So at @braverangels we commissioned a poll from @YouGov to survey American's thoughts about the possibility of violence following a contested election, and the possibility that the election may in fact be rigged.
But in the survey we put forward 3 statements for Republicans, Democrats independents and others to agree or disagree with. (3/18)
1st "The November election is likely to be fair and honest."
2nd "As a result of the election, Americans will generally agree on who is the legitimately elected president of the United States."
3rd "America will see an increase in violence as a result of the election." (4/18)
The results were striking. But not really too surprising for anyone who is paying attention.
On the 1st, about 47% of Americans disagreed. On the 2nd, an even 50%.
But on the 3rd point, a whopping 55% of Americans DO agree we'll see more violence because of the election. (5/18)
The percentages on each question between Democrats and Republicans are pretty comparable. Interesting, Independents are more pessimistic about the integrity of the election in general but more optimistic that we might avoid violence.
Our thanks to @YouGov. See the findings here: (7/18)
People often ask why focus on rebuilding American relationships when we have an immediate political crisis staring us in the face. Isn't the urgent thing getting Trump out the White House? Or making sure leftist mobs don't rule the streets?
Perhaps. But here's the thing: (8/18)
The corruption of our system and the breakdown of our institutions is directly facilitated by the division of the American people into warring tribes that cannot reason together because we see one another as the enemy...(9/18)
...rather than as neighbors with whom we share a greater interest in the context of our democratic union. Historic social grievances are real and challenging enough. But the distrust that exists between us today has been artificially inflamed...(10/18)
...and they have been artificially inflamed by the perverse incentives that govern our institutions. Including in media. Including in politics. Including in the academy. Including in government. And Hollywood too, for that matter.
But, ask 'Uncle Joe' might say...(11/18)
Here's the deal:
You can't fix the divisions of the American, now that the damage is down, just by reversing these perverse incentives. And in any event you can't undo these institutional distortions unless you rebuild trust among the American people. (12/18)
We cannot long last as enemies as well as neighbors inside of a democracy. We have to either commit to breaking the cycle of enmity and rebuilding with each other, or commit to the mutually assured destruction that we are already picking up speed on the path towards. (13/18)
There is a *Unity Movement* for lack of a better phrase, that is trying to take shape in America.
Unity does not mean uniformity, less conformity. But I have seen & worked with a spectrum of organizations, thinkers and leaders nationally and locally, & across sectors of (14/18).
...American life who in one way or another are striving to rebuild our empathy with each other or otherwise set the stage for Americans to transcends labels and categories such that we might preserve our social fabric, and collaborate on the work of preserving democratic society. different ways, are all striving towards this goal.
But we have to build the infrastructure that is capable of helping us reframe our relationships to one another as Americans so that it scales across America. We have to build an infrastructure of peace...(17/18) keeping with the substance of nonviolence as Dr. King taught it.
This is why we are pushing this letter. This is why I ask you to consider the work of @braverangels.
From @alexandernaz at Yahoo News (Respectful complaint coming - a thread:)
"Political forecasters believe that the extent and success of recovery from the pandemic, which has so far killed 100,000 Americans and left more than 30 million without jobs..." 1/9
"... will determine whether President Trump holds on to the White House and down ballot Republicans retain their seats. But for Democrats and many of their allies, talk of an economic recovery is premature."
Here is the balanced way a journalist might write that last part: 2/9
'But for Democrats and many of their allies - whose own prospects for retaking the White House and congress would be bolstered by poor economic approval ratings for the President and his Republican allies - talk of an economic recovery is premature."
So we're holding a debate tonight on mainstream media coverage of COVID-19 featuring hopefully, YOU! + @JohnGable & @juliemastrine from @AllSidesNow. If you follow us @braverangels you should follow All Sides.
...on The Braver Angels Podcast alongside my partner @ciaranjoconnor, radio host Denise Quinn & the phenomenal @moniguzman whose empathetic insights into race, politics and media are a buried treasure.
...Americans need realize our ability to shape the future depends on what we do in civil society to build stronger communities & institutions more responsive to the needs of the American people.
Government is the problem. Corporations too. Also, neither are. Lets go deeper. 3/6
I suppose that is because some people & views are utterly un-relatable to us.
Or even if not, the imperative of our own interests or the zealotry of our own beliefs prevents us from reasoning patiently together when stakes get high. 1/15
We need processes and structure for the type of communication that works. And we need to make it scale. 2/15
I listen to a lot of @benshapiro. I pop in on @cenkuygur and TYT now and again. I have a lot of respect for @dpakman & for a long time watched @RubinReport regularly.
I've spoken to all of them along the way minus Rubin directly. If you sat all 4 down together long enough 3/15
What concerns me is that major CNN journalists and others representing mainstream media institutions are so comfortable talking politics before the nation as if they were having social conversations in their living room.
They're human w biases & will find certain things funny...
...that's understandable.
But to be quick to public laughter over jokes that disparage one side or the other, or to sympathize too clearly with one guest over the other, signals that a tribal mindset guides one's work...
"Rabbi Heschel spoke those words during the last years of King’s life, when 72 percent of whites and 55 percent of blacks disapproved of King’s opposition to the Vietnam War and his efforts to eradicate poverty in America."
What I just quoted was the source quote (from an Op Ed by Cornel West) from which that stat is drawn in the article this gentleman quotes.
I'm not necessarily disputing the central claim here. But King's civil rights efforts were always more popular than his anti-war and later
economic activism. His personal popularity was probably greater too, and he was far and away regarded as the pre-eminent leader of black America in his time.
Polling was not as consistent or comprehensive back then. I wonder where one might be a more thorough treatment of