorious Oklahoma City Bombing suspect - would also birth CASERTA - just in time for 2020 election?
Dear Corrupt Clowns
We see you.
You have used your power & redirected it against Americans at home & abroad through Public Private Partnerships.
You have conspired with Enemy States (that have nukes pointed at the US).
Your propaganda has been weaponized.
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ANTIFA & BLM arson
Killing people
Destroy businesses
Burn homes
Lynch mock-effigies of Americans
Set them on fire
Digital Ghettos
Torch marches
Wear Masks/Hoods
Do they want this done to them? I seriously don't get it?
unless we call them out. Do not let them get away with it.
Why is it that those who speak out against their tyranny must be right 100% of the time - yet, they get away with being wrong 98% of the time & THEY ARE TRUSTED?
This Election is unlike any previous election in HUMAN History. The outcome will determine life and death for billions. The outcome determines if our children HAVE a future.
Here's one option (Choose Wisely)
BLM Joins The Party
Coming to a commune near us (if we survive the arson, of course). Remember, Bank of America donated $1B to BLM/D's.
This has happened before. Eventually, the party-goers had to wear yellow stars. The candles snuffed themselves out.