Brexit Trade Talks:
UK: We don't like our deal
EU: Why not?
UK: We only get 95% of what we want
EU: It only gives us 95% too. That's how negotiating goes
UK: We want a new deal that gives us everything we can think of
EU: But you signed a deal
UK: Don't care, we hate you
EU: Bit rude
UK: We elected people to go to your meetings specifically to say we hate you
EU: And how is Nigel?
UK: Not happy?
EU: Why not?
UK: TV has dried up. So we want a new deal, and we want the deal in 3 weeks, or we cancel our existing deal
EU: Wait, what?
UK: You heard. Give us 100% of what we want in 3 weeks, or we break the law and walk away with 0% of what we want
EU: Er suits us!
UK: Wait, what?
EU: Perfect. Do it. Walk away. Take Nigel with you.
UK: No, hold on, wait: you have to negotiate, so Boris can win
EU: Why? Right now you have 95% of perfect, and we have 95% of perfect. If we renegotiate, you get more but we get less
UK: That's right
EU: But if we don't negotiate, we still have our 95%
UK: Woah, hold on
EU: And you have nothing
UK: But Dom didn't superpredict you'd say that!
EU: And if we don't have a deal, we don't have to put up with you **** on our lawn
UK: The Daily Mail made us do it and then ran away!
EU: I just found this spine. Is it yours?
UK: Welp!
EU: So we'll just sit this one out
UK: Fine, we'll go and make a great deal with the US
US: Yo suckers
UK: We are here to get a lovely big trade deal
US: Sure thing. Obey existing deals, and give us 100% of everything, plus 51% controlling share in the NHS, and you get, let's see, 60% of what you have now
UK: Not good enough, we have a Special Relationship
US: Bye
UK: What?
US: Bye. Talks are over, the Special Relationship is over, your country is over. Bye
UK: But we haven't got a deal, and we told everyone it would be easy!
US: It is easy: we are 26% of world trade, making deals with EU (20%) and China (17%). We don't need your 1.8%. No deal: easy
UK: But we really need a deal, the EU outsmarted us
US: We know. Some of us can read. Not Trump, obviously, but the rest of us. Try India
UK: Hi India, remember us?
India: Oh ****, these guys again
UK: We want a trade deal
India: And we want to vastly increase the number of Indians who can live in the UK
UK: We can't do that. Turns out we're, like, properly racist
India: That is brand new information!!
UK: So can we have a deal?
India: Sure, fine. Join the queue
UK: Who's in front of us in the queue?
India: EU, USA, China, Brazil, Korea, Canada, Australia basically everybody. We're kind of a big deal now.
UK: So you'll be ready to negotiate in, what: 3 weeks?
India: Ha ha ha ha ha
UK: What did we say?
India: 3 weeks? Try 3 years. This **** takes ages, bro
UK: But we had a timetable of 3 weeks with the EU
India: And how did that work out?
UK: Erm
India: Try Brazil
UK: Hi Brazil
Brazil: We ArE oN FiRe!!
UK: Maybe we can trade you some fire engines?
Brazil: We LiKe bEiNg oN FiRe, iT's OuR tHiNg NoW!!!
UK: Shall we try New Zealand?
Brazil: I aM So DrUnK!!
UK: Yeah, let's try New Zealand
UK: Hi, New Zealand
NZ: Hi, Crazy Uncle
UK: We'd like to sell you some lamb
NZ: Sorry, it's very noisy here, cos we still have a working economy. Did you say you want to sell us some lamb?
UK: Yes
NZ: Hold the line, gotta tell Australia this, they'll **** themselves
UK: Hi Australia, wanna trade stuff?
Aus: We wanna offload Rolf Harris and our worst ever PM. What can you give us for them?
UK: We've already got them
Aus: That was easy! So what can you trade?
UK: We can send you some racists
Aus: I think we're sorted. Try Russia
UK: Hi Russia, we have loads of lovely things we think you'd love to own
Russia: We already own them
UK: You don't own Boris
Russia: True. We rent him by the hour. £160k for a tennis match
UK: We really need a trade deal
Russia: We know. We made you need one. Try China
UK: Can we please have a trade deal?
China: And you are...?
UK: We're Great Britain
China: Great, you say?
UK: Well once
China: It's not ringing any bells. Do you have another name?
UK: United Kingdom
China: United, you say?
UK: Alright, smart arse
China: So you want a trade deal?
UK: Yes, but first we demand you obey international law
China: What happened to your deal with the EU?
UK: We broke international law
China: Have you been drinking moonshine with Brazil again?
UK: We're very tired.
China: Why did you leave the EU?
UK: We couldn't deal with foreigners telling us what to do
China: What do you want?
UK: A deal
China: With who?
UK: Foreigners
China: And why can't you get one?
UK: Cos we don't know what to do
China: Were you dropped as a child?
UK: We just want a trade deal worthy of our status
China: You've got one
UK: No we haven't
China: Yes you have
UK: Why won't anybody take us seriously?
China: Would you like to buy a mirror?
UK: Finally, a deal!
China: You had a deal worthy of your status, with the EU. You don't need to renegotiate deals: you need to reassess your status. You're not a mighty nation, you're a small, wet, heavily indebted island on the edge of a globally important trade bloc, which you just left, you tit
UK: So, what do you suggest?
China: Aw, mate. You already know
EU: Hi there! Here to rejoin?
UK: Yes, and on the same terms as before
EU: Oh, I don't think so. Say goodbye to your rebate, hello to the Euro, and bonjour to the Schengen area. Welcommen!
UK: We hate you
• • •
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Είχα σήμερα ένα μίτινγκ με έναν υπάλληλο που είδα για πρώτη φορά. Λείπει δυο χρόνια από τη δουλειά. Συνάντησα έναν άνθρωπο καταπονημένο, με πρόβλημα στο περπάτημα και γενικά στην ισορροπία. Μελέτησα λίγο τα χαρτιά που μου είχαν δώσει και κατάλαβα πως πρόκειται για έναν αλκοολικό
άνθρωπο με προβληματα συμπεριφοράς. Σκοπος της συνάντησης ήταν να τερματιστεί επιτέλους το συμβόλαιο του με την εταιρεία. Ξεκίνησα να του μιλάω και δυσκολευόταν να απαντήσει στις ερωτήσεις μου. Άλλαξα το θέμα συζήτησης και αρχίσαμε να μιλαμε για τη ζωή. Σιγά σιγά ένιωσε ανετα και
Άρχισε να μου ανοίγεται. Λίγη ώρα μετά είχα αλλάξει εντελώς άποψη. Ήταν ένας από τους επιζώντες στην τραγωδία του Χιλσμπορο. Πολλοί φίλοι του χάθηκαν εκείνη τη μέρα. Περνάει την ώρα φροντίζοντας τα λουλούδια έξω από το ανφιλντ και τα βραδια δεν μπορεί να κοιμηθεί ακόμη και σήμερα
Επειδή εσας τους ευαισθητους με το περιβάλλον σας αγαπάω λίγο παραπάνω ας μιλήσουνε λίγο για το food waste και τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε. Facts: περίπου το 1/3 των τροφίμων που παράγονται κάθε χρόνο σπαταλώνται (1,3 δισεκατομμύρια τόνοι). Το 40-50% των φρούτων και λαχανικών,
το 35% των θαλασσινών και μόλις το 20% ττου κρέατος και των γαλακτοκομικών προϊόντων θα καταλήξουν κάθε χρόνο στα σκουπίδια (Όχι η λύση δεν είναι να τρωμε μόνο μπριζόλες). Στις πλούσιες χώρες παράγονται τα διπλάσια τρόφιμα για κάθε άτομο από ότι στις φτωχές ενώ σπαταλούνται
τροφιμα ίσα με ολόκληρη την παραγωγή της υποσαχάριας Αφρικής. Στην Ευρώπη αντιστοιχούν για κάθε άτομο 95-115 κιλά τροφιμων το χρόνο ενώ στην Αφρική, τη Νότια και νοτιοανατολική Κίνα κάθε άτομο έχει πρόσβαση σε 6-11 κιλά τροφιμων για το ίδιο διάστημα.Παρόλα αυτά η σπατάλη τροφιμων