Follower's Analysis of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Twitter account
*Total Followers 3,976,842
*887,832 followers have 0 followers
*499,219 followers have 1 follower
*992,878 followers have 2 to 5 followers 1/n
By followers Account Age
*1,462 accounts created today
*2,743 accounts created last day
* 87,211 accounts created between1st to 9oct 2020 2/n
By No of tweets
* 1,464,590 followers account have not posted any tweet yet
*453,972 followers account posted 1 tweet
*918,545 followers account posted between 2to 5 tweets yet 3/n
* 3,159,581 followers haven't posted any tweet in the year 2020.
HUGE 4/n
*Below Two tweets have the same IP address means posted through the same pc. 7/n
* 155,298 accounts have Bhutto/ bhuto keyword in their twitter handle with random numbers
* 1.87 million followers following Maryam Nawaz Twitter Account
* 86000 follower followers following Nawaz Sharif Twitter account
* I have found more than 81% of account followers are either FAKE or BOT, used to create hype or to show a large audience.
*Out of 3.97 million followers 3.47 never [Like or Retweet] any tweet of @BBhuttoZardari
* 1.892 million follower accounts are dead.
Note: This analysis conducted on 09-oct-2020
PS: If anyone wants to analyze the excel/json files at their own end, please DM me, I will provide that excel and JSON files as earlier I have sent more than 70 files.
• • •
Missing some Tweet in this thread? You can try to
force a refresh
Last day Maryam Nawaz taunts and said "Don't mess with PMLN" and termed my analysis as Ilzaam.
I have analyzed the recent 5000 followers of Maryam Nawaz and check out the following analysis. 1/3
6 oct 2020 from 00:00:00 to 12:59:59 AM
* Total followers 905,
* Account created today 405 2/3
5 Oct 2020 full day
* total followers 2835
* out of 3,287 followers, 1648 followers account created on the same day, 5 SEP 2020
Please ask your highly paid social media team to refute these facts.
Trend Facts of "SindhRejectsIslandOrdinance"
*Total tweet Posted: 152,428
sums of tweets and retweets
(Tweets: 23,604 & retweets: 128,824)
* Trend created by @aaftabkhaskheli
*7,284 no of distinct accounts participated in this trend and more than 2,384 accounts have a foreign location
including india,dubai,US and KSA 2/n
* 410 accounts have 0 followers,
*2,438 accounts have followers between 1 to 5.
*1,931 accounts created in Sep 2020. 3/n
Follower's Analysis of Maryam Nawaz Sharif Twitter account
(@MaryamNSharif )
*Total Followers 5,592,493
*1,071,309 (1 million followers have 0 followers)
*743,906 followers have 1 follower
*1,439,946 followers have 2 to 5 followers 1/n
By followers Account Age
*1898 account created today
*37,204 accounts created last day
* 297,537 accounts created in SEP 2020. 2/n
By No of tweets
* 2,031,918 followers account have not posted any tweet yet
*685,416 followers account posted 1 tweet
*1,006,024 followers account posted between 2to 5 tweets yet 3/n
Trend Facts of خاورمانیکا_کوعزت_دو
*Total tweet Posted: 84,311
sums of tweets and retweets
(Tweets: 9,807 & retweets: 74,504)
* Trend created by @M_ullah5. 1/n
*3,411 no of distinct accounts participated in this trend and more than 1,857 accounts have a foreign location
including Qatar, India, UK, Dubai &US 2/n
* 286 accounts have 0 followers,
*157 accounts have 1 follower,
* 807 accounts have followers between 2 to 5.
*1621 accounts created after 26 SEP 2020.
*Overall 2000 accounts created in Sep 2020. 3/n
سرکاری پیسوں سے حج کرو گورنمنٹ سے پلاٹ لو. سیاستدانوں کے لیے وٹس ایپ کمپین کرو. وزیراعظم کی بیگم کی سرعام بے عزتی کرو.
ایک عورت جو الیکشن جیتی قبائلی علاقے سے اسکی تین دن ٹرولنگ کرواو اور جب کوئی جواب مانگے عورت کارڈ کھیلو
جواب دینا ہوگا. #AttacksWontSilenceUs
پاکستان میں خواتین صحافیوں کی تعلیم کیا ہے؟
انکے اثاثے اور تعلیم کو دیکھ کر آپکےپاس انکا کریکٹر آرٹ آجائے گا.