If you live in Massachusetts, this thread is for you:
Our eviction moratorium expires in 1 week. There's a bill in the House that would stop the resultant homelessness crisis. In this thread, I'll cover why that bill is crucial, why it hasn't been passed, and what we can do.
Back in spring, Massachusetts passed one of the nation's strongest eviction bans. It allowed people to stay in their homes during the pandemic. But there's a problem: renters and small landlords are accruing debt (back rent or missed mortgage payments)
This summer, the Mass. legislators who came up with the eviction ban introduced the Housing Stability Act (H.4878) which not only extends the moratorium well into 2021 but provides several mechanisms of financial support for renters and small landlords malegislature.gov/Bills/191/HD51…
While the Housing Stability Act alone is not enough to fix all the issues faced by renters and landlords (Congress needs to step up,) the bill *would* allow people to stay in their homes through a pandemic winter and spring, without completely throwing landlords under the bus
Given that Covid cases in Massachusetts are rising again (and that Covid seems to transmit more aggressively during colder seasons) you'd think ensuring housing for all would be of utmost importance to Mass. legislators
But they still haven't passed the Housing Stability Act
Massachusetts is not a particularly progressive state when it comes to housing equity, and what we're seeing/hearing from lawmakers who won't support the Housing Stability Act are half measures like offering legal counsel to anyone who faces evicted
This...is not a solution.
Not only do housing courts often side with landlords, but simply going through an eviction process can ruin your credit and make it much harder to get another apartment further down the road.
Also...Mass. unemployment is *extremely* high.
The most laughable half measure we've seen thus far, from a Mass. political leader, is this Big Idea from Marty Walsh. He's asking landlords to pledge to work with tenants, instead of evicting them this winter
It might sound like hyperbole to imply that people will die if the Mass. eviction ban expires...if you haven't been close to the communities hit hardest by the virus. Taking someone's housing away right now will push them into shelters or onto the street. They will be exposed
Let us be clear: Massachusetts is on the verge of making a decision that could cause scores of preventable deaths, mostly among poor people whom Mass. liberals claim to empathize with
Letting the eviction ban expire is a choice
An unforgivable choice
So...what can we do?
If your state rep or senator still hasn't gotten on board with the Housing Stability Act, you should be calling or DM-ing them *every day* between now and 10/17 (or until they change their tune.) If you have a platform on Twitter, use it to put your reps on the spot publicly
This Sunday, there's a rally on Boston Common, in support of the Housing Stability Act. PLEASE be part of this, if you're able. We need to do all that we can to show Mass. legislators that voters want this, and that we'll be watching them very closely
If, despite all our efforts, the Mass. legislature declines to pass the Housing Stability Act by 10/17...if the eviction ban expires...be ready to take to the streets. Civil disobedience can gunk up eviction proceedings.
I really hope we don't have to do this.
But we might
I suspect the mental roadblock for legislators and some voters...re: the Housing Stability Act...is the notion of making pandemic aid long term. But the pandemic (and the recovery) will last for years. We need more than band-aids
Another thing: if your state legislators claim they agree with "the broad aim" of the Housing Stability Act but take issue with the details, the thing to ask is, "Well then, where have you been?"
As far as I can tell, neither Elizabeth Warren nor Ed Markey has come out strong in support of the Housing Stability Act. This is really not cool. Both have huge platforms and progressive cred, and there's a homelessness tsunami approaching their own backyard
Folks: I am a travel writer by trade, and after a summer of nervously hitting the road for a couple of socially distanced work trips (within my region of America)...I am asking you, begging you to not travel until our political leaders have committed to containing Covid-19...
I live in Massachusetts and back in March, when we went into lockdown, the idea of leisure travel before a vaccine struck me as ludicrous. Hundreds of people were dying each week. So instead of extolling the virtues of travel, I began writing articles that discouraged travel.
This story, which I wrote for @NationalGeoraphic, took a hard look at the risks posed to mountain communities by seasonal hordes of summer tourists during a pandemic. And let me tell you, I got some PISSED OFF emails from readers about this story...
This piece by @MilesKlee succinctly cuts to the bone of why Mayor Pete is a nightmare for many young people. As someone who wrote a book about today's young voters and the forces that shaped our politics, I'd like to offer some additional words on this. 1/ melmagazine.com/en-us/story/wh…
Back in 2013, I began taking dirt cheap bus trips across the U.S. to interview young adults about how they were coping in a post-recession economy. It began as a curiosity (inspired by my own shitty recession job market experience.) Slowly, the conversations became political. 2/
The more young people I spoke with, the more politics took over the conversations. We talked about why so many youth voters don't vote. The short answer: many young folks don't trust typical politicians. And given what young people have put up with, can you really blame them? 3/
I'm very "glad" to see more people writing and talking about the resurgence of ecofascism as climate change becomes worse. As a former backcountry resident, I've seen how this ideology can take root in people of all political leanings. It indulges a deeply territorial paranoia 1/
Ecofascism emerged from the concept of Aryan fatherhood, which stipulated that bloodlines are intertwined to the land like roots. So, any effort to preserve racial bloodlines must be accompanied by environmental protectionism. This is how the basic ideology of ecofascism goes. 2/
As Alexandra Minna Stern recently wrote for Fast Company, we've witnessed the ideology of ecofascism in the writings of mass shooters who murdered people of color and wrote about the deterioration of the environment and how we need to protect "the land" from non-white invaders 3/
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley have convincingly made the argument that in the Trump era, blue states need to go bigger and bolder when it comes to progressive policy-making—which makes it really weird that Charlie Baker is still so popular in Massachusetts. #mapoli
I would love to know what kind of logic allows someone in Massachusetts to simultaneously vote for Ayanna Pressley and Charlie Baker—for a woman whose campaign slogan is #changecantwait and a guy who chains progressive policy-making to the Trump/GOP agenda. I don't get it #mapoli
It's not like there's a shortage of qualified challengers to Charlie Baker. We've got Jay Gonzalez (@jay4ma) running on a progressive and ambitious platform that includes many of the same policies that Pressley and her colleagues have rightly championed. We have a choice. #mapoli
Dear liberal America. There are a few things I'd like to say about Gov Charlie Baker, in light of his signing our state's first automatic voter registration bill today and being championed by national media. Am I happy he signed the bill? Yes. However, it's complicated... #mapoli
Over the last two years, Charlie Baker has been characterized as a "reasonable, moderate, bipartisan Republican" who often stands up to Trump. The adjectives are debatable. However, when it comes to the "standing up to Trump" part, nothing could be further from the truth #mapoli
When Trump accused Massachusetts of sending busloads of voters into New Hampshire during the election — when he accused our state of being complicit in an InfoWars-esque voter fraud conspiracy — Baker's response was, "I don't know much about what goes on in New Hampshire" #mapoli
Last year, I wrote this piece on Charlie Baker's popularity and the fact that Baker has quietly supported Trump's agenda on climate, taxes, and immigration. Now, he's poised to win re-election: even as MA Democrats rage about ICE and child prisons. #mapoliwbur.org/cognoscenti/20…
Charlie Baker's popularity among Democrats in Massachusetts is a mass scale act of cognitive dissonance. There are too many people here who decry the destruction of local immigrant families one day and celebrate Baker as a "reasonable, bipartisan moderate" the next day. #mapoli
The reality is that Baker has done nearly nothing to protect immigrant communities from ICE and he STILL hasn't supported the #SafeCommunitiesAct, which would improve ties between those communities and local law enforcement. In this way, Baker has helped Donald Trump. #mapoli