From what I can gather the victim slapped the shooter, at which point the shooter aimed his gun and cocked it. The victim and shooter used the mace/fired the gun at the same time.
This was all happening while the guy in the Black Guns Matter shirt was agitating the crowd. The shooter likely tried to intervene somehow and got slapped as a result, at which point the rest happened.
They were a good source of unbiased coverage during the Lancaster, PA riots and now the only coverage of the riot that exists is from left-wing accounts.
The SPLC got it shut down because a Russian site mirrored their content. That is a bit much.
“The white liberals, who have been posing as our friends, have failed us. The white liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the black man.” - Malcolm X
CNN analyst, USA Today and Daily Beast senior columnist. Also a professor at CNU.
I write sarcastic tweets that are so on the nose you’d have to be mentally challenged to take them at face value. Case in point, I remarked Reddit defended child pornography in communities I took great effort to uncover and shut down. I don’t take kindly to being smeared over it.
In another tweet I remarked that the sex offenders registry doesn’t discern between rapists and young people who commit age of consent violations in states where a 16-year-old must register for dating someone a couple years older. The ACAB crowd support these poorly written laws.
I’ll grant you that the same group of people can be found calling Gardner and Rittenhouse white supremacists for having defended themselves. Lying about other people is all they know.