THREAD: Who is Orange Vest Photographer? He's miraculously in middle of every confrontation involving BLM instigator who provoked group of men seconds before another man shot Patriot Muster rallygoer dead at point-blank range. Here he is in Tig's livestream I shared earlier: /1
Here is Orange Vest Photographer capturing BLM instigator harassing a woman and others leaving after peaceful Patriot Muster rally.
And here's Orange Vest Photographer in the middle of the action as shooter is surrounded by police (right after BLM instigator confronted group of men including now-dead victim)
It's noteworthy that Orange Vest Photographer is allowed such close access to BLM instigator because Antifa/BLM throw up their umbrellas & harass actual journalists who are not ideological embeds on their side.
Look at this. He's practically a publicist for BLM instigator.
One video shows Orange Vest Photographer and BLM instigator seeming to acknowledge each other/communicate after OVP filmed up-close confrontation, and then crossing over to walk with each other across the street where shooting occurred. COZY!
I've used "he," but Orange Vest Photographer could be a "she.” Regardless, BLM/Antifa operatives only let TRUSTED media hang around THIS closely to them. Watch from beginning to end:
The photos on the Denver Post site that match with Orange Vest Photographer's up-close and intimate vantage point carry the byline of Denver Post photographer Helen Richardson.
Pic1: Shooting victim(LEFT) & shooter(MIDDLE)-taken by Denver Post's Helen Richardson (Orange Vest Photographer). Alleged shooter is pvt security guard hired by @9NEWS.
Flashback: Calling out @9NEWS@KyleClark last month at @Bandimere rally - 5,500 Colorado patriots know what’s up with mob-simp media. (Vid via The NightWatch)
Examining pics & new video I've obtained, I believe man in blue shirt next to shooter Matthew Dolloff is more likely to be @ZackNewsMan of @9NEWS and not @MarcSallinger, who captured vid of BLM instigator being taken down away from shooting scene while Newman was detained.
I've reached out to @ZackNewsMan via phone/text & am waiting for a reply. @9NEWS
UPDATE: The @denverpost has published frame by frame of Orange Vest Photographer Helen Richardson's series of photos of the #MurderOfLeeKeltner. They should do the same for all her lavish coverage of her favorite subject: BLM/BGM militant agitator ==>
Amazing that they chose to hide those critical frames until called out. Here they are.
The @denverpost editors & @hrichardson have some explaining to do. WHY, of all the frames, would they have omitted 872 and 873 until called out by the public...the critical frames showing Dolloff drawing his weapon as Lee Keltner was BACKING AWAY?
Someone needs to redo #denvershooting frame by frame GIF & add in frames 872 & 873 now that @denverpost has coughed them up under public scrutiny. It makes all the difference in the world to see the timing of Dolloff drawing weapon vs Keltner/spray.
So 1 day @hrichardson is splashed all over @nytimes for her #denvershooting photos...& next day, after Internet sleuths raise qs about 872-873 frames & maybe more missing...POOF...her Twitter account disappears!
To all the BigPharma CONservatives who ostracized me for nearly 20 years since I first raced alarms over newborn HepB jabs, then HPV Gardasil mandates, crap flu shots & now COVID quaxxxcine:
The time to have raised your voice on saving your children was December 2020. Go back and look at who was on the right side and who was on the wrong side. KEEP RECEIPTS.
You know what @benshapiro was tweeting on Dec. 10, 2020 as so many of us were battling against EUA of COVID jabs & inevitable childhood jab schedule adoption?
He was spreading BIG LIE that BigPharma's cash cow prevented transmission!!! /3
Let's start in 2018, when high school counselor/blogger Dr. Cynthia Morton posted tips for her peers on "Making a Safe Place for Students Who Identify as Furries, Therians, and Otherkins," This is not satire. This is not a "GOP talking point." /2
Dr. Morton cites left-wing @ADL@GLSEN@ASCAtweets & a freak grooming group called @furscience in support of "these subcultures of students who truly identify as animal, elves, and fairies." /3
Every conservative school board member in America should be asking their district how many of their school counselors attended radical No Limits @ASCAtweets conference in July — and distributing @CourageHabit info to parents!
THREAD: EXPOSING THE WOKE SCHOOL COUNSELORS CABAL. Parents, wake up! School counselors are not the career/college guidance advisors they were back in your day. They're a radicalized cadre of social justice saboteurs driving wedges between you & your kids.
My new column highlights @asca 's insane "No Limits" conference, exposed by @CourageHabit. The @asca mob has pressured @amazon & @google to CENSOR the parent group's investigation of @asca 's brazen transgender-promoting SJW "master manipulators"/2
The @asca cabal claims @couragehabit 's FAIR-USE EXPOSURE of its past president advising counselors to supply birth control to children & hide it from their parents is a "copyright violation." @asca bullies know: Sunlight is the best disinfectant. /3
SPREAD GOOD NEWS & KEEP THE FAITH. CO kidney transplant patient Leilani Lutani, kicked out by @UCHealth for refusing COVID jab, is ALIVE & THRIVING after successful surgery at Baylor U. Watch my full intvu w/Leilani & living donor Jaimee Fougner:
A Transplant Miracle That Defied COVID Tyranny:
“UC Health gave me a death sentence,” Leilani reflected on Sunday. “Baylor gave me a chance” at life. Leilani’s kidney function immediately skyrocketed from 5% to 73% just days after surgery.
Contrary to what @UCHealth told me in Oct., COVID vax mandates are NOT de rigueur at transplant clinics. In fact, an Am Journal of Transplantation survey published in March found majority of clinics i-60.7%- did not require vax as condition of surgery.
BREAKING: TX college conservative @kelly_neidert has been SUSPENDED by @Twitter for exposing leftists on Univ of Northern Texas campus who vandalized her apartment, threatened/stalked her & demanded she be expelled for standing up to alphabet mafia /woke mob. @elonmusk@GovAbbott
CRAZY UPDATE: @Twitter has now locked down Kelly Neidert's @protect_tx_kids account for stating a FACT reported in a PEER-REVIEWED MEDICAL JOURNAL that 78% of gender-confused college students are mentally ill. "Hateful conduct."